Membership of Committee

Membership of Committee

Senate Standing Committee on Education, Employment & Workplace Relations
Legislation Committee



Senator Gavin Marshall, Chair

Victoria, ALP

Senator Gary Humphries, Deputy Chair

Australian Capital Territory, LP

Senator Catryna Bilyk

Tasmania, ALP

Senator Michaelia Cash

Western Australia, LP

Senator Jacinta Collins

Victoria, ALP

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

South Australia, AG

Substitute members for this inquiry  
Senator Rachel Siewert Western Australia, AG
to replace Senator Sarah Hanson-Young  

Participating members participating in this inquiry

Senator the Hon. Eric Abetz

Tasmania, LP

Senator Mary Jo Fisher

South Australia, LP



Mr John Carter, Secretary
Ms Lyn Beverley, Principal Research Officer
Ms Katie Meyers, Research/Estimates Officer
Ms Lauren McDougall, Executive Assistant


PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3521
Fax: 02 6277 5706

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