

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Gabrielle Meagher and Debra King, (eds), Paid Care in Australia – Politics, profits and practices in child and aged care. 2009, (edited extract). Available at:, accessed 1 September 2009.

[2]        See, for instance, Open Forum, Submission 39, p. 10; Childcare Associations Australia, Submission 56, p. 2.

[3]        National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7, p. 5.

[4]        Barbara Pocock and Elizabeth Hill, 'The Childcare Policy Challenge in Australia', in Kids Count – Better early childhood education and care in Australia, Elizabeth Hill, Barbara Pocock and Alison Elliott (eds), 2007, p. 19.

[5]        ABS, '4402.0 Childhood Education and Care, Australia, June 2008 (Reissue)', October 2009, available at

[6]        Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 41, p. 1.

[7]        National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7, p. 5. See also Kerry Davies, Council for Single Mothers and their Children, Transcript of interview on 9am with David and Kim, 21 April 2009.

[8]        Catherine Neilsen-Hewett and Pamela Coutts, 'From Home to the World Beyond: The Interconnections among Family, Care and Educational Contexts', in Children, Families and Communities: Contexts and Consequences, ed. Jennifer Bowes and Rebekah Grace, 3rd Edition, OUP 2008, p.112.

[9]        Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 2), p. 214.

[10]      Emma Rush, 'Child Care Quality in Australia', Discussion Paper 84, April 2006, the Australia Institute. Available at Accessed 23 December 2008. See also Emma Rush & Christian Downie, 'ABC Learning Centres – A case study of Australia's largest child care corporation', Discussion Paper 87, June 2006, Canberra: the Australia Institute. Available at Accessed 15 January 2009.

[11]      See, for instance, Community Childcare Co-operative (NSW), Submission 27, pp 3-4 ; Australian Community Children's Services (NSW), Submission 37, p. 3.

[12]      Ibid., p. 18.

[13]      Centre for Community Child Health, Submission 78, p. 3.

[14]      Collette Tayler, Rear Vision, Interview with Keri Phillips, ABC Radio National, 13 May 2009.

[15]      See, for instance, Ms Cora-Ann Wilson, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 37.

[16]      Community Child Care Co-operative NSW, Submission 27, pp 6-7; Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 34, p. 3.

[17]      Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I., Taggart, B. & Elliott, K. The Effective  Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Findings from the pre-school period, Institute of Education, University of London and SureStart, 2003, p. 1.

[18]      NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 8, p. 18.

[19]      Tim Moore, ‘Towards an Early Years Learning Framework for Australia’, CCCH Working Paper 4, Centre for Community Child Health, 2008, p. 3.

[20]      Ibid., p. 17.

[21]      See, for instance, City of Port Phillips, Submission  33, p. 2.

[22]      The Infant's Home Child Family Services, Submission 74, p. 4.

[23]      Ms Helen Creed, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 7.

[24]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 2), p. 213.

[25]      Boston Consulting Group, National Early Childhood Development Strategy - Report of the ECD subgroup of the Productivity Agenda Working Group, COAG, 25 September 2008, p.21.

[26]      However, the government announced earlier this year plans to introduce a paid parental leave scheme from January 2011.

[27]      See, for instance, Family Council of Victoria, Submission 45, p. 2.

[28]      See, for instance, Dr Peter Townson, Submission 36, p. 1; Australian Family Association SA, Submission 44.

[29]      See, for instance, the discussion of a Canadian study by Jay Belsky in Family Voice Australia SA, Submission 46, p. 3.

[30]      Mrs Tempe Harvey, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 15 July 2009, p. 27.

[31]      Ibid.

[32]      Dr Tim Moore, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 21 July 2009, p. 63.

[33]      See, for instance, Mr Peter Phillips, Submission 50, p. 1; Australian Family Association (Vic Branch), Submission 15, p. 2.

[34]      Mrs Ros Phillips, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 22 July 2009, p. 44.

[35]      See, for instance, Mr Dean and Mrs Tempe Harvey, Submission 62, p. 20.  

[36]      Mrs Sarah Lovegrove, Committee Hansard, Perth, 7 August 2009, p. 93.

[37]      Mr Ian Polman, Submission 85, p. 1.

[38]      Early Childhood Australia, WA, Submission 13, p. 2. See also Joy Goodfellow, 'Childcare Provision – Whose responsibility? Who pays?' in Kids Count – Better early childhood education and care in Australia, Elizabeth Hill, Barbara Pocock and Alison Elliott, (eds), 2007, p. 249.

[39]      Centacare Broken Bay, Submission 24, p. 6.

[40]      Jeanne-Vida Douglas, 'Suffer the Children', Business Review Weekly, 27 November 2008.

[41]      Ms Denise Taylor, Committee Hansard, Perth, 7 August 2009, p. 21.

Chapter 2 - ABC Learning Centres

[1]        James Kirby, 'Playgrounds', Business Review Weekly, 13-19 November 2003, p. 33.

