

Chapter 1 - Introduction and background to the inquiry

[1]        Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Small Business in Australia 2001, 16 October 2002, 1321.0, 2001, p. 9

[2]        Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, August 1997, pp. 11–12

[3]        K. Hindle, and S. Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 7

[4]        ‘From Pressure and Success, the Western Australian 1998’, article on Joanna Ballantyne reproduced at:

[5]        T. Sorensen, ‘Regional Development: Some Issues for Policy Makers’, Parliamentary Library Research Paper No. 26, 1999–2000, 27 June 2002, p. 18

[6]        Submission No. 58, Austrade, p. 3

[7]        See for example, SMEs: Employment, Innovation and Growth—the Washington Workshop, OECD, 1996, p. 7

[8]        ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001 p. 13

[9]        Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, 1997, p. 69

[10]      Productivity Commission, Regulation and its Review, 1999–2000, Commonwealth of Australia, 2000, p. 3

[11]      CPA Australia, Small Business Survey Program: Perceptions of Risk, August 2002

[12]      Businesses’ Views on Red Tape—Administrative and Regulatory Burdens on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, OECD, Paris, 2001

Chapter 2 - Understanding small business

[1]        Dr Tim Atterton, Director, Entrepreneurship and Business Development Unit, Curtin Business School, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 970

[2]        Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001, p. 3

[3]        Submission No. 31, Australian Catholic Commission on Employment Relations (ACCER), pp. 6–7

[4]        ibid., p. 8

[5]        Ms Sharan Burrow, President, ACTU, Hansard, 24 July 2002, Melbourne, p. 230

[6]        ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001, p. 1

[7]        ibid., p. 2

[8]        ibid., p. 1

[9]        ABS, Small Business in Australia 1999, 1321.0, 1999, pp. 135–49

[10]      Submission No. 7, Professor Ann Hodgkinson, p. 1

[11]      OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, OECD, Paris 2000, p. 7

[12]      Submission No. 68, Dr Binh Tran-Nam and Dr John Glover, pp. 3–4

[13]      Mr Drew Clarke, Executive General Manager, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Hansard, Canberra, 8 October 2002, p. 910

[14]      Professor Scott Holmes and Mr Brian Gibson, Definition of Small Business, Final report, University of Newcastle, 5 April 2001, p.1

[15]      Submission No. 36, Canberra Business Council, p. 3

[16]      Submission No. 73, National Institute of Accountants, p. 3

[17]      Submission No. 18, CPA Australia, p. 9

[18]      Mr Leslie Howson, Hansard, Roundtable, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 799

[19]      Submission No. 14, National Federation of Independent Business, p. 2

[20]      Submission No. 66, Brisbane Office of Economic Development, p. 4

[21]      Submission No. 35, Melbourne Development Board, p. 8

[22]      ibid.

[23]      Mr John McIlhone, Director, Southwest Group of Councils, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 51

[24]      Australian SME E-Commerce Forum Taskforce: Accelerating the Uptake of E-Commerce by Small and Medium Enterprises, July 2002, compiled by E. Brown Small Enterprise Telecommunication Centre (SETEL), p. 4; See also Submission No. 35, op. cit., p. 11

[25]      Mrs Beverley Nowotny Ford, Hansard, Roundtable, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 157

[26]      CPA Australia, Small Business Survey Program: Perceptions of Risk, August 2002, p. 4

[27]      Dr Tim Atterton, Curtin Business School, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 971

[28]      Mr Graeme Harris, Hansard, Roundtable, Perth, 19 July 2002, p. 185

[29]      ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001, p. 9

[30]      ibid., pp. 9–10

[31]      ibid., p. 10

[32]      ibid., pp. 13; 15

[33]      Ms Barbara Gabogrecan, Managing Director, Micro Business Network, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 234

[33]      ibid., p. 235

[34]      ibid.

[35]      ABS, Characteristics of Small Business 2001, 8127.0, 2001, p. 40

[36]      K. Hindle and S. Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 21

[37]      ABS, Characteristics of Small Business 2001, 8127.0, 2001, p. 39

[38]      ABS, Small Business in Australia, 2001, 1321.0, 2001, pp. 14–15

[39]      Submission No. 35, op. cit., p. 9

[40]      ABS, Characteristics of Small Business 2001, 8127.0, 2001, p. 80

[41]      ibid.

[42]      ibid.

[43]      A. Stanger, ‘Home-Based Business Marginality: A Review of Home-Based Business Performance and its Determinants’, School of Commerce Research Papers Series 00-17; ISSN 1441-3906, p. 5; also note that the ABS Characteristics of Small Business (Cat. No. 8127.0) reported 778 400 home-based businesses in June 2001; and the last Census gave the number of occupied private dwellings as 7 072 202, indicating that 11 per cent of households hosts a home-based business.

