Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 7 May 2012

Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 7 May 2012

Committee Room 1S3
Parliament House

9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Time Witness

9.00 am

Roads Australia (Sub 61)
Ms Donna Findlay – Policy Director
Mr Dan Reeve – Capacity Chapter Member

9:40 am

Office of the Chief Scientist (Sub 33)
Professor Ian Chubb AC –Chief Scientist
Dr Michael Hughes – Director of Science

10:20 am


10:30 am

Austroads (Sub 74)
Mr Brendan Nugent - Director Business Strategy and Performance, Transport NSW

11.10 am

(Sub 29)
Emeritus Professor David Beanland
Professor Roger Hadgraft

11:50 am

Australian Council of Engineering Deans (Sub 65)
Professor John Beynon – President
Professor Robin King – Executive Officer

12:30 pm


1:20 pm

Consulting Surveyors National (Sub 37)
Dr Veronica Bondarew – Chief Executive Officer
Mr Phillip Dingeldei - Chairman of the Board
Mr Ian Marler - Deputy Chairman of the Board
Mr Gordon Wren- Member of the Executive

2.00 pm
Via teleconference

Australian Industry Group (Sub 58)
Ms Megan Lilly – Director of Education and Training

2.40 pm


2.50 pm
Via teleconference

Sinclair Knight Merz (Sub 63)
Mr Greg Walters – State Manager, South Australia
Ms Elise Mann – People Manager, Australia and New Zealand
Mr Ian Housley – Manager, Remote Offices – Mining and Metals

3.30 pm

Institute of Public Works Engineering (Sub 64)
Mr Paul Di Iulio – National President
Mr Ross Moody – National Executive Officer

4:10 pm

Department of Infrastructure and Transport (Sub 62)
Mr Andrew Jaggers - Executive Director of Nation Building, Infrastructure and Investment Division
Mr Neil Williams - General Manager of Infrastructure Policy

Department of Industry, Innovation, Science and Research and Tertiary Education (no sub)
Mr Adam Luckhurst – General Manager, Industry Skills and Productivity Branch
Ms Linda White – General Manager – Industry Workforce Branch

Skills Australia (Sub 80)
Mr Robin Shreeve - Chief Executive Officer
Ms Sue Beitz - Head of Secretariat




For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600