[2]        Mr Tim Grimwade, Economics Committee Hansard, 22 June 2009, p. 24.

[3]        Mr Steve Trzcinski, Submission 63.

[4]        Colin Kruger, 'Lessons to be learnt from ABC Learning's collapse', Sydney Morning Herald, 2 January 2009, Available at

[5]        Correspondence received by the committee from ASIC dated 16 October 2009. Available at

[6]        Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3).

[7]        Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 2), p. 214.

[8]        Ibid., p. 215.

[9]        DEEWR, Submission 41, p. 18.

[10]      See, for instance, SDN Children's Services, Submission 29, p. 3.

[11]      ABC Learning did plan to enter this sector but was ultimately unsuccessful.

[12]      Nick Tabakoff, 'Daycare Dynamo: the ABC of Eddie Groves success', The Bulletin, 23 August 2005, p. 48.

[13]      Emma Rush & Christian Downie, 'ABC Learning Centres – A case study of Australia's largest child care corporation', Discussion Paper 87, Canberra: the Australia Institute, June 2006. Available at, p. 13.

[14]      ABC Learning Centres Ltd, 'Note 28: Subsequent events', 2006-07 Annual Report, , p. 99.

[15]      Rush & Downie, op. cit., p. 14.

[16]      John Stensholt, 'Child-care sums make listings look simple', Business Review Weekly, 10-16 October 2002, p. 36.

[17]      Ibid.

[18]      Rush & Downie, op. cit., p. 13.

[19]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3).

[20]      Stensholt, op.cit.

[21]      Ibid.

[22]      Andrew Fraser, 'Is making money out of childcare as easy as ABC?', Weekend Australian, 12 October 2002.

[23]      Ibid.

[24]      Childcare Queensland, Submission 22, p. 2.

[25]      Carolyn Milburn, 'Making profits is child's play', The Age, 12 October 2002.

[26]      ABC Learning, Submission 86, p. 2.

[27]      Andrew Fraser, 'Is making money out of childcare as easy as ABC?', Weekend Australian, 12 October 2002.

[28]      James Kirby, 'Playgrounds', Business Review Weekly, 13-19 November 2003, p. 32.

[29]      Nick Tabakoff, 'Daycare Dynamo: the ABC of Eddie Groves success', The Bulletin, 23August 2005, p. 48.

[30]      Mrs Gwynneth Bridge, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, pp. 16-17.

[31]      Ibid., p. 18.

[32]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3).

[33]      Professor Deborah Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p.  22.

[34]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3).

[35]      Ibid.

[36]      ABC Learning, Submission 86, p. 2.

[37]      DEEWR, Submission 41.

[38]      Ibid.

[39]      Ibid.

[40]      Ibid.

[41]      Natasha Bita, 'ABC Learning Centres Sold to Charity for $1 Each', The Australian, 23 April 2009.

[42]      Natasha Bita, 'ABC Sell-Off gets Labor's Go-Ahead', The Australian, 4 September 2009, Available at,28124,26023853-36418,00.html.

[43]      ABC Learning, Submission 86, p. 3.

[44]      Ibid.

[45]      Professor Deborah Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 34.

[46]      Ms Prue Warrilow, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 110.

[47]      KU Children's Services, Submission 32, p. 11.

[48]      Ibid.

[49]      Ms Prue Warrilow, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 113.

[50]      Ms Sheridan Dudley, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 33.

[51]      Ibid.

[52]      Ibid.

[53]      See, for instance, Hon Julia Gillard MP, 'ABC2 Group – Update on progress', Media Release, 14 January 2009.

[54]      PPB Corporate Recovery, 'Vast Majority of ABC2 Group Centres to Continue Operating', Media Release, 15 April 2009.

[55]      Hon Kate Ellis MP, 'Ministerial Statement – The future of ABC Learning', Transcript, 15 September 2009.

[56]      National Childcare Accreditation Council, Submission 72, p. 3.

[57]      See, for instance, Early Childhood Australia, Submission 31, p. 2.

Chapter 3 - The effective provision of childcare

[1]        See, for instance, Mr Dean and Mrs Tempe Harvey, Submission 62, p. 8 and Attachment 1; Mrs S Craig, Submission 19.

[2]        Mrs Tempe Harvey, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 26.

[3]        Family Council of Victoria, Submission 45, p. 2.

[4]        Ms Nancy Cox, Submission 20, p. 3.

[5]        Ms Fiona Rogers, Submission 10, p. 1.

[6]        Dr Tim Moore, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 63.

[7]        Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I., Taggart, B. & Elliott, K. The Effective  Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Findings from the pre-school period, Institute of Education, University of London and SureStart, 2003:1, 6.

[8]        Jennifer Bowes, Linda Harrison, Alan Taylor, Naomi Sweller and Catherine Neilsen-Hewett, 'Child Care Influences on Children's Adjustment and Achievement in the First Year of School', paper presented at An Inclusive Society? Practicalities and possibilities, the Australian Social Policy Conference, University of NSW, 8-10 July 2009.

