Australian Democrats' minority report

Australian Democrats' minority report

The Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment (Promoting Safer Workplaces) Bill 2005 seeks to exempt employers and employees covered by the Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991 from Part 2A of the Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) and any other similar industrial manslaughter legislation if enacted in other States or Territories.

Through former ACT MLA Roslyn Dundas the Democrats supported the introduction of the industrial manslaughter laws in the ACT. The Democrats are also aware that a similar law is being considered in NSW.

The Democrats support the view that the application of the criminal law of a State or Territory should not depend upon whether the employer is a Commonwealth authority or not.

The Democrats will formalise their position when the Bill is before us in the Senate chamber.

Senator Andrew Murray

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