

[1] Dr John Buchanan, Hansard, 2 February 2004, p.36

[2] Professor Martin Loosemore, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.4

[3] ibid.

[4] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.14

[5] ibid., p.13

[6] Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, Discussion Paper 1, May 2002, p.21

[7] Mr James Barrett, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.31

[8] Submission No.12, Master Builders Australia, Attachment C, p.2

[9] Professor Ron McCallum, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.2

[10] Mr Peter Verwer, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.92

[11] Mr James Barrett, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.38

[12] Professor Martin Loosemore, Hansard, op. cit., p.21

[13] Mr Peter Verwer, op. cit, p.103

[14] Submission No.13, HIA, page 9

[15] ibid.

[16] Mr Frank D'Agostino, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, p.16

[17] Mr Peter Anderson, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.15

[18] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.109

[19] ibid.

[20] ibid.

[21] ibid., p.110

[22] Mr Lachlan Riches, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.77

[23] ibid., p.69

[24] Final Report of the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, vol.1, February 2003, p.57

[25] Submission No.26, Hon Rod Hulls MP, Victorian Minister for Industrial Relations, p.53

[26] ibid., p.18

[27] Mr Andrew Ferguson, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.61

[28] Associate Professor Braham Dabscheck, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, pp.34-35

[29] Dr Phillip Toner, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.83

[30] Senate EWRE Committee, Bridging the Skills Divide, Canberra 2003, pp.200-203

[31] Peter Barda, In Principle: Construction Industry Reform, 1991 to 1995, AGPS Canberra, p.11

[32] ibid, p.14-16

[33] Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, Discussion Paper 15, November 2002, p.38

[34] ibid., p.39

[35] ibid., p.16

[36] Mr Graham Cuthbert, Hansard, Brisbane, 25 February 2004, p.22

[37] Senate EWRE Legislation Committee, Report on the Workplace Relations Amendment (Protecting the Low Paid) Bill 2003, June 2003, p.13

[38] Professor Ron McCallum, op. cit., p.11

[39] ibid., p.5

[40] Submission No.1, Ai Group, Attachment A, p.92

[41] ibid.

[42] Submission No.90, Queensland Master Builders Association, p.15

[43] ibid., p.17

[44] Submission No.3, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), para 71, p.28

[45] Mr John Robertson, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.31

[46] Dr John Buchanan, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.45

[47] ibid.

[48] Mr Glenn Simpson, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.10

[49] Professor Martin Loosemore, op. cit., p.2

[50] Unisearch Ltd, UNSW, Workplace Regulation, Reform and Productivity in the International Building and Construction Industry, Discussion Paper 15, Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, November 2002, p.2

[51] Dr Phillip Toner, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.80

[52] Loosemore and McGeorge, op. cit., pp.17-26

[53] Mr Christopher Murphy, Hansard, Canberra, 25 May 2004, pp.2-5

[54] Phillip Toner, An Evaluation of Economic Analysis of the Building and Construction Sector, Employment Studies Centre, University of Newcastle, p.1

[55] ibid., p.11

[56] Dr Phillip Toner, Hansard, op. cit, p.79

[57] Econtech, Economic Analysis of the Building and Construction Sector, 20 February 2003, p.i

[58] Mr Wallace Trohear, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.73

[59] Mr Christopher Murphy, Hansard, Canberra, 25 May 2004, p.10ff

[60] Mr James Barrett, op. cit., p.24

[61] Note exchange of views between Mr Murphy and Senator Murray, Hansard, Canberra 25 May 2004, pp.30-35

[62] Submission No.64, Taylor and Scott, Lawyers, p.7

[63] ibid.

[64] Professor Denny McGeorge, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.8

[65] Associate Professor Braham Dabscheck, Hansard, Sydney, 7 April 2004, p.32

[66] Marcus Priest, 'Building taskforce targets Multplex', Australian Financial Review, 31 March 2004, p.1

[67] ibid.

