Appendix 1 - List of submissions

Appendix 1 - List of submissions

Sub No:          From:

  1. Fitness Australia, NSW
  2. Beyond Blue, Vic
  3. Thales Australia, NSW
  4. Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, NSW
  5. Mr Jeremy Coleman, ACT
  6. Mr Nicholas Covey, ACT
  7. Mr Ian Emery, QLD
  8. Dr Gilbert Logan, ACT
  9. Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association (Federal Council Inc), ACT
  10. Pedal Power ACT Inc., ACT
  11. Bicycle Federation of Australia, ACT
  12. Mr Jeff Ibbotson, ACT
  13. Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, NSW
  14. Australian Physiotherapy Association, Vic
  15. Australian air Express, Vic
  16. Community and Public Sector Union, NSW
  17. Mental Health Council of Australia, ACT
  18. Telstra, Vic
  19. Law Council of Australia, ACT
  20. Construction, Forestry, Mining, Energy Union, NSW
  21. Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, Vic
  22. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, ACT
  23. Mr Ian Buchanan, ACT
  24. Communications Electrical Plumbing Union, Vic
  25. Community and Public Sector Union State Public Services Federation Group, NSW
  26. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
  27. The Australian Lawyers Alliance, NSW
  28. Finance Sector Union of Australia

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