Appendix 2 - Hearings and witnesses

Appendix 2 - Hearings and witnesses

Canberra, Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Australian Industry Group
Mr Jim Barrett, General Manager, Construction
Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Industrial Relations

Communications Electrical Plumbing Union
Mr Lindsay Benfell, Senior Industrial Officer

Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Mr Linton Duffin, Federal Legal Officer

Australian Council of Trade Unions
Mr Richard Marles, Assistant Secretary
Ms Michelle Bissett, Industrial Officer

Dr John Howe, Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, University of Melbourne

Master Builders Australia
Mr Wilhelm Harnisch, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Richard Calver, National Director, Industrial Relations
Mr John Crittall, Construction Director, Queensland branch

Mr Tom Roberts, Senior National Legal Officer

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Mr John Kovacic, Group Manager, Workplace Relations Legal Group
Mr James Smythe, Chief Counsel, Workplace Relations Legal Group
Mr Peter Cully, Director, Workplace Relations Legal Group

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