[68] Nigel Hadgkiss, Upholding the Law - One year On: Findings of the Interim Building Industry Taskforce, Canberra, March 2004, p.18

[69] Submission No.64, Taylor and Scott, Lawyers, p.1

[70] George Gilligan, 'Royal Commissions of Inquiry', The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, vol.35, no.3 2002, p.292

[71] Submission No.64, op. cit., p.4

[72] Submission No.69, Slater and Gordon, Lawyers, p.1

[73] ibid.

[74] 'Union inquiry counters tax attack', Australian Financial Review, 27 July 2001

[75] 'Unions to demand tax dodge inquiry', Australian Financial Review, 1 August 2001

[76] Submission No.69, Slater and Gordon, Lawyers, p.2

[77] Cole Royal Commission: Final Report, volume 2, chapter 2, para.31

[78] Submission No.37, CFMEU, Annexure 12, p.10; See Cole royal commission Final Report, Volume 2, Chapter 4, para.64

[79] ibid, p.11

[80] Submission No.69, Slater and Gordon, Lawyers, p.2

[81] Ferguson vs Cole, op. cit, paras.56, 62

[82] Submission No.64, op. cit., p.2

[83] Mr Marcus Clayton, Hansard, Melbourne 19 May 2004, p.104

[84] Mr Christopher Maxwell, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, p.18

[85] ibid., p.22

[86] Jim Maher, First the Verdict: the real story of the building industry royal commission, Pluto Press, Sydney 2003, pp.69-74

[87] Mr Marcus Clayton, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.100

[88] Final Report, volume 1, pp.23-24

[89] Final Report, volume 1, p.4

[90] ibid.

[91] ibid., p.13

[92] Tom Roberts, An Analysis of the Cole Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, CFMEU, Sydney 2003. This is Annexure 12 to Submission No.37, CFMEU.

[93] Tom Roberts, ibid., p.23

[94] ibid.

[95] Submission No.119, CEPU Electrical Division Victoria, paras..24-27

[96] ibid.

[97] Submission No.64, op. cit, p.2

[98] Submission No.36, CEPU Plumbers Division, p.21

[99] Submission No.1, Australian Industry Group (Ai Group), Attachment A, pp.21-22

[100] Submission No.64, Taylor Scott, Lawyers, p.6

[101] Submission No.1, op. cit., p.21

[102] Mr Lachlan Riches, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.71

[103] Submission No.64, Taylor and Scott, pp.7-8

[104] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.26

[105] ibid., p.24

[106] Submission No.1, Ai Group, Attachment A, p.26

[107] Submission No.14, ACCI, p.19

[108] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.50

[109] Professor Ron McCallum, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.3

[110] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, p.31

[111] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.7, paras.30-31

[112] ibid., p.5

[113] ibid., p.20

[114] Explanatory Memorandum, p.11, para.40

[115] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.6

[116] Submission No.6, Police Association of Victoria, para.1-2

[117] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.48

[118] ibid.

[119] Mr Chris Maxwell, Proof Hansard, Melbourne 21 May 2004, p.25

[120] Submission No.12a, MBA, para.12.11

[121] ibid., para.10.4

[122] ibid., para.9.4.11

[123] Submission No.17, ACTU, paras.38-42

[124] Mr James Barrett, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2004, p.23

[125] Submission No.1, Attachment A, Ai Group, p.59

[126] ibid., p.60

[127] ibid., p.61

[128] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.20

[129] Submission No.69, Slater Gordon, Lawyers, p.3

[130] ibid.

