Terms of reference

Terms of reference

The Chair of the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee (Senator George Campbell), pursuant to notice of motion not objected to as a formal motion, moved business of the Senate notice of motion no. 3—That the following matters be referred to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee for inquiry and report by the last sitting day in June 2003:

  1. areas of skills shortage and labour demand in different areas and locations, with particular emphasis on projecting future skills requirements;
  2. the effectiveness of current Commonwealth, state and territory education, training and employment policies, and programs and mechanisms for meeting current and future skills needs, and any recommended improvements;
  3. the effectiveness of industry strategies to meet current and emerging skill needs;
  4. the performance and capacity of Job Network to match skills availability with labour-market needs on a regional basis and the need for improvements;
  5. strategies to anticipate the vocational education and training needs flowing from industry restructuring and redundancies, and any recommended improvements; and
  6. consultation arrangements with industry, unions and the community on labour-market trends and skills demand in particular, and any recommended appropriate changes.

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