[9]        National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development – Finding for children up to age 4 ½ years, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2006,  p. 16-17. Available at, accessed 1 September 2009.

[10]      Linda Harrison, 'Does Child Care Quality Matter? Associations between socio-emotional development and non-parental child care in a representative sample of Australian children', Family Matters, 79, 2008, pp 14-25. Chapter 11 of the 2007-08 report Growing Up in Australia: Longitudinal study of Australian children is an excerpt from this article.

[11]      Centre for Community Child Health, Submission 78, p. 6.

[12]      See discussion in Edward Melhuish, 'Literature Review of the Impact of Early Years Provision on Young Children, with Emphasis Given to Children from Disadvantaged Backgrounds', in Early Years: Progress in developing high quality childcare and early education accessible to all, London: National Audit Office, 2004, pp 3, 10, 26-40. Available at, accessed 1 September 2009.

[13]      Dr Tim Moore, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 63.

[14]      Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (National Office), Submission 11, p. 13.

[15]      Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Submission 78, p. 6.

[16]      Family Voice Australia, Submission 46, p. 2.

[17]      See, for instance, Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian, Submission 23, p. 1; Catholic Social Services Australia, Submission 71, p. 15; NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 8, p. 4.

[18]      Harrison, op. cit.

[19]      Council for National Interest, Submission 18, p. 1.

[20]      Centacare Broken Bay, Submission 24, pp 6-7.

[21]      Ms Rosalie Rogers, Submission 28, p. 1.

[22]      WeeWunz Corporate Child Care Solutions, Submission 25, p. 1.

[23]      Centre for Community Child Health, Submission 78, p. 4.

[24]      Save the Children, 'Investing in the Early Years', State of the World's Mothers 2009, 10th Annual Report, 2009, p. 35.  Available at, accessed 7 May 2009.

[25]      John Bennett, ‘Early Childhood Services in the OECD Countries – Review of the literature and current policy in the early childhood field’, Innocenti Working Paper, No. 2008-01, Florence, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2008, p. 45.

[26]      Ibid., pp 45-50.

[27]      James Heckman, 'The Case for Investing in Disadvantaged Young Children', in Big Ideas for Children – Investing in Our Nation's Future, First Focus, 2008, p. 52.

[28]      Ellen Galinsky, The Economic Benefits of High-Quality Early Childhood Programs – What makes the difference? Committee for Economic Development, 2006, p. 3.

[29]      Gabrielle Meagher and Debra King, (eds), Paid Care in Australia – Politics, profits and practices in child and aged care. 2009, (edited extract). Available at:, accessed 1 September 2009.

[30]      Centacare Broken Bay, Submission 24, p. 7.

[31]      Collette Tayler, 'Caring for Kids', The University of Melbourne Voice, Vol 2, No. 4, 17 March – 14 April 2008, p. 2.

[32]      NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 8, p. 4.

[33]      Tim Moore, ‘Towards an Early Years Learning Framework for Australia’, CCCH Working Paper 4, Centre for Community Child Health, 2008, p. 3.

[34]      Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 34, p. 7.

[35]      National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7, p. 2.

[36]      Sylva et al, op. cit., p. 1.

[37]      Ibid., pp 1, 6.

[38]      AIHW, A Picture of Australia's Children 2009, 2009, pp 47-48.

[39]      Jennifer Bowes, Linda Harrison, Alan Taylor, Naomi Sweller and Catherine Neilsen-Hewett, 'Child Care Influences on Children's Adjustment and Achievement in the First Year of School', paper presented at An Inclusive Society? Practicalities and possibilities, the Australian Social Policy Conference, University of  NSW, 8-10 July 2009.

[40]      J Fraser Mustard, 'Experience-Based Brain Development – Scientific underpinnings of the importance of early child development in a global world', in Early Child Development from Measurement to Action – A priority for growth and equity', M. Young and L. Richardson (eds), Washington, World Bank, 2007, p. 572.

[41]      NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 8, p. 4.

[42]      Harrison, op. cit.

[43]      Productivity Agenda Working Group- Education, Skills, Training and Early Childhood Development, A National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care – A discussion paper, Council of Australian Governments, 2008, p. 2.

[44]      Jennifer Buckingham, 'Child Care – Who benefits?' Issue Analysis, No. 89, Centre for Independent Studies, 24 October 2007. Available at,  accessed 1 September 2009.

[45]      Harrison, op. cit.

[46]      Margaret Sims, Guilfoyle, A. & Parry, T., 'Children's Well-being in Child Care', paper  presented at Family Matters- the 9th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, 9-11 February 2005.

[47]      AIHW, A Picture of Australia's Children 2009, 2009, p. 129.

[48]      Ms Gillian Calvert, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 22.

[49]      Work and Family Policy Roundtable, Submission 57, pp 4-7.