[131] Submission No.17, ACTU, pp.22-23

[132] Mr Marcus Clayton, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May2004, p.96

[133] Mr Lachlan Riches, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.70

[134] Submission No.64, Taylor and Scott, p.11

[135] Submission No.17, ACTU, pp.18-19, paras.114-115

[136] ibid., p.28

[137] Mr Robert Merriman, Hansard, Melbourne 19 May 2004, p.91

[138] Submission No.26, op. cit., p.12

[139] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.28

[140] Mr Robert Merriman, Hansard, 19 May 2004, p.89

[141] Submission No.26, op. cit., p.84

[142] Submission No.82, Mr John O'Connor, pp.4-5

[143] Mr Robert Merriman, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, pp.78-79

[144] ibid., pp.87-88

[145] Submission No.8, Mr Robert Merriman, p.1

[146] Mr Robert Merriman, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.78

[147] Mr Martin Kingham, Hansard, 20 May 2004, p.24

[148] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.40

[149] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, p.16

[150] Submission No.12, MBA, p.4, para.3.2

[151] Submission No.12, MBA, page 4, para.3.4; Submission 1, Attachment A, Australian Industry Group, p.3; Submission 90, MBAQ, p.2, para.7

[152] Submission No.12, MBA, p.5, para.4.2

[153] Mr Mordy Bromberg, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.59

[154] Mr Lachlan Riches, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.71

[155] Mr John Sutton, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.71

[156] ibid., p.72

[157] Mr Mordy Bromberg, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.59

[158] Professor John Buchanan, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, pp.47-50

[159] Mr John Sutton, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, pp.72-73

[160] Mr Mordy Bromberg, op .cit., pp.43-45

[161] Mr Greg Combat, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.97

[162] Final Report of the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, Volume 1, p.11

[163] ibid.

[164] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.57

[165] Final Report, Volume 1, p.6

[166] Answers to Questions on Notice No. 1822, House of Representatives, House Hansard, 11 August 2003, p.18098

[167] Tom Roberts, An Analysis of the Cole Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, CFMEU, 2003, p.7

[168] Final Report, Volume. 1, p.6

[169] Submission No 36, CEPU Plumbers Division, p.6

[170] Submission No.17, ACTU, pp.55-56; Submission No.36, p.6

[171] Ms Barbara Bennett, Hansard, Canberra, 25 May 2004, pp.41, 43-44; and Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, op. cit. pp. 47, 51, 78-79

[172] Hadgkiss, H., Upholding the Law: One Year On, Interim Building Industry Taskforce, 25 March 2004, p.15

[173] Senator Peter Cook and Mr Martin Kingham, Hansard, Melbourne 20 May 2004, p.39

[174] Nigel Hadgkiss, Taskforce Report, op. cit., p.v

[175] Mr Ian Read, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.62

[176] Mr Ian Read & Mr Mark Konza, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.68

[177] Hadgkiss, N. op. cit. pp.15-16

[178] Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, Hansard, Canberra, 25 May 2004, p.48

[179] Hadgkiss, N., op. cit., p.8

[180] Submission No.27, CEPU, p.6, paras 2.1.3-2.1.4

[181] Submission No.53, Action Construction, p.3

[182] Submission No.73, QR Concrete, p.2, paras.9-10

[183] Submission No.84, CFMEU Queensland, p.2, para.8

[184] Mr Bill Shorten, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, p.65

[185] Submission No.17, ACTU, pp.39-40

[186] Submission No.84, op. cit., p.5

[187] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.101

[188] ibid., p.102

[189] Mr Ian Read, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.71

[190] Mr Mark Konza, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, pp.63, 73

[191] Mr Ian Read, op. cit., pp.66-67

[192] Submission No.88, CFMEU, Construction and General Division, NT, pp.1-2

[193] ibid., p.4

[194] Submission No.101, CFMEU South Australia, p.8

[195] ibid.

[196] Submission No.26, Queensland Government, pp.57-58; Submission No.90 MBAQ, p.9

[197] Submission No.85, Ms Melissa Austin, CFMEU Queensland, p.5

[198] Final Report, Volume 9, p.272

[199] Submission No.26, Joint Governments, p.22

[200] Submission No.37, CFMEU, pp.118-119

[201] Submission No.26, op. cit., p.22

[202] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.11.4.5-11.4.6

[203] Submission No.14, ACCI, p.7

[204] Submission No.27, CEPU, para.11.5.2

[205] Submission No.90, MBAQ, pp.1-2

[206] Dr John Buchanan, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.36

[207] Explanatory Memorandum, p.24

[208] Final Report of the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, Volume.1, p.28

