Public Hearing - Brisbane, 12 April 2007

Public Hearing - Brisbane, 12 April 2007

Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices
Waterfront Place
Level 36, 1 Eagle St
07 3001 8900




9.30 am

Australian Logistics Council
Mr Hal Morris, Chief Executive Officer


10.15 am

Sea Freight Council of Australia
Mr Trevor Jorgensen, Chief Executive Officer, Sea Freight Council of Queensland
Mr Tim Squires, Deputy President, Queensland Trucking Association and State Manager, Kagan Bros. Consolidated Pty Ld.


11.00 am

Tea break


11.15 am

Queensland Transport
Mr Jack Noye, Executive Director (Corporate Office)
Ms Louise Perram-Fisk, Senior Project Manager (Industry Capability)
Mr Geoff Favell, Director, Strategic Industry Initiatives, Department of Education, Training and the Arts.


12.00 pm

Queensland Rail
Ms Lyn Rowland, Executive General Manager, Human Resources
Mr Rob Green, General Manager Trackside Systems, Infrastructure Services Group
Mr Mike Scanlan, Group General Manager, Passenger Services
Ms Wendy Axt, Acting Group General Manager, Shared Services


12.45 pm

Lunch break


2.00 pm

Site visit - Aviation Australia, 15,16 & 25 Boronia Road, Brisbane International Airport – 07 3860 0902 (see attached itinerary)
Mr Paul Bredereck, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Terry Ward, General Manager Training and Operations
Ms Pauline Caulley, Cabin Crew Training Manager


Chair: Senator the Hon. Judith Troeth; Secretary: John Carter 0416277018
Hansard: Mardy Wannell and Dion Macdonald

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3521
Fax: +61 2 6277 5706