Appendix 1 - List of submissions

Appendix 1 - List of submissions

Sub No: From:
1  Loris Erik Kent Hemlof, SA 
2  Mrs Burnett, Qld 
3  Dr Keith Abbott, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University 
4  Mr Jim McDonald, Qld  
5  Mr Craig Maynard 
6  Mr Richard Swinton, NSW 
7  Ms Janine Smith 
8  Mr Damian Lund, NSW 
9  Mr Jeff Petersen, NSW 
10  Mr Ben Blackburn, NSW 
11  Mr Mathew Kiem, NSW 
12  Ms Catherine Wallace 
13  Ms Bettina Quatacker 
14  Dr David Edwards, Vic  
15  Illawarra Legal Centre Inc 
16  Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of New South Wales Inc 
17  SANE Australia 
18  Mr Alan Dircks, Vic  
19  Mr Blair Trewin, Vic 
20  Maybanke Association Inc
Maybanke Accommodation Crisis and Support Service 
21  Mr Denzyl Hein, Vic 
22  Mr James Sin, NSW 
23  Welfare Rights Centre, Qld 
24  NSW Ethnic Communities Council  
25  Mr Laurie Gillespie, Qld 
26  Ms Katrina Milbourne, ACT 
27  Bishop Philip Huggins, Vic 
28  Ms Paula Goodwin, ACT 
29  Transport Workers Union, NSW Branch 
30  NSW Nurses' Association - Concord Hospital Branch 
31  Job Futures 
32  Mr David Risstrom, Vic 
33  Mr Abraham Schaffs, SA 
34  Mr Alastair Richards, Vic 
35  The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Ltd 
36  Rio Tinto 
37  Social Action Office 
38  Mr Guy van Enst, Vic 
39  Australian Federation of Disability Organisations 
40  Ms Kristy LeMilliere, NSW 
41  Mr Martin Wynne, NSW 
42  Mr Neville Pearson, NSW 
43  Ms Tanya Barton, NSW 
44  Ms Narelle Rich, NSW 
45  The Business Council of Australia 
46  Welfare Rights Centre 
47  Ms Beth Spencer, Vic 
48  Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, Construction and General Division – NSW Branch 
49  Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre 
50  The Small Business Union 
51  Ms Serena O'Meley, Vic 
52  Ms Rosemary Owens, SA 
53  Good Shepherd Sisters 
54  Curtin University of Technology 
55  Australian Young Christian Workers 
56  Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union 
57  Mr James Macken 
58  Australian Political Ministry Network 
59  Uniting Church in Australia – Queensland Synod 
60  Families Australia 
61  Physical Disability Council of Australia LTD 
62  NSW Council for Civil Liberties 
63  Queensland Nurses' Union 
64  University of Western Australia 
65  Dr Jill Murray, Vic 
66  Mr Peter Gringinger, Vic 
67  Mr Paul Vernon, NSW 
68  ACROD Limited  
69  Ms Julia Graczyk, ACT 
70  ACT and Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
71  The Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association 
72  Womens' Electoral Lobby Inc 
73  Australian Services Union 
74  Australian Nursing Federation 
75  Redfern Legal Centre 
76  Transport Workers' Union of Australia 
77  Australian Christian Lobby 
78  Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law 
79  National Retail Association 
80  National Association of Community Legal Centres 
81  Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia 
82  Gippsland Community Legal Centre 
83  Blind Citizens Australia 
84  Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union 
85  Queensland Council of Unions 
86  Queensland Teachers Union of Employees 
87  United Services Union 
88  Textile, Clothing and Footware Union of Australia 
89  New South Wales Teachers Federation 
90  Independent Education Union of Australia 
91  Ms Jeannette Hope, NSW 
92  Taree Branch of the ALP 
93  Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre 
94  Australian Greens Victoria 
95  Fair Wear 
96  Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law 
97  Community and Public Sector Union – SPSF Group 
98  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy UnionConstruction and General Division 
99  Students' Association of the University of Adelaide 
100  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" Uniting Church in AustraliaJustice and International Mission 
101  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" Uniting Church in AusttraliaWA Synod 
102  NT Legal Aid Commission 
103  What Women Want Consortium 
104  The Australian Workers' Union 
105  Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance 
106  Unions NSW 
107  ETU Queensland 
108  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" Transport Worker' UnionVictorian/Tasmanian Branch 
109  University of New South Wales Student Guild 
