Provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No.3) 2004

Provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No.3) 2004

August 2004

© Commonwealth of Australia

ISBN 0 642 71449 5

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Membership of the Committee (PDF format) (HTML format)
Chapter 1 - Majority Report (PDF format) (HTML format)
Provisions of the bill
Provision relating to Melbourne University Private
Other matters
Chapter 2 - Opposition Senators' report (PDF format) (HTML format)
General comments
Melbourne University Private: Conditions for continued recognition as a university
Compliance with Ministerial Order on research output
Governance and independence of MUPL
Compliance with MCEETYA Protocols
Sector-wide implications
Objections by MUPL to Senate scrutiny
Conclusion and recommendations
Appendix 1 - List of submissions (PDF format) (HTML format)
Appendix 2 - Hearings and Witnesses (PDF format) (HTML format)
Appendix 3 - Tabled documents and answers to questions on notice (PDF format) (HTML format)
Appendix 4 - Additional information (PDF format) (HTML format)
Appendix 5 - Ministerial Orders (PDF format) (HTML format)
Democrats' Supplementary Report (Tabled 2 September) (PDF format) (HTML format)