

Chapter 1

[1]        The reports were by the Senate Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, or the Senate Employment, Education and Training Legislation Committee, Education Services (Export Regulation) Bill 1990 (tabled 7 May 1991); Operation of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 (ESOS Act) (tabled 1 December 1992); The Efficacy of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 in the Light of the Collapse of the Australian Business College in Perth in January 1993 (tabled 19 August 1993); Overseas Students Tuition Assurance Levy Bill 1993 and Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Bill 1993 (tabled 9 December 1993); The Nature, Implementation and Effects of the Statutory Rules 1994 Nos 146 and 154 – Being Regulations Pertaining to the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991 (tabled 28 June 1994); Consideration of the Provisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Amendment Bill 1998 (tabled August 1998); Senate Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education Legislation Committee, Consideration of the Provisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Assurance Fund Contributions) Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Consequential and Transitional) Bill 2000 and the Migration Legislation Amendment (Overseas Students) Bill 2000, (tabled November 2000); Bills relating to the establishment of Carnegie Mellon University 2005, (tabled November 2005), which included the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment Bill 2005.

[2]        Senate Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education Legislation Committee, Consideration of the Provisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Assurance Fund Contributions) Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Consequential and Transitional) Bill 2000 and the Migration Legislation Amendment (Overseas Students) Bill 2000, November 2000, p. 2.

[3]        Senate Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education Legislation Committee, Consideration of the Provisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Assurance Fund Contributions) Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment Bill 2000, Education Services for Overseas Students (Consequential and Transitional) Bill 2000 and the Migration Legislation Amendment (Overseas Students) Bill 2000, November 2000.

[4]        DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 2.

[5]        Australian Education International, Research Snapshot, Export Income to Australia from Education Services in 2008, June 2009.

[6]        DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 3.

[7]        DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 3.

[8]        Australian Education International, Research Snapshot, International Student Enrolments in Vocational Education and Training in 2008, April 2009.

[9]        Australian Education International, Study in Australia 2010 July Update.

[10]      DEEWR, Submission 112 (Welfare of international students inquiry), p. 8.

[11]      Carol Kempner, Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Re-Registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009, Bills Digest, 9 September 2009, No. 28, 2009-10, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, p. 5. See also Bob Birrell and Bronwen Perry, 'Immigration Policy Change and the International Student Industry', People and Place, Vol 17, No.2, pp. 66-67.

[12]      Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, 'Migration program gives priority to those with skills most needed', media release, 19 December 2008.

[13]      Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, 'New migration agent authority commences', media release, 1 July 2009.

[14]      Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, 'Student visa checks strengthened', media release, 20 August 2009.

[15]      DEEWR Submission 112 (Welfare of international students), p. 5.

[16]      The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Minister for Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 'Baird Review releases issues paper', media release, 23 September 2009.

[17]      The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Minister for Education, 'Bruce Baird to head up international students review', media release, 8 August 2009.

[18]      The government has announced that it will establish a single agency to accredit providers, evaluate the performance of institutions and programs, encourage best practice, simplify regulatory arrangements and provide greater national consistency.

[19]      DEEWR Submission 13, pp. 3-4.

[20]      COAG meeting 2 July 2009, Communiqué, available from: accessed 24 August 2009.

[21]      See accessed 15 September 2009; See also Joint Communiqué - Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs & Ministerial Council for Vocational & Technical Education, 12 June 2009.

[22]      Coral Dow and Angus Martyn, Bills Digest, no 126, 2006-07, 28 March 2007, Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Bill 2007, p. 2.

[23]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 1.

[24]      Carol Kempner, Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Re-Registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009, Bills Digest, 9 September 2009, No. 28, 2009-10, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, p. 8.

[25]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 1.

[26]      CRICOS is a database of around 1,300 Australian education institutions. Any education institution that recruits, enrols or teaches overseas students must be registered on CRICOS.

[27]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 1.

[28]      The Hon. Bruce Baird, Review of the ESOS Act 2000, Issues paper, September 2009, p. 6.

[29]      The Hon. Bruce Baird, Review of the ESOS Act 2000, Issues paper, September 2009, p. 6. See also  accessed 23 September 2009. See also DEEWR Submission 112 (welfare of international students), pp. 16-18.