[44]      Mr Murray Geddes, Honorary Development Officer, Home-Based Business Association of the ACT, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 524

[45]      K Houghton and Capital Region Enterprise and Employment Development Association (CREEDA), Home-Based Business in Two Australian Regions. Backyarders and Frontrunners, December 1999, p. 24

[46]      Submission No. 76, Mr Murray Geddes, p. 2

[47]      Mr Bernard Duke, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 460

[48]      Mrs Marilyn Horgan, Project Officer, Perth Area Consultative Committee (ACC), Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 39

[49]      Mr Euan Miller, op. cit., p. 950

[50]      Ms Allison Oldfield Hiosan, Executive Officer, Perth ACC, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 34

[51]      Mr Euan Miller, op. cit., p. 950

[52]      Submission No. 76, op. cit., pp. 1–2

[53]      Mr Euan Miller, op. cit., p. 51

[54]      Ms Oldfield-Hiosan, op. cit., p. 31; Submission No. 35, op. cit., pp. 9; 12

[55]      Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 7

[56]      ibid., p. 7

[57]      ibid., p. 7

[58]      ibid., p.7

[59]      ibid., p.7

[60]      Ms Julie Cambage, National Executive Director, Family Business Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 216

[61]      Submission No. 58, Austrade, p. 4

[62]      ABS, Characteristics of Small Business 2001, 8127.0, 2001, p. 7

[63]      ibid., p. 13

[64]      ibid., p. 10

[65]      ibid., p. 11

[66]      ibid., p. 12

[67]      ibid., p. 80

[68]      ibid., p. 42

[69]      ibid., p. 43

[70]      Submission No. 92, Dr Tim Atterton, p. 2

[71]      Ms Clare Loewenthal, Hansard, Sydney, Roundtable, 14 August 2002, p. 632

[72]      ABS, Media Release, 19 March 2002, 8127

[73]      ABS, Small Business in Australia, 2001, 1321.0, 2001, p. 40

[74]      Ms Linda Hailey, Director, Hailey Enterprises Pty Ltd, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 631

[75]      ibid., pp. 631–33

[76]      ibid.

[77]      Ms Amy Lyden, Company Director, Bow Wow Meow Pty Ltd, Hansard, Sydney, Roundtable 15 August 2002, p. 684

[78]      ABS, Small Business in Australia, 2001, 1321.0, 2001, p. 21

[79]      ibid., p. 15

[80]      Submission No. 4, Australian Retailers’ Association, pp. 6–7

[81]      Ms Barbara Gabogrecan, op. cit., p. 242

[82]      Mrs Vicki Brown, Small Business Assistance Officer, Great Southern ACC, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 80

[83]      Submission No. 6, Gulf Savannah Development, pp. 4; 8–9

[84]      Submission No. 24, Great Southern Development Commission, Attachment 1, p. 16

[85]      Submission No. 23, Great Southern Area Consultative Committee, p. 2

[86]      Submission No. 32, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia, p. 3

Chapter 3 - Small business and employment

[1]        Dr Tim Mazzarol, Chairman, Centre for Regional Innovation and Enterprise, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 96

[2]        OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, OECD, Paris, 2000, p. 7

[3]        ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001, p. 7

[4]        Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, August 1997, p. ix

[5]        OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, 2000 Edition, OECD, Paris, 2000, p. 7

[6]        ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001, pp. 13–14

[7]        ibid., p. 13

[8]        M. Priestley, Parliamentary Library Research Note: Small Business Employment, No 10, September 17, 2002. p.1

[9]        Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, August 1997, p. 6

[10]      ibid.

[11]      This may reflect the ‘more personal’ nature of employment relations in small business compared with other business, in the AWIRS survey (Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, August 1997, p. 66).

[12]      Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, p. 75

[13]      ibid., p. 42

[14]      OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, 2000 Edition, OECD, Paris, 2000, p. 8; SMEs: Employment, Innovation and Growth, the Washington Workshop, OECD, Paris 1996, p. 9

[15]      B. Harrison, Lean and Mean—the Changing Landscape of Corporate Power in the Age of Flexibility, Basic Books, US, 1994; Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, 1997, p. 13

[16]      Submission No. 77, Mr Brian Gibson, p. 2

[17]      ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0, 2001, pp. 14–15

[18]      ibid., p. 13

[19]      ibid.

[20]      Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, p. 13

[21]      B. Harrison, op. cit., p. 13

[22]      Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, p. 1

[23]      Submission No. 71, Office of Small Business, p. 4

[24]      ibid., p. 16

[25]      CPA Australia, ‘Government Must Reinstate Small Business Surveys Say CPA’, Media Release, 2 March 1999 at:

[26]      Productivity Commission, response to Questions on Notice, 15 November 2002, p. 2

[27]      Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, p. 61

[28]      Ms Sharan Burrow, President, ACTU, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 223

[29]      Submission No. 23, Great Southern Area Consultative Committee, p. 3

[30]      Mr Tim Harcourt, Chief Economist, Austrade, Hansard, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 664

[31]      Ms Judith Hartcher, Business Policy Adviser, CPA Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, pp. 200–01

[32]      ibid.

[33]      Submission No. 18, CPA Australia, p. 6

[34]      Mrs Mary Dean, Vice President, BPW Australia, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 416, 426; BPW Australia, Media Release, 27 April 2002 (tabled documents)

[35]      Kearney, P., Size Matters—Small Business, Small Workplaces, National Summative Evaluation Report of the Small Business Professional Development Programme 1996–2000, Commonwealth of Australia 2000, p. 7

[36]      Kearney, Big Pictures from the Small End of Town, 1998 Small Business Professional Development Evaluation Report, Commonwealth of Australia, 1999, p. 14

[37]      Submission No. 18, op. cit., pp. 3, 9

[38]      ibid., p. 3

[39]      Mr Michael Iaccarino, Executive Officer, Melbourne West Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 304

[40]      Submission No. 18, op. cit., pp. 4, 17

[41]      Submission No. 88, Business Enterprise Centres SA Inc., p. 2

[42]      Dr Timothy Mazzarol, op. cit., p. 96

[43]      Submission No. 48, Pacific Access, p. 4

[44]      Submission No. 19, Restaurant and Catering Association, p. 9

[45]      Submission No. 36, Canberra Business Council, p. 4

[46]      Mr Alan McKenzie, Director, National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia, Hansard, Canberra, 8 October 2002, p. 880