[50]      Ibid. See also Work and Family Policy roundtable, 'Ten Policy Principles for a National System of Early Childhood Education and Care', paper presented at the National workshop of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Childcare: A better policy framework for Australia, University of Sydney, 13-14 July 2006.

[51]      Ibid.

[52]      Related family policies are discussed in further detail below.

[53]      See, for instance, SDN Children's Services, Submission 29, p. 2; see also Tim Moore, ‘Towards an Early Years Learning Framework for Australia’, CCCH Working Paper 4, Centre for Community Child Health, 2008, p. 4.

[54]      Moore, op. cit., p. 12.

[55]      See, for instance, LHMU – the Childcare Union, Submission 51, p. 11.

[56]      NCAC, 'What Is the Difference Between Quality Assurance, Licensing and National Standards', Frequently Asked Questions. Available at, accessed 1 September 2009.

[57]      John Tainton, Child Care Quality Assurance in Australia, paper presented at the Museums Australia   National Conference, 2005, p. 3.

[58]      Moore, op. cit., p. 7.

[59]      Save the Children, 'Investing in the Early Years', State of the World's Mothers 2009, 10th Annual Report, 2009, p. 33, 37.  Available at, accessed 7 May 2009.

[60]      Meagher & King, op. cit. 

[61]      Margaret Sims, 'The Determinants of Quality Care – Review and research report', in Kids Count: Better Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia, Hill, E., Pocock, B. & Elliott, A. (eds), Sydney University Press, 2007,Chapter 11, p. 225.

[62]      See, for instance, LHMU – The Childcare Union, Submission 51; Australian Services Union, Submission 42; Family Day Care Australia, Submission 53.

[63]      Save the Children, op. cit., p. 37.

[64]      Dr Michael Lyons, Submission 47, p. 2.

[65]      Municipal Association of Victoria, Submission 65, p. 21.

[66]      Ms Pam Cahir, Committee Hansard, 20 July 2009, pp 9-10; Ms Alice Pryor, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 4; Councillor Rose Iser, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 35.

[67]      See, for instance, Ms Lesley Penrose, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 6; NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 8, p. 14.

[68]      See, for instance, Children's Services Support Unit WA, Submission 12, p. 2; Bayside Family Day Care, Submission 1, p. 1; WeeWunz Corporate Child Care Solutions, Submission 25, p. 1; Ms Rosalie Rogers, Submission 28, p. 3.

[69]      Ms Pam Cahir, Committee Hansard, 20 July 2009, pp 9-10; The Infants' Home Child Family Services, Submission 78, p. 3; Centre for Community Child Health, Submission 78, p. 7.

[70]      Mr Greg McLean, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, pp 95-96.

[71]      Ibid., pp 100-101.

[72]      Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 34, p. 8.

[73]      Ms Annette Polities, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 14.

[74]      Ibid.

[75]      Ms Christine Legg, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 88.

[76]      Hon Julia Gillard MP, '500 New University Places for Early Childhood Education Teachers', Joint Media Release, 2 October 2008. Available at /Media/Releases/Pages?Article_081003_124607.aspx.

[77]      Hon Maxine McKew MP, 'Good News in Child Care', Media Release, 23 October 2008. Available at

[78]      Hon Julia Gillard MP, '500 New University Places for Early Childhood Education Teachers', Joint Media Release, 2 October 2008. Available at /Media/Releases/Pages?Article_081003_124607.aspx.

[79]      Mr Dawson Ruhl, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 40.

[80]      Abacus Child Care, Submission 84, p. 2.

[81]      Mrs Roslyn Thompson, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 28.

[82]      See, for instance, Work and Family Policy Roundtable, Submission 57, p. 6.

[83]      Rebecca Cassells, Justine McNamara, Rachel Lloyd and Ann Harding, ‘Perceptions of Child Care Affordability and Availability in Australia – What the HILDA survey tells us’, Paper presented at the 9th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, 10 February 2005, p. 8.

[84]      Meagher & King, op. cit.

[85]      Ms Renate Gebhart-Jones, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 47.

[86]      Uniting Care Children's Services, Submission 40, p. 3.

[87]      See, for instance, Australian Community Children's Services, Submission 37, p. 7.

[88]      Uniting Care Children's Services, op. cit.

[89]      Ms Nola Poland and Ms Jackie Murray, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, pp 64-65.

[90]      Community Development and Justice Standing Committee, Inquiry into the Adequacy of Services to Meet the Developmental Needs of Western Australia's Children, WA Legislative Assembly, August 2009, p. 175.

[91]      Ms Samiro Douglas, Submission 76, p. 2.

[92]      Community Development and Justice Standing Committee, op. cit., p.189.

[93]      Wheatbelt Organisation for Children's Services, Submission 17, pp 17-18.

[94]      Ms Elizabeth Death, Committee Hansard, 14 August 2009, p. 27.

