Appendix 4 - A guide to Australian Government payments*

Appendix 4 - A guide to Australian Government payments*

Youth Allowance (YA)

Basic conditions of eligibility

Residential requirements

Basic Rates

* Rent Assistance may be payable.

Fares Allowance

Rent Assistance

Parental Income test

Personal Income test

Full-time Student Income Bank

Assets test

Family Actual Means Test


Austudy Payment

Basic conditions of eligibility

Residential requirements

Basic Rates

Fares Allowance

Rent Assistance

Personal Income test

Student Income Bank

Assets test



Basic conditions of eligibility

Residential requirements

Basic Rates

Means tests

Personal Income Test—Income Bank

Parental Income Test

Family Assets Test

Family Actual Means Test

Independent Students—Assets Test

Independent students—Partner Income Test

Chart A and B—Assets test

Chart A—Assets test for homeowners

Family situation For full allowance
Single up to $153 000
Partnered (combined) up to $217 000
Illness separated couple (combined) up to $217 500
One partner eligible up to $217 5000

Chart B—Assets test for non-homeowners

Family situation

For full allowance


up to $263 000

Partnered (combined)

up to $328 000

Illness separated couple (combined)

up to $328 000

One partner eligible

up to $328 000

Some assets are deemed to earn income, while certain assets are not included in the assets test. Contact Centrelink for more information

Extra Allowable Amount for Retirement Village and Granny Flat Residents

If your Entry Contribution is equal to or less than the Extra Allowable Amount, you are assessed as a non-homeowner. Your Entry Contribution will count as an asset. You may qualify for Rent Assistance. The Extra Allowable Amount is the difference between the non-homeowner and homeowner asset test limits, currently $110 500.

Hardship provisions

If you have assets but little or no income you are expected to rearrange your affairs to provide for yourself. In some cases that is not possible. If you are in‘severe financial hardship’ you may be able to get a social security payment. Different tests apply to such cases.

Chart D(a)—Personal Income test for Youth Allowance, Austudy Payment, ABSTUDY Income test

Maintenance income does not affect this payment

Family Situation For full Allowance (pf) For Part Allowance (pf)
Single, aged under 18, at home    
Students up to $236 less than $514.14
Unemployed up to $62 less than $340.14
Single, aged 18 or over, at home    
Students up to $236 less than $565.86
Unemployed up to $62 less than $391.86
Single or partnered, away from home    
Students up to $236 less than $725.29#
Unemployed up to $62 less than $551.29#
Partnered, with dependents    
Students up to $236 less than $771.00#
Unemployed up to $62 less than $597.00#
Single with dependents    
Students up to $236 less than $870.00#
Unemployed up to $62 less than $696.00#
Long-term unemployed
aged 21 or over entering:
Full-time study at home up to $236 less than $635.86
Students away from home   less than $825.43#
Partnered, no children    
Students up to $236 less than $771.00#

* For unemployed, fortnightly income between $62 and $142 reduces fortnightly allowance by 50 cents in the dollar. Income above $142 reduces payment by 70 cents in the dollar.

For students, fortnightly income between $236 and $316 reduces the fortnightly allowance by 50 cents in the dollar. Income above $316 reduces payment by 70 cents in the dollar. For students the income test is subject to Income Bank credit.

Partner income which exceeds the cut-off point reduces fortnightly allowance by 70 cents in the dollar.

# These figures may be higher if you are eligible for Rent Assistance or Pharmaceutical Allowance.

Note: For ABSTUDY recipients aged 21 years and over the income test is aligned to NSA. The ABSTUDY living allowance is reduced by one dollar for every whole two dollars by which the partner’s income exceeds the qualifying limit.

Maintenance income is not included as income for the personal income test.

Chart G—Rent Assistance

Family Situation

Maximum payment
per fortnight

No payment if your fortnightly rent is less than

Maximum payable if your fortnightly rent is more than

Single, no children




Single, no children, sharer




Couple, no children




One of a couple who are temporarily separated due to illness, no children




One of a couple who are temporarily separated, no children




* Includes respite care and partner in gaol.

See Family Tax Benefit for current rates.

  • to people paying rent to a government housing authority, although in some situations sub-tenants may qualify for Rent Assistance.
  • for residents of Commonwealth funded nursing homes and hostels.
  • to single disability support pensioners aged under 21, without dependants, living with parents.
  • to other single people aged under 25, living with parents.
  • to students without dependants, who receive Austudy Payment.

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