[47]      Submission No. 4, Australian Retailers Association, pp. 6–8

[48]      CPA Australia: Small Business Survey Program: Perceptions of Risk, August 2002

[49]      Mr Peter Middleton, Member, Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 527

[50]      Submission No. 38, Far North Queensland Area Consultative Committee, p. 1

[51]      Mr Craig Sloan, Vice Chairman, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 473

[52]      Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 636

[53]      SMEs: Employment, Innovation and Growth, the Washington Workshop, OECD, Paris, 1996, pp. 7–8

[54]      K. Hindle and S. Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship. Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 28

[55]      Submission No. 48, op. cit., p. 7 (Table 4)

[56]      Submission No.77, op. cit., pp. 1–2

[57]      Mr Brian Gibson, Hansard, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 574

[58]      Mr Steven Shepherd, Senior Economist, Pacific Access, Hansard, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 332

[59]      Submission No. 40, Western Australia BEC Managers, p. 4

[60]      J. Jones, ‘Business Growth and Industrial Relations and HRM Practices: a Longitudinal Study of Australian Manufacturing SMEs’, Research Paper Series:01-6, Flinders University, School of Commerce, ISSN 1441-3906

[61]      Mr Michael Iaccarino, op. cit., pp. 303–04

[62]      Ms Judith Hartcher, op. cit., p. 201

[63]      Submission No. 48, op. cit., p. 7

[64]      Productivity Commission, Small Business Employment, August, p. 29

[65]      Hindle and Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship. Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 21

[66]      ibid.

[67]      Submission No. 77, op. cit., p. 4; see also Submission No. 89, CREEDA, p. 2 which argues for an increased focus on these businesses

[68]      Submission No. 77, op. cit., p. 4

[69]      Submission No. 89, CREEDA, p. 2

[70]      Dr Tim Atterton, op. cit., p. 959

[71]      Associate Professor Ann Hodgkinson, Hansard, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 612

[72]      Mr Kit Peters, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 635

[73]      Submission No. 58, Austrade, p. 4

[74]      Submission No. 71 ,op. cit., p. 16

[75]      Mr Michael Edgecombe, Executive Officer, SA Regional Development Boards SA, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 948

[76]      Submission No. 40, op. cit., p. 3

[77]      Submission No. 48, op. cit., p. 1

[78]      ibid., pp. 1–2

[79]      Submission No. 77, op. cit., p. 4

[80]      Submission No. 95, Adelaide Hills Regional Development, pp. 2–3

[81]      Submission No. 96, Department of Transport and Regional Services, p. 1

[82]      Ms Suzanne Sheil, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 689

[83]      Submission No.18, op. cit., p. 3

[84]      Mr David Byrne, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 973

[85]      Submission No. 53, Australian Property Institute, p. 3

[86]      Submission No.18, op. cit., p. 3

[87]      Submission No. 35, Melbourne Development Board, p. 8

[88]      Submission No. 19, op. cit., p. 17

[89]      CPA Australia, Small Business Survey Program: Employment Issues, March 2002, p. 11

[90]      Submission No. 51, Motor Trades Association of Western Australia, pp. 4–5

[91]      Submission No. 57, Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce and Industry, p. 10

[92]      Submission No. 36, op. cit., p. 2

[93]      Submission No. 39, Greater Brisbane Area Consultative Committee, p. 1

[94]      Mr Danny Keep, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston , 26 July 2002, p. 460

[95]      Submission No. 39, op. cit., p. 2

[96]      Submission No. 88, Business Enterprise Centres of South Australia, p. 1

[97]      Mr Ian Davis, Deputy Chair, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 473

[98]      Submission No. 72, Business Enterprise Centres of Australia, p. 9

[99]      For example, the committee received a copy of the report of the Illawarra Regional Workplace Relations Survey which indicated that, although there had been a total reduction in the region’s small business workforce in 1996 as a result of terminations (mainly due to lack of work) and resignations, very few firms experienced difficulty in terminating employees for any reason. It found: ‘Unfair dismissal legislation was an insignificant consideration in recruitment, termination or disciplining of employees’. See ‘Illawarra at Work, A Summary of the Major Findings of the Illawara Regional Workplace Relations Survey’, Labour, Human Resource and Regional Studies Centre, University of Wollongong, Industrial Relations Report No. 4, 2001, p. 21

Chapter 4 - Government policies and programs

[1]        Mr John Macdonald, Executive Officer, Melbourne Development Board, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 253

[2]        Ms Cindy Ford, Executive Officer, Ipswich and Regional Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 64

[3]        OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, OECD, Paris 2000, p. 7

[4]        Submission No. 91, National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Section 3, p. 53, quoting a United States Small Business Administration report to the President

[5]        Austrade, Knowing and Growing the Exporter Community, pp. 6; 54–55

[6]        Productivity Commission, Design Principles for Small Business Programs and Regulations, Staff Research Paper, 21 August 1998, p. xix

[7]        Productivity Commission, Business Failure and Change; an Australian Perspective, December 2000, p. 50

[8]        Office of Small Business at the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources website:

[9]        Submission No. 90, Local Government Association of South Australia, p. 2

[10]      See:

[11]      Mr Drew Clarke, Executive General Manager, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Hansard, Canberra, 8 October 2002, p. 910

[12]      Ms Amy Lyden, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 684

[13]      Submission No. 72, Business Enterprise Centres Australia, p. 1

[14]      Mr Colin O’Brien, Business Enterprise Centres Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 273

