

[1] The description of the bill and its history is largely drawn from Bills Digest 1 June 2005, no. 174, ISSN 1328-8091, Parliamentary Library, 2005

[2] Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee, Indigenous Education Funding, Commonwealth of Australia, June 2005

[3] Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), Submission 6, p.1. This figure includes estimated indexation.

[4] DEST, Submission 6, p.1

[5] Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee, Indigenous Education Funding – Interim Report, Commonwealth of Australia, March 2005, p.13

[6] Department of Education, Science and Training, Report on the Review of the Independent Indigenous Vocational Education and Training Providers, October 2003, Commonwealth of Australia

[7] VET Review, p.13

[8] National Report to Parliament on Indigenous Education and Training, Commonwealth of Australia, 2001, pp.73,78

[9] VET review, p.14

[10] Aleshia Lonsdale, Submission 11, p.1

[11] Participants of the National Indigenous Legal Advocacy Course at Tranby Aboriginal College, Submission 7, p.2

[12] Dr Bob Boughton, Submission 2, p.2

[13] VET Review, p.26

[14] Dr Bob Boughton, Submission 2, p.4