110  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations 
110A  Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations 
111  University of Western Sydney Students' Association Inc 
112  Progressive Labour Party 
113  The Uniting Church in Australia 
114  Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria 
115  Young Workers Advisory Service 
116  Australian Lawyers for Human Rights 
117  Restaurant and Catering Australia 
118  Group Researching Organisations, Work, Employment and Skills 
119  Unions WA 
120  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" Young Workers Advisory ServiceQld Working Women's Service 
121  Finance Sector Union of Australia 
122  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" National Tertiary Education Union 
123  Australian Education Union 
124  Launceston Community Legal Centre 
125  Tenants Union of Victoria 
126  Ms Ruth Harland, Vic 
127  Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association 
128  Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Brisbane 
129  Mr Chris White, ACT 
130  Uniting Church in Australia, NSW Synod 
131  Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia 
132  Agribusiness Employers' Federation 
133  People with Disability Australia 
134  Mr Dan Dwyer, NSW 
135  Inner City Legal Centre 
136  Victorian Government 
137  Community and Public Sector Union 
138  Youth Affairs Council of WA 
139  Ms Kelly Everson, NSW 
140  Ms Anna Szwec, NSW 
141  Mr Peter Rattenbury, NSW 
142  Ms Hujung Kim, ACT 
143  Jessica Dolan, NSW 
144  Ms Kate Lester, NSW 
145  University of Western Australia 
146  Electrical Trades Union, NSW Branch  
147  National Farmers' Federation 
148  Health Services Union 
149  Australian Mines and Metals Association 
150  Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of NSW 
151  Mr Shane Prince, NSW 
152  The Law Society of NSW 
153  The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
154  MERGEFIELD "Organisation" The Australian Workers' UnionNSW Branch 
155  Mr Don Willis, Qld 
156  Police Federation of Australia 
157  Australian Business Industrial 
158  Northern Community Legal Service Inc 
159  Local Government Association of NSW and Shires Associate on NSW 
160  Governments of New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australian, South Australia, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory 
161  United Firefighters Union of Australia 
162  Australian Federal Police Association 
163  Master Builders Australia 
164  Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 
165  Recruitment and Consulting Services Association 
166  Department of Employment Workplace Relations 
167  Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce 
168  Women Lawyers' Association of NSW 
169  Housing Industry Association  
170  Government of South Australia 
171  Australian Council of Trade Unions 
172  Australian Industry Group 
173  Enterprise Initiatives 
174  Professor Andrew Stewart 
175  Professor David Peetz (Group of 151 Australian Industrial Relations, Labour Market and Legal Academics 
175A  Associate Professor Boni Robertson 
176  Combined Community Legal Centres' Group NSW Inc 
177  Mr Michael Hull, Vic 
178  Mr Christopher Puplick 
179  Amalgamated Manufacturing Workers Union – Retired Members Association, Sydney 
180  Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia – Women's Steering Committee 
181  Career Industry Council of Australia 
182  Government of Tasmania 
183  Multiple Sclerosis Australia 
184  Dr Graeme Orr, Qld 
185  International Centre for Trade Union Rights 
186  Mr Roy Harvey, ACT 
187  Australian Medical Association 
188  Job Watch Inc 
189  Christian Science Committee on Publication Federal Representative for Australia 
190  Adoptive Families Association of the ACT Inc 
191  Law Institute Victoria 
192  Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Ltd  
193  Minerals Council of Australia 
194  Presentation Sisters Wagga 
195  Transport Workers' Union of Australia, Qld 
196  Australian and International Pilots Association 
197  CFMEU, Qld 
198  Transport Workers' Union of Australia – WA Branch 
199  Huntor Labor Regional Assembly 
200  IR Australia Pty Ltd 
201  Volunteering Australia 
202  Anglican Church, Diocese of Sydney 

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