[15]      Business Enterprise Centres Australia, Capability Statement, 2001; Submission No. 72, op. cit., pp. 1–2,

[16]      Submission No. 90, Local Government Association of South Australia, p. 5

[17]      Submission No. 86, Gold Coast City Councils, p. 5

[18]      Submission No. 90, op. cit., p. 4

[19]      Submission No. 85, Ipswich and Regional Area Consultative Committee, p. 2

[20]      Mrs Diana Abruzzi, Executive Chairman, International Business Women’s Network, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 369

[21]      Hansard, Roundtable, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 163

[22]      ibid., p. 164

[23]      Productivity Commission, Design Principles for Small Business Programs and Regulation, Staff Research Paper, 21 August 1998, p. 1

[24]      Office of Small Business, at departmental website

[25]      Office of Small Business, at departmental website

[26]      Mr Antony Brugger, Acting General Manager, Office of Small Business, Hansard, Canberra, 8 October 2002, p. 917

[27]      Mr Drew Clarke, Executive General Manager, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Hansard, Canberra, 8 October 2002, p. 916

[28]      Submission No. 85, op. cit., p. 2

[29]      Mr John Macdonald, op. cit., p. 254

[30]      Mr Ian Davis, Deputy Chair, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 478

[31]      K. Hindle and S. Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 27

[32]      ibid.

[33]      Mr Antony Brugger, op. cit., pp. 917–18

[34]      Mr Craig Sloan, Vice Chairman, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, pp.473–74

[35]      Mr Ian Davis, op. cit., p. 477

[36]      Submission No. 72, Business Enterprise Centres Australia, p. 3

[37]      ibid., pp. 1–2

[38]      Submission No. 84, Australian National Training Authority (ANTA), p. 13

[39]      Mr Colin O’Brien, op. cit., pp. 268–69

[40]      Submission No. 47, Small Business Development Corporation of Western Australia, p. 13

[41]      Ms Clare Loewenthal, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 638

[42]      Mrs Su McCluskey, General Manager Policy, National Farmers’ Federation, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August, p. 505

[43]      Dr Timothy Mazzarol, Chairman, Centre for Regional Innovation and Enterprise, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, pp. 96–97

[44]      Submission No. 40, Western Australia BEC Managers, p. 5

[45]      Submission No. 95, Adelaide Hills Regional Development Board, p. 4

[46]      ibid., pp. 4–5

[47]      Mr Antony Brugger, op. cit. p. 917

[48]      Dr Allan Pattison, Chair, Hunter Economic Development Board, Hansard, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 655

[49]      Mr Antony Brugger, op. cit., p. 917

[50]      Mr Drew Clarke, op. cit., p. 916

[51]      Ms Cindy Ford, op. cit., p. 763

[52]      Mr Keith Rice, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 453

[53]      Mrs Beverley Nowotny Ford, Hansard, Roundtable, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 160

[54]      Mr John Macdonald, op. cit. p. 255

[55]      Mr Antony Brugger, op. cit. p. 913

[56]      ibid., pp. 920–21

[57]      Ms Judith Hartcher, Business Policy Adviser, CPA Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 210

[58]      CPA Australia, Additional information.

[59]      Mr Antony Brugger, op. cit., p. 914

[60]      Ms Cindy Ford, op. cit., p. 760

[61]      Ms Judith Hartcher, op. cit., p. 201

[62]      Mr Fred Marchant, Small Business Assistance Officer, Far North Queensland Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 746

[63]      Mr David Bainbridge, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 628

[64]      Submission No. 72, op. cit, pp. 1–2

[65]      Mr Alan Giles, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, pp. 371–72

[66]      Mr Murray Geddes, Home-Based Business of the ACT, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, pp. 524–25

[67]      Mr Peter Fitzpatrick, Motor Trades Association of Western Australia, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 4

[68]      Mrs Diana Abruzzi, op. cit., p. 369

[69]      Mrs Su McCluskey, op. cit., p. 504

[70]      Mr Paul Goodwin, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 626

[71]      Mr David Baumgarten, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, pp. 627–28

[72]      Mr Tomas Vieira, Executive Officer, Far North Queensland Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 742

[73]      Mr Euan Miller, Executive Officer, Business Enterprise Centres SA Inc, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 952

[74]      Submission No. 90, Local Government Association of South Australia, pp. 7–8

[75]      Submission No. 40, op. cit., p. 6

[76]      Submission No. 95,op. cit., pp. 3–4

[77]      Mr Colin O’Brien, op. cit., p. 269

[78]      Mr Danny Keep, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 454

[79]      Ms Kathryn Sutcliffe, Chief Executive Officer, Gulf Savannah Development Inc, Hansard,  Brisbane ,12 September 2002, p. 739

[80]      Submission No. 44, Albury Wodonga Area Consultative Committee, pp. 3–4

[81]      Mrs Barbara Gabogreca, Managing Director, Micro Business Network, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 234

[82]      Ms Cindy Ford, op. cit., pp. 752–53

[83]      Submission No. 24, Great Southern Development Corporation, p. 7

[84]      Submission No. 19, Restaurant and Catering Australia, p. 17

[85]      Mr Vincent Schofield, President, National Federation of Independent Business (Gold Coast), Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, pp. 730–31

[86]      Mr Louis Symes, Hansard, Roundtable, Perth, 19 July 2002, p. 182

[87]      Mr Richard Zawadski, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 461