[95]      Community Child Care Co-operative NSW, Submission 27, p. 4. Ms Sheridan Dudley, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 31; Ms Renate Gebhart-Jones, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, pp 47-48.

[96]      Ross Gittins, 'Child-Care Rebate Bad for Kids ', Sydney Morning Herald, 19 March 2008. Available at

[97]      Gordon Cleveland and Michael Krashinsky, 'Financing ECEC Services in OECD Countries', OECD Occasional Papers, 2002, pp 37-38.

[98]      Ibid., p. 30.

[99]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 2), p. 215.

[100]    Ibid., p. 223.

[101]    Deborah Brennan, 'Innovative Policies in Parental Leave and Child Care'. Social Policy Research Centre Newsletter, 99, July 2008, p. 5.

[102]    Barbara Pocock and Elizabeth Hill, 'The Childcare Policy Challenge in Australia', in Kids Count – Better early childhood education and care in Australia, Elizabeth Hill, Barbara Pocock and Alison Elliott (eds), 2007, p. 27.

[103]    Centacare Broken Bay, Submission 24, p. 6.

[104]    Emma Rush & Christian Downie, 'ABC Learning Centres – A case study of Australia's largest child care corporation', Discussion Paper 87, Canberra: the Australia Institute, June 2006, p. 18. Available at, accessed 15 January 2009.

[105]    Ms Denise Taylor, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 21.

[106]    Deborah Brennan, 'Innovative Policies in Parental Leave and Child Care', Social Policy Research Centre Newsletter, 99, July 2008, p. 5.

[107]    Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 34, p. 5; Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3), p. 13; Childcare Associations Australia, Submission 56, p. 2.

[108]    Meagher & King, op. cit.

[109]    See, for instance, Early Childhood Australia, Submission 31, pp 5-6.

[110]    Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 34, p. 6.

[111]    Ms Vicki Hall, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 3.

[112]    Ms Cora-Ann Wilson, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, pp 38-39.

[113]    See, for instance, Shire of Yarra Ranges, Submission 26, p. 8; Municipal Association of Victoria, Submission 65, p. 19.

[114]    DEEWR, 'The Council of Australia Governments' Early Childhood Commitment', available at

[115]    Mrs Denise Taylor, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 21; Australian Community Children's Services, Submission 37, p. 7; National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7 (Supplementary), p. 4.

[116]    Meagher & King, op. cit.

[117]    See, for instance, Ms Vicki Hall, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, pp 2-3; Ms Helen Creed, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 8; Australian Community Children's Services, Submission 37, pp 6-7; National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7 (Supplementary), p. 8.

[118]    Mrs Roslyn Thompson, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 26.

[119]    Children's Services Support Unit WA, Submission 12, p. 2.

[120]    Ms Alice Pryor, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 11.

[121]    Victorian Local Governance Association, Submission 58 (Appendix A).

[122]    Ms Helen Creed, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, pp 8-9.

[123]    Childcare Queensland, Submission 22, pp 1, 4.

[124]    Ms Christine Legg, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 91.

[125]    Ms Barbara Romeril, Committee Hansard, 21 July 2009, p. 22.

[126]    Hon Mal Brough MP, '2006-07 Budget - More child care places in Australia', Archived Media Release, 9 May 2006.

[127]    Community Child Care, Submission 59, p. 3; Mrs Barbara Langford, Committee Hansard, 14 August 2009, p. 11; Ms Kaye Colmer, Committee Hansard, 22 July 2009, p. 23.

[128]    Mr David O'Byrne, Committee Hansard, 20 July 2009, p. 7.

[129]    Mr Chris Shakes, Committee Hansard, 22 July 2009, p. 53.

[130]    Mrs Susan Nolan, Committee Hansard, 20 July 2009, p. 24; National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7 (Supplementary), p. 8.

[131]    DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-09 - For all child care services, 2008, p. 46.

[132]    See 'Application for Approval under the Family Assistance Law for Centre-Based Long Day Care Services', available at

[133]    Victorian Local Governance Association, Submission 58, p. 2; City of Port Phillip, Submission 33, p. 1.

[134]    Play Environment Consulting, Submission 49, pp 5, 8.

[135]    Ms Renate Gebhart-Jones and Ms Wendy Lindgren, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 48.

[136]    Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (National Office), Submission 11, p. 2.

[137]    Uniting Care Children's Services, Submission 40, pp 3, 5.

[138]    Ms Elizabeth Broderick, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner, 'Women on the Verge of Recession: Confronting gender issues in turbulent times', Speech to the National Press Club, 29 April 2009.

[139]    Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 34, p. 10.

[140]    See, for instance, Dean and Tempe Harvey, Submission 62, p. 20.

[141]    Ms Elizabeth Broderick, op. cit.  

[142]    Mrs Nicole Mills, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 12.

[143]    NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Response to the Productivity Commission's Draft Inquiry Report 'Inquiry into Paid Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave', November 2008, p. 11. Available at, accessed on 29 April 2008. See also Ms Gillian Calvert, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 21.

