

[1] For details, see Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission  44, p.2

[2] Hon. Kevin Andrews MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 22 June 2006, p.6

[3] Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Independent Contractors) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p.5. The pre-eminent cases in relation to the indicia test are Stevens v Brodribb Sawmilling Co Pty Ltd (1986) CLR 16 and Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd (Crisis Couriers No. 2) (2001) 207 CLR 21.

[4]     DEWR, Submission 44, p.11

[5] House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations and Workforce Participation, Making it Work: inquiry into independent contracting and labour hire arrangements, August 2005, pp.157-172

[6] Explanatory Memorandum , p.3

[7] NSW Government, Submission 24, p.43-44

[8] State of Victoria (Industrial Relations Victoria), Submission  40, p.3

[9] Mr Don Jones, Committee Hansard, 3 August 2006, p.22

[10] Ms Michelle Bissett, Committee Hansard, 3 August 2006, p.66

[11] Ms Natalie James, Committee Hansard, 4 August 2006, p.57

[12] NSW Government, Submission 24, p.9

[13] ibid., p.11

[14]   CEPU, Submission 10, p.24

[15] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire, p.2.

[16] ICA, Submission 30, p.7.

[17] ibid.  p. 8.

[18] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire, p.3.

[19] ACTU, Submission 11, p. 11.

[20] APESMA, Submission 11, p. 6.

[21] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire, p.5.

[22] ibid.

[23] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire, p. 5.

[24] ibid., p. 8.

[25] Civil Contractors Federation, Submission 15, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire, p. 5.

[26] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire. p. 9.

[27] APESMA, Submission No. 11, p. 3.

[28] ACTU, Submission 11, p.9.

[29] Mr John Sutton, CFMEU, Committee Hansard, Thursday, 3 August 2006, pp. 52-52

[30] Civil Contractors Federation, Submission 15, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire. p. 5

[31] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire. p.9.

[32] CEPU, Submission 36.

[33] ACTU, Submission 10, p. 5.

[34] TWU, Submission  42. p. 33.

[35] APESMA, Submission 11, p.  6.

[36] CFMEU Submission 20 p 14.

[37] ibid.

[38] ACTU, Submission 11, p. 6.

[39] Professor Andrew Stewart, Submission 69, to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Independent Contracting and Labour Hire. pp.10-11.