[88]      Submission No. 24, op. cit., p. 7

[89]      Submission No. 19, op. cit., pp. 17–18

[90]      Hindle and Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 42

[91]      ibid., p. 2

[92]      See Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance, Small Business Administration website: www.cfda.gpv/public/viewprog.asp?progid=763

[93]      See Pooled Development Funds at:

[94]      Mr Tomas Vieira, Executive Officer, Far North Queensland Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 743

[95]      Submission No. 87, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Commission (ATSIC), p. 2

[96]      ibid., pp. 1–2

[97]      Mr Tomas Vieira, op. cit., p. 744

[98]      Mr Philip Neal, Acting Program Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Commission Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 769

[99]      Mr Tomas Vieira, op. cit., p. 743

[100]    Submission No. 87, op. cit., para 1.6.5

Chapter 5 - Skills development for small business

[1]        Submission No. 93, Dr Tim Atterton, p. 3

[2]        Submission No. 67, Motor Trades Association of Western Australia, pp. 1–2

[3]        Mr David Russell, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 375

[4]        Submission No.38, Far North Queensland Area Consultative Committee, p. 2

[5]        Mr Allen Roberts, Hansard, Roundtable Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 365

[6]        SETEL, Australian SME E-Commerce Forum Taskforce Accelerating the Uptake of E‑Commerce by Small and Medium Enterprises, July 2002, compiled by E. Brown Small Enterprise Telecommunication Centre, p. 23

[7]        Austrade, Knowing and Growing the Australian Exporter Community, p. 55

[8]        Mr Brian Gibson, Hansard, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 576

[9]        Mr George Etrelezis, Managing Director, Western Australia Small Business Development Corporation, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 19

[10]      Ms Linda Hailey, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 645

[11]      Mrs Beverley Nowotny Ford, Hansard, Roundtable, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 151

[12]      Ms Vicki Brown, Small Business Assistance Officer, Great Southern Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Albany, 18 July, 2002, p. 88

[13]      Ms Judith Hartcher, Business Policy Advisor, CPA Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 204

[14]      Mr John Gaffney, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 366

[15]      Mrs Vicki Brown, Small Business Assistance Officer, Great Southern Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 86

[16]      Submission No. 86, Gold Coast City Council, pp. 1–2

[17]      Mr John Macdonald, Executive Officer, Melbourne Development Board, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 253

[18]      K. Hindle and S. Rushworth, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Australia 2001, Yellow Pages, p. 22

[19]      Mr Richard Evans, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne 25 July 2002, p. 373

[20]      Mr Harold Handley, Hansard, Roundtable, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 1001

[21]      Submission No. 27, Australia’s Holiday Coast Area Consultative Committee, p. 2

[22]      Mr Paolo Lionetti, Hansard, Roundtable, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 136

[23]      Mr Kit Peters, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 641

[24]      Ms Elizabeth-Anne Gervay, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 688

[25]      Ms Narelle Whyte, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, pp. 688–89

[26]      Mr Luke Torrevillas, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 688; Mrs Susanne Gibbs, Hansard, Roundtable, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 993; Ms Susan Lee, Hansard, Roundtable, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 1001

[27]      Ms Katrina Drake-Mundy, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 453

[28]      Ms Sue Vitnell, Newcomers Network, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 246

[29]      Ms Irene Dewsbery, Treasurer, National NEIS Association, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 710

[30]      ibid.

[31]      Mr Ken Douglas, Group Manager, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Hansard, 6 August 2002, p. 559

[32]      Submission No. 19, Restaurant and Catering Australia, p. 18

[33]      Mrs Judith Hartcher, op. cit., p. 211

[34]      Mr Julian Webb, Chief Executive Officer, Capital Region Enterprise and Employment Development Association (CREEDA), Developing Incubation Policy—A Discussion Paper, July 2002, p. 5

[35]      Ms Barbara Gabogrecan, Managing Director, Micro Business Network, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 248

[36]      Mr Ian Davis, Deputy Chair, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 482

[37]      Mrs Mary Storch, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 684

[38]      Mr Richard Strickland, WA Department of Training, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 77

[39]      Dr Tim Atterton, Director Entrepreneurship and Business Development Unit, Curtin University, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 961

[40]      Submission No. 40, Western Australia A BEC Managers Association, p. 7

[41]      Ms Linda Hailey, op. cit., p. 624

[42]      Ms Mary Dean, Vice President, Business and Professional Women’s Association, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 410

[43]      Mr Euan Miller, Executive Officer, Business Enterprise Centres SA Inc, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 955

[44]      Dr Timothy Mazzarol, Chairman, Centre for Regional Innovation and Enterprise, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 107

[45]      Submission No. 38, op. cit., pp. 1–2

[46]      Mr Robert Griffith, Secretary, Centre for Regional Innovation and Enterprise, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 102

[47]      Submission No. 85, Ipswich and Region Area Consultative Committee, pp. 1–2

[48]      Ms Cindy Ford, Executive Officer, Ipswich and Regional Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 759

[49]      Submission No. 80, National NEIS Association, p. 32

[50]      Mr Peter Fehre, Executive Director, Retail Traders Association of Tasmania, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 424

[51]      Mr Andrew Maurice, op. cit., p. 28

[52]      Ms Irene Dewsbery, op. cit., p. 721

[53]      Mr Andrew Maurice, op. cit., p. 28

[54]      Mr Gavan Ord, Technical Policy Manager, National Institute of Accountants, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, pp. 441–42

[55]      Dr Tim Atterton, op. cit., p. 970

[56]      Submission No. 72, op. cit., p. 10

[57]      Mr Julian Webb, Chief Executive Officer, Capital Region Enterprise and Employment Development Association (CREEDA), Hansard, Canberra, 10 October 2002, pp. 936–37

