Appendix 3 - Additional information

Appendix 3 - Additional information



Darwin, Tuesday, 1 March 2005


Department of Employment, Education and Training, Northern Territory Government

Information relating to benchmark testing in 2004

Number of ASSPA Committee in the Northern Territory in 2004

DEET 2005 Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme In Class Tuition Program guidelines

Benchmark data for Indigenous students over the past few years

Description of attendance initiatives and funding expended on specific initiatives

DEET response to the Indigenous Education Direct Assistance Discussion Paper No.3

Finance table referred to by DEET during hearings

Year 3 MAP Tests




Perth, Tuesday, 29 March 2005


Aboriginal Independent Community Schools' Support Union, Western Australia

Indigenous Education Project Scaffolding Literacy Project, Final Report 2/2004




Townsville, Wednesday, 6 April 2005


Catholic Education Diocese of Townsville

'Concept Plan' Townsville and Mount Isa

Unsuccessful letters Townsville and Mount Isa

A copy of emails from DEST of the end dates of While of School Intervention strategy

Information from DEST of the new changes

Letter addressed to parents – Abergowrie College

TCEO letter to Dr Peter Whitney


Department of Education, Science and Training

DEST correspondence to schools and communities




Cairns, Thursday, 7 April 2005


Parramatta State School

Concept Plans


Department of Education, Science and Training

Letter to Thuringowa State High School relating to Whole of School Intervention Strategy – Concept Plan – First Round 2005


Education Queensland

Report on Cape York ASSPA Trial




Melbourne, Wednesday, 27 April 2005


Department of Education, Science and Training

Information relating to:

Split funding by jurisdiction for Whole of School Intervention Strategy

Number of Concept Plans received

Directives to State Managers to further explain or update program delivery


Northern Territory Combined ASSPA Working Party – Forum notes, 14 May 2004

Ministerial correspondence and miscellaneous papers


Concept plan documents


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