Terms of Reference

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Terms of Reference

Whether the objectives of various forms of industrial agreement-making, including Australian Workplace Agreements, are being met and whether the agreement-making system, including proposed federal government changes, meet the social and economic needs of all Australians, with particular reference to:

  1. the scope and coverage of agreements, including the extent to which employees are covered by non-comprehensive agreements;
  2. the capacity for employers and employees to choose the form of agreement-making which best suits their needs;
  3. the parties' ability to genuinely bargain, focusing on groups such as women, youth and casual employees;
  4. the social objectives, including addressing the gender pay gap and enabling employees to better balance their work and family responsibilities;
  5. the capacity of the agreement to contribute to productivity improvements, efficiency, competitiveness, flexibility, fairness and growing living standards; and
  6. Australia's international obligations.

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