[58]      Dr Timothy Mazzarol, op. cit., p. 107

[59]      Ms Sally Haigh, Senior Development Officer, Great Southern Development Corporation, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 109

[60]      Mr David Byrne, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 980

[61]      Submission No. 84, Australian National Training Authority, p. 5

[62]      Ms Nowotny Ford, op. cit., p. 135

[63]      Ms Nowotny Ford, op. cit., p. 135

[64]      Mr Peter Fitzpatrick, Executive Director, Motor Trades Association of Western Australia, Hansard, Perth, 19 July 2002, p. 180

[65]      Mr  Andrew Maurice, op. cit., p 16

[66]      Mr Ian Reid, Business Consultant, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 278

[67]      Mr Euan Miller, op. cit., p. 995; Mr Michael Edgecombe, Executive Officer, Regional Development South Australia, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002. p. 956

[68]      Ms Mary Dean, Vice-President, BPW Australia, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 414

[69]      Mr Richard Strickland, WA Department of Training, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, pp. 68-9

[70]      Submission No. 84, op. cit., p. 6

[71]      ibid., p. 11

[72]      ibid., p. 3

[73]      ibid., p. 10

[74]      ibid., p. 12

[75]      ibid., p. 12

[76]      Mr Michael Edgecombe, op. cit., p. 956

[77]      Mr David Byrne, op. cit., p. 974

[78]      ibid.

[79]      Letter from Professor Sandra Harding to Senator Campbell 12 November 2002 (additional information).

[80]      Dr Tim Atterton, op. cit., p. 961

[81]      ibid., p. 960

[82]      ibid., p. 968

[83]      K. Hindle and S. Rushworth, op. cit., p. 29

[84]      Submission No. 84, op. cit. p. 8

[85]      Mr Robin Taylor, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 626

[86]      Mr Gavan Ord, op. cit., p. 432

[87]      Ass Professor John Breen, Head, Small Business Unit, Victoria University, Hansard, Melbourne, 25 July 2002. p 303

[88]      P. Kearney, Big Pictures from the Small End of Town, 1998 Small Business Professional Development Programme Evaluation Report, Commonwealth of Australia, 1999, p. 8

[89]      Ass Professor John Breen, op. cit., p. 310

[90]      Mr David Baumgarten, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 621

[91]      ibid.

[92]      Submission No. 84, op. cit., p. 8

[93]      Mrs Barbara Enright, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 696

[94]      Education and Training Experience Australia, ABS 2001

[95]      Submission No. 84, op. cit., pp. 7-8

[96]      Submission No. 94, Department of Education, Science and Training, p. 7

[97]      Mr David Strickland. op. cit., p. 68

[98]      Dr John Spierings, Research Strategist, Dusseldorp Skills Forum, Hansard, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 351

[99]      Mr Andrew Maurice, op. cit., p. 17

[100]    Ms Karen Curtis, Director, Industry Policy, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 542

Chapter 6 - Reducing the burden of regulation

[1]        OECD Small and Medium Enterprise Outlook, 2000 Edition, OECD Paris 2000, p. 17

[2]        Submission No. 47, Small Business Development Corporation of Western Australia, p. 3

[3]        OECD, Businesses’ Views on Red Tape—Administrative and Regulatory Burdens on Small and Medium Enterprises, OECD, Paris, 2001, p. 32

[4]        Submission No. 37, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), p. 7

[5]        OECD, Businesses’ Views on Red Tape, p. 21

[6]        ibid., p. 23

[7]        ibid., p. 21

[8]        ibid., p. 21

[9]        Report of the Small Business Deregulation Task Force, p. 14

[10]      OECD, Businesses’ Views on Red Tape, p. 24

[11]      ibid., p. 30

[12]      Mr Edward Smith, Member, Great Southern Area Consultative Committee, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 89

[13]      Mr Graeme Hollidge, Hansard, Adelaide, Roundtable, 10 October 2002, p. 1007

[14]      Submission No. 37, op. cit., p. 11

[15]      Office of Small Business, response to Question on Notice, Attachment A

[16]      Mr Antony Brugger, Acting General Manager, Office of Small Business, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 560

[17]      OECD, Businesses’ Views on Red Tape, pp. 33–36

[18]      Mr Gary Banks, Chairman, Productivity Commission, Hansard, Canberra, 17 October 2002, p. 1013

[19]      ibid., p. 1015

[20]      Submission No. 41, Recruitment and Consulting Services Association, p. 1

[21]      Mr Harold Handley, Hansard, Roundtable, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 1009

[22]      Productivity Commission, response to Questions on Notice, 15 November 2002, p. 13

[23]      ibid., p. 1

[24]      ibid., p. 4

[25]      Letter from Mr Tom Barton, Queensland Minister for State Development, 16 May 2002

[26]      OECD, Businesses’ Views on Red Tape, Table 3, p. 117

[27]      Submission No. 47, op. cit., p. 15

[28]      OECD, Businesses’ Views on Red Tape, Table 4, p. 119

[29]      Mr Greg Waller, Director, Development and Environment Services, Salisbury City Council, Hansard, Adelaide, 10 October 2002, p. 945

[30]      Mr Richard Joel, Chief Executive Officer, Brisbane Office of Economic Development, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, pp. 756–57

[31]      Submission No. 23, Great Southern Area Consultative Committee, p. 4

[32]      Mr George Etrelezis, Managing Director, Small Business Development Corporation of Western Australia, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 14

