Inquiry into higher education funding and regulatory legislation

Inquiry into higher education funding and regulatory legislation

Terms of Reference (Word 21KB)

Submission cover sheet (Word 30KB)


Supplementary Submissions

Public Hearings

On 26 June 2003, the Senate referred to its Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee an inquiry into the policy implicit in the forthcoming budget bills to fund universities, and of details of expenditure and new regulatory requirements, subject to the timing of the legislation. The terms of reference direct the committee to investigate the likely financial effect of budgetary measures on universities and students, including such matters as fee deregulation and the likely effects of the expansion of full fee places; the implications for research and institutional governance and autonomy; the effect on rural universities; on industrial relations and other matters.

By a resolution of the references committee, this inquiry is being dealt with by a sub-committee, chaired by Senator Kim Carr (ALP-Vic). Other members of the sub-committee are: Senator Trish Crossin (ALP-NT), Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (AD-SA) and Senator John Tierney (LP-NSW).

Submissions to the inquiry are invited, with a closing date of 15 August 2003.

Submissions should include all contact details, including mailing address, telephone and fax and email address if applicable and should be submitted electronically (Microsoft Word version 6.0 - 95 or above) and e-mailed to with the submission cover sheet supplied above. Alternatively they can be posted to:

Report - Tabled 7 November 2003