[209] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p. 34

[210] ibid, pp. 62-63

[211] Mr Paul Daly, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.130 and pp.148-50

[212] Submission No. 82, Mr John O'Connor, p.9

[213] Submission No.90, QMBA, p.15

[214] Submission No.17, ACTU, Para 102; Mr Frank DAgostino, Hansard, Melbourne,
21 May 2004, p.3; Mr Charles Dixon, Hansard, Melbourne, 20 May 2004, p.41;
Mr Mark Birkett, Hansard, Melbourne, 20 May 2004, pp.42-43

[215] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.7.612-7.6.18

[216] ibid., paras.7.6.2-7.6.4

[217] ibid., paras.7.6.29-7.6.31

[218] Submission No.17, ACTU, paras.102 & 105; Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.7.6.9, 7.6.13, 7.6.15 & 7.6.27; Submission No.62, Queensland Council of Unions, paras 13-15

[219] Mr Peter Tighe, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, pp.11-12

[220] ibid., para.32

[221] Submission No.14, ACCI, para.124

[222] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, paras.188-191

[223] Submission No.12, MBA, p.7

[224] Submission No.37, CFMEU, pp.34-35

[225] ibid., p.34

[226] Mr Peter Anderson, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.16

[227] Submission No.12a, MBA, para.7.1.1

[228] Submission No.23, TWU, paras.30-32; Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, paras.129-132

[229] Submission No.77, ICTUR, p.29

[230] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.32

[231] Submission No.45, Society of Labor Lawyers Victoria, paras.19-20

[232] Submission No.1, Ai Group, p.96

[233] Submission No.16, Maritime Union of Australia, p.8

[234] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: WA Government, paras.35-37

[235] Dr John Buchanan, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.36

[236] Submission No.62, Queensland Council of Unions, para.10

[237] Submission No.27, CEPU, para.7.6.12

[238] Submission No.90, QMBA, paras.54-61

[239] Mr Riordan, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.15

[240] Submission No.23, TWU, paras.30-32

[241] Submission No.82, Mr John O'Connor, p.9

[242] Submission No.4, Concept Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd, p.1

[243] Submission No.53, Action Construction Services, p.1

[244] Submission No.30, Australian Mines and Metals Association, paras.31-36; Submission No.84, CFMEUQ, para.129; Submission No.90, QMBA, para.54

[245] See, for example, Submission No.17 ACTU, paras.106-7

[246] Submission No.90, QMBA, para.55

[247] Submission No.80, CEPU Queensland, paras.4-23

[248] ibid., paras.4-23

[249] Submission No.15, ECA Queensland, p.9

[250] ibid., pp.9-10

[251] Submission No.90, QMBA, para.56

[252] Submission No.27, CEPU, para.7.6.27

[253] Submission No.84, CFMEUQ, paras.124-126

[254] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, para.106

[255] Submission No.69, Slater and Gordon, section 5

[256] Submission No.77, ICTUR, p.30

[257] ibid., p.31

[258] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.32

[259] ibid. pp.31-32

[260] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.7.6.17 and 7.6.19

[261] Submission No.110, Assoc. Professor Braham Dabschek

[262] Explanatory Memorandum, p.49

[263] Explanatory Memorandum, p.49

[264] Australian Industry Group, Position on the Exposure Draft of the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Bill 2003, 17 October 2003, pp.91-93

[265] Mr James Barrett, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, pp.28-29

[266] Mr John Robertson, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.32

[267] ibid, p.33

[268] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, paras.350-351

[269] Submission No.109, Gadens Lawyers, p.6

[270] Submission No.30, Australian Mines and Metals Association, para.17

[271] Submission No.82, Mr John O'Connor, p.10

[272] Submission No.30, op. cit., paras.31-36

[273] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.37

[274] ibid., p.17

[275] Submission No.3, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), para.71

[276] Mr Bill Shorten, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, p.54