[33]      Submission No. 90, Local Government Association of South Australia, p. 6

[34]      Mr George Etrelezis, op. cit., p. 20

[35]      Chair, Hansard, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 316

[36]      Productivity Commission, response to Questions on Notice, pp. 17–22

[37]      Submission No. 87, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Association, p. 2

[38]      Submission No. 18, CPA Australia, p. 6

[39]      Mr Paul Wilson, Hansard, Sydney, Roundtable, 15 August 2002, pp. 681–82

[40]      Mrs Su McCluskey, General Manager, Policy, National Farmers Federation, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 501

[41]      Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 18

[42]      Mr John Gaffney, Hansard, Melbourne, Roundtable, 25 July 2002, p. 384

[43]      ibid., p. 15; see also Submission No. 63, National Farmers’ Federation

[44]      Mr Danny Keep, Hansard, Launceston, Roundtable, 26 July 2002, p. 449

[45]      Submission No. 37, op. cit., p. 25

[46]      Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 15

[47]      Mr Peter Wise, General Manager, Tasmanian Independent Wholesalers, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, pp. 401‑402

[48]      Mr Peter Cowley, Hansard, Melbourne, Roundtable, 25 July 2002, p. 371

[49]      Ms Mary Storch, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 15 August 2002, p. 685

[50]      Mr Charles Cameron, Recruitment and Consulting Services Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 320

[51]      Mrs Beverley Farmer, Hansard, Albany, Roundtable, 18 July 2002, p. 135

[52]      Mr Danny Keep, op. cit., p. 448

[53]      Ms Helen Jentz, Hansard, Brisbane, Roundtable, 13 September 2002, p. 844

[54]      Ms Judith Hartcher, Business Policy Adviser, CPA Australia, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 202

[55]      Mr Paul Wilson, op. cit., p. 707

[56]      Productivity Commission, responses to Questions on Notice, 15 November 2002, p. 10

[57]      Mr George Etrelezis, op. cit., p. 13

[58]      Submission No. 47, op. cit., pp. 12–13

[59]      Submission No. 68, Dr Binh Tran-Nam and Dr John Glover, p. 19

[60]      Submission No. 66, p. 3; Submission No. 82, p. 8

[61]      Submission No. 82, op. cit., p. 8

[62]      Ms Helen Jentz, op. cit., p. 851

[63]      Ms Emma Larkins, Hansard, Sydney, Roundtable, 15 August 2002, p. 703

[64]      Mr Craig Sloan, Vice Chairman, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra, 6 August 2002, p. 473

[65]      Submission No. 9, Tasmanian Independent Wholesalers, p. 12

[66]      Mr David White, Hansard, Roundtable, Brisbane, 13 September 2002, p. 855

[67]      Mr George Etrelezis, op. cit, p. 26

[68]      Mr Peter Fitzpatrick, Executive Director, Motor Trades Association of Western Australia, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 9

[69]      Mr David White, op. cit., p. 855

[70]      ibid.

[71]      Mr Craig Sloan, op. cit., p. 470

[72]      Mr Peter Fitzpatrick, op. cit., p. 5

[73]      Submission No. 47, op. cit., p. 7

[74]      Submission No. 14, National Federation of Independent Business (Gold Coast), p. 2

[75]      Submission No. 53, Australian Property Institute, p. 2

[76]      Report of the Review of Business Taxation, July 1999, para. 114

[77]      ibid., paras 336–42

[78]      ibid.

[79]      ATO website:

[80]      Submission No. 68, op. cit., p. 20

[81]      Australian Taxation Office, response to Question on Notice, 6 August 2002

[82]      ibid.

[83]      Submission No. 47, op. cit., p. 7; Submission No. 19, Restaurant and Catering Association, p. 21; Submission No. 26, Retail Traders Association of Tasmania, p. 3

[84]      Australian Taxation Office, Response to Question on Notice, BAS

[85]      Submission No. 56, Council of Small Business Associations (COSBOA), Attachment, p. 1

[86]      Business and Professional Women Australia, response to Question on Notice, 26 January 2002; Submission No. 6, Gulf Savannah, pp. 6–7

[87]      Submission No. 6, ibid., pp. 6–7

[88]      ibid., pp. 6–7

[89]      Submission No. 16, Institute of Engineers, pp. 1–3

[90]      Submission No. 2, APESMA, pp. 5–6; 10

[91]      Submission No. 31, Australian Catholic Commission on Employment Relations, p. 15

[92]      Mr Julian Webb, Chief Executive Officer, CREEDA, Hansard, Canberra, 8 October 2002, pp. 937–38

[93]      Submission No. 46, Housing Institute of Australia, p. 8

[94]      Submission No. 31, op. cit., pp. 19–20

[95]      Office of Small Business, response to Question on Notice: Progress with implementation of the Bell Task Force report recommendations accepted by the government, Attachment A, p. 5

[96]      Submission No. 44, Albury Wodonga Area Consultative Committee, pp. 3–4

[97]      Submission No. 49 Australian Industry Group, AESA, p. 5

[98]      Ms Judith Hartcher, op. cit., p. 201; Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 12

[99]      Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 16

[100]    Ms Judith Hartcher, op. cit., p. 214

[101]    Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 16

[102]    Submission No. 23, op. cit., p. 2

[103]    Office of Small Business, Response to Question on Notice, Attachment A, pp. 5–6

[104]    Submission No. 62, Family Business Australia, p. 1

[105]    Submission No. 36, Canberra Business Council, p. 3

[106]     Data from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations provided to Senator Andrew Murray

