Appendix 2 - Hearings and witnesses

Appendix 2 - Hearings and witnesses

Melbourne, Thursday, 25 November 2004

Suncorp Metway Ltd
Mr Peter Johnston, Group Executive, Human Resources
Ms Sue Mather, General Manager, Human Resources
Mr Michael Harmer, Harmer's Workplace Lawyers

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
Mr John Sutton, National Secretary, Construction division
Mr Tom Roberts, Senior Legal Officer

Australian Industry Group
Mr Tim Piper, Director, Victorian branch
Mr Leigh Stewart, National Advocate, Industrial Relations

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr Peter Anderson, Director, Workplace Policy
Mr Christopher Harris, Senior Workplace Relations Adviser

Australian Council of Trade Unions
Ms Linda Rubinstein, Senior Industrial Officer

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Mr James Smythe, Chief Counsel, Workplace Relations Legal Group
Mr Jeremy O'Sullivan, Assistant Secretary, Legal Policy Branch, Workplace Relations Legal Group
Ms Natalie James, Director, Bargaining and Industrial Action Section, Workplace Relations Legal Group
Ms Miranda Pointon, Director, Bargaining and Industrial Framework Section, Workplace Relations Policy Group