[277] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, p.50

[278] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.13

[279] Mr Robin Stewart-Crompton, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.41

[280] Submission 21, op. cit., p.37, paras.210-213; Submission No.55, CFMEU NSW, p.23, paras.85-86

[281] 1998 WorkCover report cited in Submission No.55, CFMEU NSW, p.23, paras.85-86

[282] Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.71, section 4.7

[283] 1998 WorkCover report cited in Submission No.55, CFMEU NSW p.23, para.87

[284] WorkCover Statistical Bulletin 1999/2000 cited in Submission No.55, CFMEU NSW p.24, para.89

[285] Submission No.21, op. cit., p.15, paras.64-65

[286] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: Tasmanian Government, p.95,

[287] Submission No.21, op. cit., p.13, para.54

[288] Submission No.84, CFMEUQ, p.23, paras. 143-144

[289] Bottomley, B. February 2004. Workplace Relations Ministers Council Comparative Performance Monitoring, Case study on performance outcomes in the building and construction industry: Executive Summary, p.3

[290] Submission No.121a, Dieter Berber, para.13

[291] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras. 10.1.1-10.1.2

[292] Submission No. 12A, MBA, para.4.1

[293] Submission No.27, op. cit., paras.10.1.3-10.1.9

[294] Bottomley, B. Workplace Relations Ministers Council Comparative Performance Monitoring, Case Study on performance outcomes in the building and construction industry. February 2004, p.18

[295] Submission No.9, CBUS, p.5

[296] Submission No.34, BUSSQ, p.1

[297] Bottomley, B. op. cit, p.5

[298] Submission No.55A, CFMEU NSW, p.7

[299] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.38, paras.225-228; Submission No.21, Ministers Second Reading Speech, p.77

[300] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: NSW Government, p.90, paras.33-34

[301] Submission No.84, CFMEUQ, p.18, paras.99-114

[302] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, p.60

[303] ibid.

[304] Submission No.90, QMBA, pp.8-9

[305] Submission No.26, op. cit., p.89

[306] ibid., p.95

[307] ibid., p.18

[308] ibid., p.18, paras.46-47

[309] Submission No.21, op. cit., p.8, para.27

[310] ibid., paras.216-217

[311] Submission No.26, op. cit: VIC Government, p.54, paras.21-22

[312] ibid., NSW Government, p.86

[313] ibid., VIC Government, p.53

[314] ibid., WA Government, p.71

[315] Submission No.27a, CEPU, para.10.1

[316] Submission No.27, CEPU, page 37, paras. 10.1.3-10.1.9

[317] Hon. Ralph Willis MP, Hansard (Reps), 23 April 1985, p.1658

[318] Submission No.27, CEPU, para.10.4.1

[319] ibid., para.10.4.2

[320] Mr Robin Stewart-Crompton, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.45

[321] Mr Bill Shorten, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, p.61

[322] Submission No.12a, MBA para.8.2

[323] Submission No.14, ACCI, p.27

[324] Submission No.26, op. cit., p.18

[325] ibid., p.54

[326] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.10.2.3 - 102.4

[327] Submission No.14, ACCI, para.106

[328] Submission No.17, ACTU, para.241

[329] Final Report of the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, volume 1, p.46

[330] Final Report, volume 1, Summary of findings and recommendations, February 2003, p.168

[331] Hon. Kevin Andrews, MP, Hansard (Reps), 6 November 2003

[332] Submission No.21, op. cit., para.98

[333] Final Report of the Cole Royal Commission, volume 1

[334] Submission No.90, QMBA, para.22

[335] Submission No.12c, MBA, para.9.2

[336] Submission No.14, ACCI, para.97

[337] ibid., p.29

[338] Submission No.84, CFMEUQ, paras.99-114

[339] Submission No.119, CEPU Electrical Division Victoria, pp.1-2, paras.5-6

[340] ibid., p.3, para.14

[341] Submission No.55, CFMEU (NSW), p.26, paras.96(ii)-96(iii)