[107]    Submission No. 31, op. cit., p. 18

[108]    Ms Emma Larkins, Hansard, Sydney Roundtable, 15 August 2002, p. 694

[109]    Harding, D., The Effect of Unfair Dismissal Laws on Small and Medium Businesses, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 29 October 2002, p. iv

[110]    Submission No. 18, op. cit., p. 3

[111]    Submission No. 23, op. cit., p. 5

[112]    Ms Linda Hailey, Hansard, Roundtable, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 636

[113]    Submission No. 44, Albury Wodonga Area Consultative Committee, p. 4

[114]    Submission No. 54, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, p. 10

[115]    Mr David White, Hansard, Roundtable, Brisbane, 13 September 2002, p. 842

[116]    Mr Gary Banks, op. cit., p. 1018

[117]    ibid., pp. 1015–16

[118]    Submission No. 73, National Institute of Accountants, p. 3

[119]    Mr Gavan Ord, Technical Policy Manager, National Institute of Accountants, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 439

[120]    Submission No. 47, op. cit., p. 16

[121]    Productivity Commission, response to Question on Notice, No. 2, 15 November 2002, p. 4

[122]    Mr Richard Joel, Chief Executive Officer, Brisbane Office of Economic Development, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 763

[123]    Submission No. 85, Ipswich Area Consultative Committee, p. 1

[124]    Mr John Ilhone, Director, Southwest Group of Councils, Hansard, Perth 17 July 2002,
pp. 46–47

[125]    Mr Allen Roberts, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002. p. 366

[126]    Mr Malcolm Griffin, Hansard, Roundtable, Brisbane, 13 September 2002, p. 843

[127]    Mr John Gaffney, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 386

[128]    Mr Allen Roberts, Hansard, Roundtable, Melbourne, 25 July 2002, p. 366

[129]    Submission No. 85, Ipswich Area Consultative Committee, p. 2

[130]    Mr Ian Abernethy, Hansard, Roundtable, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 462

[131]    Mr Mark Leyland, Hansard, Roundtable, Brisbane, 13 September 2002, p. 846

[132]    Mr Larry Davies, General Manager, Employment, Department of Training Western Australia, Hansard, Perth, 17 July 2002, p. 69

[133]    Mr John McIlhone, op. cit., pp. 46–47

[134]    Mr Ian Davis, Member, Canberra Business Council, Hansard, Canberra 6 August 2002, p. 475; Mr John McIlhone, op. cit., pp. 46–47

[135]    Mr John McIlhone, ibid., p. 47

[136]    Submission No. 4, Australian Retailers Association, pp. 20–22

[137]    ibid., pp. 20–22

[138]    Recommendations, Finding a Balance—Towards Fair Trading in Australia, Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, May 1997.

Government Senators' Reservations

[1]        Office of Small Business, Response to Question on Notice, Attachment A

[2]        Productivity Commission, Regulation and its Review 2001-02, November 2002, p. xviii

[3]        ibid, p. xix

[4]        Under the Microscope, Micro Businesses in Australia, Report of the Micro Business Consultative Group, February 1998

[5]        Mr Joe Hockey, Minister for Small Business, Question without notice, Economy; Small Business, 20 March 2002, House Hansard, p. 1682

[6]        Mrs Vicki Brown, Great Southern ACC, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 88

[7]        Mr Edward Smith, Great Southern ACC, Hansard, Albany, 18 July 2002, p. 94

[8]        Mr David Wilkes, Retail Traders Association of Tasmania, Hansard, Launceston, 26 July 2002, p. 419; Mr Vincent Schofield, NFIB Gold Coast, Hansard, Brisbane, 12 September 2002, p. 724 advised that all of his 12 employees have been engaged on a casual basis

[9]        Ms Emma Larkins, Hansard, Sydney Roundtable, 15 August 2002, p.682; Ms Barbara Gabogrecan, Micro Business Network, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p.234; Mr John Gilmour, Hansard, Melbourne Roundtable, 25 July 2002, p. 381

[10]      Ms Barbara Gabogrecan, Managing Director, Micro Business Network, Hansard, Melbourne, 24 July 2002, p. 234

[11]      Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Small Business Agenda for Change, September 1998, p. 1; Submission No. 37, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, p. 8 quoting 2001 survey.

[12]      Mr Edward Smith, op. cit., p. 94

[13]      Mr John Hart, Restaurant and Catering Association, Hansard, Sydney, 14 August 2002, p. 587

[14]      Ms Elizabeth-Anne Gervay, Hansard, Sydney, Roundtable, 15 August 2002, p. 682

[15]      Mr Anthony Thompson, Hansard, Perth, Roundtable, 19 July 2002, p. 175

[16]      Submission 54, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Attachment C, p. 9

[17]      Mr John Hart, op. cit., p. 591

[18]      Submission 44, Albury-Wodonga ACC, p. 3

[19]      D. Harding, The Effect of Unfair Dismissal Laws on Small and Medium Sized Businesses, Melbourne Institute, University of Melbourne, 29 October 2002, p. iii

[20]      ibid., p. iv

[21]      ibid., pp. iv -v

[22]      D. Harding, The Effect of Unfair Dismissal Laws on Small and Medium Sized Businesses, Melbourne Institute, University of Melbourne, 29 October 2002, p. vii

23       ibid., p. 8

[24]      Mr Graeme Harris, Hansard, Roundtable, Perth, 19 July 2002, p. 195

[25]      ABS, Small Business in Australia 2001, 1321.0. 2001, Table 4.1, p. 34