Commonwealth funding for schools

Commonwealth funding for schools

11 August 2004

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004

ISBN 0 642 71443 6

N.B. All files are in PDF format. To view or print the report, you will require the Acrobat PDF reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe.

View the report as a single document - (PDF format - 515 Kb)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Cover with membership details; terms of reference; table of contents & recommendations (PDF format - 193 Kb) (HTML format)
Preface (PDF format - 116 Kb) (HTML format)
Chapter One - Schools funding: a historical and political context (PDF format - 394 Kb) (HTML format)
Observations from history
Effects of social change on school funding
Choice, need and entitlement
The matter of choice
Competing under different rules
Walled and unwalled school communities
Chapter Two - Need versus entitlement - the ERI and SES funding models debate revisited (PDF format - 288 Kb) (HTML format)
Education Resource Index (ERI)
Socio Economic Status (SES)
Towards a modified SES model: the inclusion of a needs-based component
Chapter Three - Accountability and needs-based funding (PDF format - 185 Kb) (HTML format)
Commonwealth accountability framework
Views of the independent and Catholic school sectors
Criticisms of the accountability and reporting framework
New schools
Chapter Four - The Schools Assistance Bill 2004: areas of contention (PDF format - 166 Kb) (HTML format)
Funding details and issues
Entry of Catholic systemic schools under the SES funding model
Declining financial support for the states and territories
Intrusion in state affairs
Disdain for drafting conventions
Conclusion (PDF format - 70 Kb) (HTML format)

Government Senators' Report

(PDF format - 130 Kb) (HTML format)
Raising national educational standards
Choice and entitlement
Continuation of the SES funding model
Shaking up the teaching and learning culture
Reporting requirements
Australian Democrats' Report (PDF format - 81 Kb) (HTML format)
Needs based funding for government schools

Appendix 1: List of submissions

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Appendix 2: Hearings and witnesses

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Appendix 3: Tabled documents and Answers to questions on notice

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Appendix 4: Additional information

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