[144]    David Richardson and Tully Fletcher, 'Long Overdue – The macroeconomic benefits of paid parental leave', Policy Brief No. 1, The Australia Institute, April 2009, p. 7.

[145]    Hon Wayne Swan MP, 'Rudd Government Delivers Paid Parental Leave', Joint Media Release, 12 May 2009.

[146]    Ibid. 

Chapter 4 - Funding childcare

[1]        Professor Frank Oberklaid, Life Matters, Radio National, Transcript, 20 August 2008. Available at, accessed 15 January 2009.

[2]        Hon Julia Gillard MP, 'First Ever National Measurement of Early Childhood Development', Joint Media Release, 19 September 2009.

[3]        Hon Julia Gillard MP, 'First Ever National Measurement of Early Childhood Development', Joint Media Release, 19 September 2009.

[4]        DEEWR, Submission 41, p. 31.

[5]        Hon Julia Gillard MP, 'Increase to Child Care Benefit and Child Care Tax Rebate from 1 July', Joint Media Release, 3 June 2009.

[6]        DEEWR, Submission 41, pp 18-20.

[7]        Hon Julia Gillard MP, 'Government Invests $970 m in High Quality Early Childhood Education', Joint Media Release, 17 September 2009.

[8]        DEEWR, 'Australia's Paid Parental Leave Scheme – Supporting working Australian families', 2009, available at

[9]        DEEWR, Submission 41, p. 23; see also DEEWR, 'Child Care Management System', available at

[10]      UNICEF, 'The Child Care Transition – A league table of early childhood education and care in economically advanced countries', Innocenti Report Card 8, 2008, p. 27.

[11]      The Victorian Local Governance Association, Submission 58, p. 4.

[12]      Alex Robson, How Much Do We Actually Spend on Early Childhood – A review of international comparisons and the OECD's 'Starting Strong II', Institute of Public Affairs, Research Paper, September 2009.

[13]      Ilan Katz & G. Redmond, 'Investment in Early Childhood in Australia – International comparisons and recent trends', Health Sociology Review, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 94-107.

[14]      Hon Julia Gillard MP, 'Government Invests $970 m in High Quality Early Childhood Education', Joint Media Release, 17 September 2009.

[15]      Council of Australian Governments, 'National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education', 2009, available at:

[16]      Australian Council of Social Services, 'Fair Start – 10-Point plan for early childhood education and care', ACOSS Info 383, 2006, p. 9.

[17]      Productivity Commission, Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage – Key indicators 2005, Productivity Commission Steering Committee, available at

[18]      Frances Press, What about the Kids? Policy directions for improving the experiences of infants and young children in a changing world, NSW and QLD Commissions for Children and Young People and National Investment for the Early Years Organisation, 2006, p. 27.

[19]      UNICEF, 'The Child Care Transition - A league table of early childhood education and care in economically advanced countries', Innocenti Report Card 8, 2008, p. 8.

[20]      Childcare Queensland, Submission 22, p. 4.

[21]      Access Economics Pty Limited, 'An economic analysis of the proposed ECEC national quality agenda', Report for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, July 2009, p. 30.

[22]      See the discussion in Joy Goodfellow 'Childcare Provision – Whose responsibility? Who pays?' in Kids Count – Better early childhood education and care in Australia', Elizabeth Hill, Barbara Pocock and Alison Elliott, (eds), 2007, p. 245.

[23]      Victorian Local Governance Association, Submission 58, p. 4.

[24]      DEEWR, Submission 41, p. 10.

[25]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Sue Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 2), p. 214.

[26]      DEEWR, Submission 41, p. 10.

[27]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Sue Newberry, Submission 64, p. 1.

[28]      DEEWR, op. cit.

[29]      Ibid., p. 11.

[30]      Ibid., pp 11-12, 18.

[31]      Mrs Tempe Harvey, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 27.

[32]      DEEWR, op. cit., p. 10.

[33]      Ibid., p. 11.

[34]      DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-2009 – For all child care services, 2008, p. 21.

[35]      Professor Deborah Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 31.

[36]      Julie Novak, ‘ABC Failure Doesn’t Condemn Corporate Child Care’, The Age, 2 December 2008.

[37]      Deborah Brennan, 'Reassembling the Child Care Business', Inside Story, 19 November 2008. Available at, accessed 19 January 2009.

[38]      Jeanne-Vida Douglas, 'Suffer the Children', Business Review Weekly, 27 November 2008.

[39]      The Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian, Submission 23, p. 3.

[40]      See, for instance, Lady Gowrie Child Centre Inc, Submission 21, p. 1; Penrith City Council, Submission 81, p. 3.

[41]      LHMU – The Childcare Union, Submission 51, p. 7.

[42]      Christiane Purcal and Karen Fisher, 'Affordability Funding Models for Early Childhood Services', Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Vol 31, No. 4, December 2006, p. 4.

