Appendix 6 - Features of Federal and State termination laws

Appendix 6 - Features of Federal and State termination laws

  Cmwth, Vic, ACT & NT  NSW  QLD  SA  WA  Tas 
Employee able to apply for remedy?  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes 
Max time period after termination to apply  21 days  21 days (out of time applctns possible)  21 days  21 days  28 days (out of time applctns considered)  21 days 
Salary cap  $81 600 for 'non- award conditions' employees  $81 500 and not covered by award  $75 200  $77 681 for non-award employees  $90 000 for non award etc employees   
Filing Fee  $50.00  $50.00  $48.00 unless union application  $0.00  $50.00  $0.00 
Casuals et al excluded, for what period?  12 months  6 months  12 months, except for invalid reasons  6 months  No  No 
Statutory default probationary period  3 months  No 3 months (may be less)  3 months  No  3 mnths (but not blanket exclusion)  No 
Conciliation before arbitration  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes, Registrar may mediate  Yes 
Certificate issued if conciliation fails?  Yes  No  Yes  Assess-ment made  No  No 
Penalty for disregarding assessment?  Yes  No  No  Yes  No  No 
Commission to consider size of business?  Yes           
Penalties against advocates for vexatious claims  Yes           
Requirement to disclose 'no win no fee'  Yes           
Dismiss claims which have no prospect of success?  Yes           
Consider size of business & skills of small business re HR matters  Yes           
Is salary compensation capped?  6 months remuneration. Limited to $40,800 for 'non-award' employees  6 months remuner-ation  6 months average wage  6 monthsremuner-ation or $38,800 which ever is greater  6 months remuner-ation  6 months ordinary pay 


WA Provisions (August 2002) (Advice from Labour Relations Branch DCEP):

  1. There is no exclusion of casuals.
  2. There is a requirement for the WAIRC to take account of a probationary period of up to 3 months in deciding the merits of a claim (see new S23A(2)). This does not preclude probationers from lodging claims or having them determined but does compel the WAIRC to consider them.
  3. The filing fee has increased to $50.00.
  4. The Registrar of the WAIRC can have functions of the Commission delegated to them. In effect the Registrar may now deal with preliminary matters (ie: may mediate a claim). They will not be able to issue orders (see new S96 - inserted by Clause 161 of the LRRA 2002).
  5. The blanks against WA in the table are technically ‘no’ since there is no express power provided. However, there is some ability provided through the general powers of the Commission (see S27 of the IR Act).

Prepared by Steve O'Neill; Information Research Service

Parliamentary Library Canberra; as at: 29/08/02

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