Appendix 1 - Senate Motion – 21 August 2003

Appendix 1 - Senate Motion – 21 August 2003

Extract from - Journals of the Senate

No. 24

Wednesday, 21 August 2002


Senator Carr, pursuant to notice of motion not objected to as a formal motion, moved general business notice of motion no. 129—That—

  1. There be laid on the table, not later than the conclusion of question time on Monday, 26 August 2002, the documents described in paragraph (2), relating to financial information and forward financial projections and actuals, routinely prepared by the Department of Education, Science and Training pursuant to ministerial determination under section 14 of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988, for the higher education institutions listed on Table A, section 4, of the Act (as amended).
  2. The documents to be provided must include those containing information on the financial health of the Commonwealth-funded university system, in the form of charts and text, presenting details as follows:
    1. the 4-page report showing the summary position, including graphs, sent by the department to each university pursuant to section 14 of the Act to assist in the discussion of the agenda item ‘Resource management’ in the profile discussions of late 2001; (b) in the case of each university, a copy of the formal minutes of the 2001
      profile discussions;
    2. in the case of each university, a copy of the formal minutes of the 2001 profile discussions;
    3. the summary report prepared by the department, pursuant to section 14 of the Act, in advance of the visit to each university as part of the profiles process relating to funding under the Act; in particular, a sector overview of the financial performance and financial position of the institutions for 2000, including total and non-government revenue, revenue analysis by source, total and non-government revenue including projections to 2004, operating result, cash and investments and external debt, current ratio, debt-equity ratio, net capital expenditure, capital funding, comparative position of groups (categories) of institutions, comparative enrolment profile, comparative research performance (share of research performance measures), and a commentary on the financial standing of the sector as a whole including forward projections to 2004;
    4. the operating result of all listed institutions for 2000;
    5. changes in the year 2000 operating result from the average for the previous 4-year average of all institutions; and

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