[43]      Access Economics Pty Limited, 'An Economic Analysis of the Proposed ECEC National Quality Agenda', report for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, July 2009, p. 13.

[44]      DEEWR, 'Fact Sheet 6', Information for Families Using Child Care, Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[45]      Press, op. cit., p. 29.

[46]      South Australian Government, Submission 79, p. 7; See also AIHW, 'Trends in Affordability of Child Care Services 1991-2004', Bulletin, Issue No. 35, April 2006; and Rebecca Cassells, Justine McNamara, Rachel Lloyd and Ann Harding, ‘Perceptions of Child Care Affordability and Availability in Australia – What the HILDA survey tells us’, Paper presented at the 9th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, 10 February 2005, p. 14.

[47]      Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3), p. 2.

[48]      Gordon Cleveland and Michael Krashinsky, 'Financing ECEC Services in OECD Countries', OECD Occasional Papers, 2002, p. 41.

[49]      National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7 (Supplementary), p. 9.

[50]      DEEWR, 'Fact Sheet 10', Information for Families Using Child Care, Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[51]      Access Economics Pty Limited, op. cit., p. 13.

[52]      Hon Maxine McKew MP, 'Increase to Child Care Benefit and Child Care Tax Rebate from 1 July', Joint Media Release, 3 June 2009.

[53]      Australian Council of Social Services, 'Fair Start – 10-point plan for early childhood education and care', ACOSS Info 383, 2006, p. 10.

[54]      DEEWR, Submission 41, pp 18-19.

[55]      Guyonne Kalb, 'Child Care Funding Models', A presentation to the NACBCS 25th Anniversary National Conference, Children Not for Profit – Community ownership for a better world, Melbourne, 16 November 2007, p. 8.

[56]      National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7 (Supplementary), pp 2, 7.

[57]      Uniting Care Children's Services, Submission 40, p. 40.

[58]      Victorian Government, Submission 68, p. 17.

[59]      DEEWR, Submission 41, pp 18-19.

[60]      See, for instance, Victorian Government, Submission 68, p. 20; Tasmanian Government, Submission 70, p. 4; South Australian Government, Submission 79, p. 13; Women's Electoral Lobby Australia, Submission 66, p. 1.

[61]      DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-2009 – For all child care services, 2008, pp 18-32. See also DEEWR, 'Child Care for Services’, Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[62]      DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-2009 – For all child care services, 2008, p. 18.

[63]      DEEWR, 'Child Care for Services- Community support program’, Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[64]      DEEWR, 'Child Care for Services- Inclusion and professional support program', Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[65]      DEEWR, 'Child Care for Services- Professional support program’,  Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[66]      DEEWR, 'Child Care for Services- Professional support program’,  Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[67]      DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-2009 – For all child care services, 2008, pp 29-31. See also DEEWR, 'Child Care for Services - Support for child care services to help families', Available at, accessed 10 September 2009.

[68]      DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-2009 – For all child care services, 2008, p. 18.

[69]      Ibid., p. 24.

[70]      Ibid., pp 22-23.

[71]      Ibid., p. 22.

[72]      DEEWR, Child Care Service Handbook 2008-2009 – For all child care services, 2008, pp 18-32.

[73]      Family Day Care Australia, Submission 53, p. 2; Ms Rhonda Bignell, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 69.

[74]      See, for instance, Kindergarten Parents Victoria, Submission 54, p. 6; Moreland City Council, Submission 30, p. 5; Ms Kay Thomas, Submission 16, p. 3; Wheatbelt Organisation for Children's Services, Submission 17, p. 1; Abacus Child Care, Submission 84, p. 1.

[75]      UNICEF, 'The Child Care Transition – A league table of early childhood education and care in economically advanced countries', Innocenti Report Card 8, 2008, p. 27.

[76]      Catholic Social Services, Submission 71, p. 7.

[77]      Shire of Yarra Ranges, Submission 26, p. 7.

[78]      See, for instance, Municipal Association of Victoria, Submission 65, p. 19.

[79]      Kindergarten Parents Victoria, Submission 54, p. 3.

[80]      Ms Sheridan Dudley, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 31.

[81]      Moreland City Council, Submission 30, p. 5.

[82]      Ms Sheridan Dudley, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 31; Frankston City Council Children's Services, Submission 60, p. 3.

[83]      Childcare Association of WA, Submission 48, p. 2.

[84]      Mrs Denise Taylor, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 21.

[85]      See discussion in Press, op. cit., p. 29.

[86]      Productivity Commission, 'Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage – Key indicators,' Series of papers by the Productivity Commission Steering Committee, Available at:

[87]      Julie Lee, Ellen Carlson and William Mitchell, Child Care for Low-Middle Income Families - Current trends and unmet demand estimates, Centre of Full Employment and Equity, University of Newcastle, 2001, p. 42.

[88]      AIHW, 'Trends in Affordability of Child Care Services 1991-2004', Bulletin, Issue No. 35, April 2006, p. 5.