[30]      Carol Kempner, Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Re-Registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009, Bills Digest, 9 September 2009, No. 28, 2009-10, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, p. 9. See also The National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007, p. 4.

[31]      Ibid., p. 10.

[32]      Professor Ian Young, 'Time to act is now', Campus Review, 18 August 2009, p. 8.

[33]      NTEU, Submission 12, p. 2.

[34]      NTEU, Submission 56 (welfare of international students inquiry), p. 10.

[35]      Skills Australia Position paper, Foundations for the Future: Draft Proposals for Future Governance, Architecture and Market Design for the National Training System, April 2009,    p. 32.

[36]      The Hon. Bruce Baird, Review of the ESOS Act 2000, Issues paper, September 2009, p. 11.

[37]      Colin Walters, DEEWR, Proof Committee Hansard, 18 September 2009, p. 79.

[38]      Carol Kempner, Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Re-Registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009, Bills Digest, 9 September 2009, No. 28, 2009-10, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, p. 13.

[39]      Guy Healy and Andrew Trounson, 'Crackdown on student recruitment', The Australian, 12 August 2009,,25197,25916022-12149,00.html accessed 16 September 2009.

[40]      See Tasmanian Government, Submission 14, p. 1.

[41]      Australian Education International, Research Snapshot, Export Income to Australia from Education Services in 2008, June 2009.

[42]      The Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund.

[43]      ACPET, Submission 9, p. 6; DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 2.

[44]      South Australian Government, Submission 16, p. 3.

[45]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

[46]      Joint Communique - Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs & Ministerial Council for Vocational & Technical Education, 12 June 2009.

Chapter 2

[1]        DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 6.

[2]        Ibid.

[3]        NUS, Submission 8, p. 5.

[4]        ATN, Submission 3, pp. 2-3.

[5]        Universities Australia, Submission 4, p. 2.

[6]        ISCA, Submission 6, p. 7.

[7]        ACPET, Submission 9, p. 6.

[8]        Universities Australia, Submission 4, p. 1; ATN, Submission 3, p. 4; ISCA, Submission 6, p. 2.

[9]        DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 8.

[10]      See ACPET, Submission 9, p. 9; NTEU, Submission 12, p. 2.

[11]      AEU, Submission 2, p. 5.

[12]      NUS, Submission 8, p. 5.

[13]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 9.

[14]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

[15]      Ibid.

[16]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 6.

[17]      Ibid.

[18]      AFIS, Submission 5, p. 3.

[19]      ACPET, Submission 9, p. 6, 10.

[20]      NTEU, Submission 12, pp. 3-4.

[21]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 9.

[22]      Ibid.

[23]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 6.

[24]      AFIS, Submission 5, pp. 3-4.

[25]      Tasmanian government, Submission 14, p. 3.

[26]      ATN, Submission 3, pp. 5-6.

[27]      Universities Australia, Submission 4, p. 2.

[28]      ISCA, Submission 6, p. 8. See also ISANA, Submission 7, p. 3.

[29]      ISCA, Submission 6, p. 8.

[30]      English Australia, Submission 1, pp. 2-3.

[31]      ISCA, Submission 6, p. 8.

[32]      NUS, Submission 8, p. 7.

[33]      NUS, Submission 8, pp. 8-9.

[34]      John Ross, 'Heavy-handed treatment of agents could backfire', Campus Review, 1 September 2009, p. 4.

[35]      Guy Healy and Andrew Trounson, 'Crackdown on student recruitment', The Australian, 12 August 2009, p. 29; Joanna Mather, 'Report card for education agents', 14 October 2009, p. 6.

[36]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 8.

[37]      English Australia, Submission 1, p. 2.

[38]      AEU, Submission 2, p. 5.

[39]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 7.

[40]      Ibid., p. 8.

[41]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 7.

[42]      Ibid.

[43]      English Australia, Submission 1, p. 2.

[44]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 7.

[45]      English Australia, Submission 1, p. 2.

[46]      DEEWR, Submission 13, p. 8.

[47]      English Australia, Submission 1, p. 2.

[48]      NUS, Submission 8, p. 13.

[49]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 17, p. 3.

[50]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 17, p. 4.

[51]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 17, p. 3.