[342] Submission No.119, CEPU Electrical Division Victoria, pp.12-13, paras.33-34

[343] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.11, paras.59-60

[344] ibid., p.11, paras.55-57

[345] Submission No.27, CEPU, p.54, paras.13.1.4 - 13.1.5

[346] ibid., paras.13.1.10-13.1.14

[347] Submission No.86, CFMEUQ, para.16

[348] Construction Training Australia, Building and Construction Workforce 2007: Strategic Plan for the Building and Construction Industry, March 2003, p.48

[349] NCVER, Skill trends in the building and construction trades, 2001, p.6

[350] Submission No.17, ACTU, para.349

[351] Submission No.47, Construction Industry Training Board, p.6

[352] Submission No.17, op. cit., p.59, para.365

[353] ibid., p.66

[354] Senate EWRE Committee, Aspiring to Excellence: Report into the quality of vocational education in Australia, November 2000, p.185

[355] Submission No.13, HIA, p.25

[356] Submission No.15, ECAQ, p.8

[357] Mr Alan Paton, Hansard, Darwin, 6 April 2004, p.30

[358] Submission No.47, Construction Industry Training Board, p.5

[359] Mr Vernon Cridland, Hansard, Darwin, 6 April 2004, p.50

[360] Submission No.47, op. cit., p.5

[361] Mr Alan Paton, Hansard, Darwin, 6 April 2004, p.32

[362] Mr Graham Warren, Hansard, Adelaide, 18 March 2004, p.100

[363] Mr Alan Paton, Hansard, Darwin, 6 April 2004, p.29

[364] Submission No.17, ACTU, pp.58-59

[365] Submission No.55A, CFMEU NSW, p.2

[366] Construction Training Australia, Building and Construction Workforce 2007, March 2003, p.60

[367] Submission No.13, HIA, paras.2425; Submission No.14, ACCI, paras.193-195

[368] Dr John Buchanan, Hansard, Sydney 2 February 2004, p.37

[369] Submission No.84, CFMEUQ, p.3, para.15

[370] Submission No.17, op. cit., paras.352-353

[371] Construction Training Australia, op.cit., p.38

[372] Submission No.88, CFMEU (NT), paras.8-9

[373] Building Brighter Futures: Present and Future Skills Needs in the Building and Construction Industry, August 2001, Executive Summary, pp.2-3

[374] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: QLD Government, paras.37-39; Submission No.17, op. cit., paras.363-64

[375] Submission No.26: Australian States and Territories: Tasmanian Government, paras.2231

[376] Explanatory Memorandum, p.39

[377] Submission No.17, op. cit., p.13

[378] ibid., p.60

[379] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.6.1.11-6.1.12

[380] ibid., para.6.1.23

[381] Submission No.14, op. cit., para.115

[382] Submission No.1, Ai Group, Attachment A, p.77

[383] Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.6.1.25 - 6.1.26

[384] Submission No.77, ICTUR, p.35

[385] Mr Peter Tighe, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.7

[386] Submission No.50, Construction Training Queensland, p.3

[387] Submission No.17, op. cit., p.58

[388] Submission No.13, HIA, pp.24-25; Submission No.14, ACCI, pp.51-52

[389] Submission No.39, NECA p.4

[390] Mr Richard Williams, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.128

[391] Submission No.47, Construction Industry Training Board, p.8

[392] Mr Kevin Reynolds, Hansard, Perth, 16 March 2004, p.2

[393] Submission 84, CFMEUQ, p.3, para.19

[394] Mr Jorgan Gullestrup, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.127

[395] Construction Training Australia, op. cit., p.67

[396] Ms Sharan Burrows, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December, p.96

[397] Submission No.17, ACTU, Recommendation 1, para.218, 241, 244; Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: QLD Government, p.56, paras.1-3; Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: WA Government, paras.26-29 & paras.106-107, Submission No.27, CEPU, paras.10.1.9, 10.2.4, 10.5.1, 10.7.1; Submission No.37, CFMEU, Conclusion; Submission No.38, CPSU, para.15, Submission No.57, Victorian Trades Hall Council, Recommendation 1

[398] Ms Sharan Burrows, Hansard, Canberra, 11 December 2003, p.83

[399] Philadelphia Declaration Principle I (d)

[400] Articles 3 & 7. The General Conference shall be composed of four representatives of each of the Members, of whom two shall be Government delegates and the two others shall be delegates representing respectively the employers and the workpeople of each of the Members. The Governing Body shall consist of 28 representing governments, 14 representing the employers, and 14 representing the workers.

