

Chapter 1 - Government Senators' Report

[1]        Chapter One, in Senate Community Affairs Committee, Inquiry into Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and other Measures) Bill 2005 and Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work) Bill 2005, November 2005, p. 2

[2]        Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, Submission 7, p. 2

[3]        ibid. p. 1

[4]        Hon. Dr Sharman Stone MP, Minister for Workforce Participation, 'Second Reading Speech', Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Bill 2006, House of Representatives Hansard, 7 December 2006, p. 18 

[5]        Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, Submission 7, p. 1

[6]        Hon. Dr Sharman Stone MP, Minister for Workforce Participation, 'Industry Alert for Vocational Rehabilitation Services,' Media Release, 27 June 2006.

[7]        Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, Request for Tender for Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2007-2009, p. 10

[8]        Mr Barry Sandison, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, p. 32

[9]        Department of Human Services, Annual report 2005-06, p. 89

[10]      Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association, About Us, (accessed 14 February 2007)

[11]      Department of Family & Community Services, The Assessment & Contestability Trial Evaluation Report, 2003

[12]       Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, Request for Tender for Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2007-2009

[13]      Mr Barry Sandison, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, p. 25

[14]      Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, Request for Tender for Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2007-2009, p. 72

[15]      Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, Submission 1a, p. 2; National Welfare Rights Network, Submission 10a, p. 2

[16]       Submission 1a, p. 3

[17]      Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 2

[18]      Submission 3, p. 1

[19]      Mr Tony Waslin, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, p. 25

[20]      Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, Request for Tender for Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2007-2009, p. 5

[21]      Ms Elizabeth Bundy, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2007, p. 12

[22]      Submission 10, p. 4

[23]      Submission 9, p. 7

[24]      Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, answers to question on notice, 30 January 2007, p.1

[25]      Mr Barry Sandison, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007,  p. 27

[26]      Submission 1, p. 4

[27]      Submission 4, p. 2

[28]      Submission 9, p. 5

[29]      Submission 10, p. 3

[30]      Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, answers to question on notice, 30 January 2007, p. 4

[31]      ibid.

[32]      Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, answers to question on notice, 30 January 2007, p. 4


Chapter 2 - Opposition Senators' Report

[1]        See Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, Submission 1, p. 3; and Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 3

[2]        Submission 2, p. 2

[3]        Community and Public Sector Union, Submission 6, p. 4

[4]        Mr Tony Waslin, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, p. 32

[5]        National Welfare Rights Network, Submission 10a, p. 1

[6]        Submission 1, p. 1

[7]        Submission 3, p. 2

[8]        Hon. Dr Sharman Stone MP, Minister for Workforce Participation, 'Second Reading Speech', Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Bill 2006, House of Representatives Hansard, 7 December 2006, p. 18 

[9]        Mr Tony Waslin, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, p. 31

[10]      Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 5

[11]      Australian Council of Social Service, Welfare to Work – effects & solutions, 2006, p.8

[12]      Dissenting Report, in Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Other Measures) Bill 2005 and Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work) Bill 2005, November 2005, p.71

[13]      Australian Council of Social Service, Payment Levels and Unemployment – The Facts, 2005, p.2

[14]      National Welfare Rights Network, Submission 10, p. 4

[15]      Submission 4, p. 1

[16]      Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, answers to question on notice, 30 January 2007, p. 1

[17]      Mr Michael Raper, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, p. 17

[18]      Mr Barry Sandison, Committee Hansard, 30 January 2007, pp. 28 & 31; Department of Employment & Workplace Relations, answers to question on notice, 30 January 2007, p.3

[19]      Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, answers to questions on notice, 30 January 2007, p. 3

[20]      Ms Julia Gillard MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 15 February 2007, p. 11