[89]      AIHW, Australia's Welfare 2007, No. 8, 2007, pp 41-42.

[90]      Deborah Brennan, 'Reassembling the Child Care Business', Inside Story, 19 November 2008. Available at, accessed 19 January 2009. 

[91]      Press, op. cit., p. 28.

[92]      AIHW, op. cit., pp 96-97.

[93]      See discussion in Press, op. cit., p. 29.

[94]      Victorian Government, Submission 68, p. 17. See also Deborah Brennan, 'Child Care and Australian Social Policy' in Children, Families and Communities – Contexts and consequences, Jennifer Bowes and Rebekah Grace (eds), 2009, p. 215; and Cassells et al, op. cit., p. 8.

[95]      Press, op. cit., p. 29.

[96]      Victorian Government, Submission 68, p. 17.

[97]      Alex Tilbury, 'Backyard care fear – fees 'too steep' for parents', Courier Mail, 22 August 2009, p. 31.

[98]      ABC Learning, Submission 86 (Supplementary), p. 1.

[99]      Ms Marie Coleman, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 51; Professor Deborah Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 22.

[100]    Professor Deborah Brennan and Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Submission 64 (Attachment 3), p. 3.

[101]    Associate Professor Susan Newberry, Committee Hansard, 16 July 2009, p. 23.  

[102]    See, for instance, Charlton Brown, Submission 38, p. 2, 5; National Foundation for Australian Women, Submission 7, p. 3.

[103]    See, for instance, Mr Dean and Mrs Tempe Harvey, Submission 62, p. 20.

[104]    Ms Cora-Ann Wilson, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 38.

[105]    Department of Treasury, 'Australia's Future Tax System – Terms of reference', 11 February 2009, available at

Chapter 5 - National childcare provision: the accreditation, licensing and regulation of childcare

[1]        Mr Michael Manthorpe, Committee Hansard, 14 August 2009, p. 47.

[2]        COAG Productivity Agenda Working Group – Education, Skills, Training and Early Childhood Development, A National Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care: a discussion paper, August 2008, p. 1.

[3]        Ibid., p.5.

[4]        Mrs Roslyn Thompson, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 30.

[5]        Department for Communities (WA), Submission 67, p. 13.

[6]        NSW Department of Community Services, Children's Services Regulations- Introduction of a 1:4 staff to child ratio for children under two years of age, Available at

[7]        Deborah Brennan, 'Child Care and Australian Social Policy', in Children, Families and Communities – Contexts and consequences, Jennifer Bowes and Rebekah Grace (eds), 2009, p.  214.

[8]        Hon Maxine Morand MLA, Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development, Children's Services Regulations 2009  - Statement of reasons, Victorian Government, 2009. Available at

[9]        Ms Helen Creed, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 2.

[10]      Mr Jonathon Pilkington, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 10.

[11]      Ibid., p. 5.

[12]      WA Department for Communities, Report on Qualifications of the Child Care Sector – Western Australia 2008, Government of Western Australia, 2008. Available at

[13]      Qld Department of Communities, Qualifications ReviewResults of consultations and review of the qualifications provisions for licensed child care services in Queensland, Qld Government, August 2007. Available at

[14]      Mr Chris Robinson, Committee Hansard, 22 July 2009, p. 48.

[15]      SA Government, Submission 79, p. 14; see also DEEWR, 'Regulation Impact Statement for Early Childhood Education and Care Quality Reforms - COAG consultation RIS', July 2009, p. 56.

[16]      Mrs Susan Nolan, Committee Hansard, 20 July 2009, p. 25.

[17]      Mrs Tracey Bradley, Committee Hansard, 20 July 2009, p. 30.

[18]      Productivity Commission, Annual Review of Regulatory Burdens on Business: Social and economic infrastructure services, June 2009, p. 95.

[19]      Barbara Pocock and Elizabeth Hill, 'The Childcare Policy Challenge in Australia', in E. Hill, B. Pocock and A. Elliott (eds), Kids Count: Better early childhood education and care in Australia, 2007, p. 22.

[20]      Emma Rush, 'Employees' Views on Quality', in E. Hill, B. Pocock and A. Elliott (eds), op.cit, p.  157.

[21]      Ms Rosalie Rogers, Submission 28, p. 4.

[22]      Productivity Commission, op. cit., p. 73.

[23]      Ibid., p. 83.

[24]      Mrs Denise Taylor, Committee Hansard, 7 August 2009, p. 18.

[25]      Ibid., p. 21.

[26]      Ibid.

[27]      Ibid., p. 15.

[28]      Ibid.

[29]      Productivity Commission, op. cit., p. 101.

[30]      Ms Lesley Penrose, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2009, p. 4.

[31]      Play Environment Consulting Pty Ltd, Submission 49, pp 6-7.

Additional Comments

[1]        UNICEF, 'The Child Care Transition – A league table of early childhood education and care in economically advanced countries', Innocenti Report Card 8, 2008, p. 27.