[401] ILO Convention 144

[402] ILO Recommendation 113

[403] Submission No.26, op. cit., pp.13-14, paras.22-25

[404] Submission No.26, op. cit., p.14, para.25

[405] Mr Chris Maxwell, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, pp.23-24; Submission No.13, HIA, p.15

[406] Mr Mordy Bromberg, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.54

[407] ILO Constitution Article 22 'Each of the Members agrees to make an annual report to the International Labour Office on the measures which it has taken to give effect to the provisions of Conventions to which it is a party. These reports shall be made in such form and shall contain such particulars as the Governing Body may request.

[408] ILO website Handbook of procedures relating to international labour Conventions and Recommendations - . Foot note 56

[409] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.28

[410] CEACR: Individual Observation concerning Convention No. 87, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, 1948 Australia (ratification: 1973) Published: 2003

[411] Ms Stephanie Mayman, Hansard, Perth, 16 March 2004, p.75

[412] Mr Marcus Clayton, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.105

[413] Convention 98, Article 4

[414] Submission No.77, ICTUR, Section 1.2 (b)

[415] International Labour Standards

[416] Submission No.36, CEPU Plumbers Division, p.12, section 14

[417] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: NSW Government, para.24, Submission No.57, Victorian Trades Hall Council, paras.45-52; Submission No. 77, ICTUR, Exec Summary para.1; Mr Doug Cameron, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.118; Ms Stephanie Mayman, Hansard, Perth, 16 March 2004, pp.65, 75; Mr John Sutton, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.60; Mr David Chin, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.45

[418] Professor Ronald McCallum, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.2

[419] Mr John Sutton, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.73; Professor Ronald McCallum, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, pp.5-6; Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.21, para. 4.1

[420] Professor Ronald McCallum, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.11

[421] Submission No.13, HIA, p.13

[422] Submission No.77, ICTUR, Section 2.2

[423] Mr Tony Lawrence, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.55

[424] Professor Ronald McCallum, Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, pp.6-8

[425] Mr Mordy Bromberg, Hansard, Melbourne 19 May 2004, p.52

[426] C87 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948, Part 1, Article 2 and Article 3.

[427] Submission No.77, ICTUR, Sections 3.4 & 3.5; Mr Chris Maxwell, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, p.25; Mr Lachlan Riches, Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, pp.72-73

[428] Mr Marcus Clayton, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.100

[429] Submission No.107, CFMEUWA, pp.15-18

[430] CEACR: Individual Observation concerning Convention No. 98, Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining, 1949 Australia (ratification: 1973) Published: 1998, para.9

[431] Mr George Becker, Report of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy (LAC), March 12, 2004, p.6

[432] ibid.

[433] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.30, para.173

[434] BCII Explanatory Memorandum, p.15, para.68

[435] Submission No.77, ICTUR Section 2.5

[436] ibid., Executive Summary para.5

[437] Submission No.17, ACTU, p.18, para.111; Submission No.29,Labor Council of NSW, p.2, para.6; Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.84; Submission No.40, CFMEU Mining and Energy Division, p.7; Submission No.57, Victorian Trades Hall Council, p.18, para.81; Submission No.62, Queensland Council of Unions p.4, paras.27-29

[438] Submission No 26, Australian States and Territories: WA Government, p.75, para.65; Submission No.37, CFMEU, pp.80-81; Submission No.53, Action Construction, p.1; Submission No.55, Attachment; Submission No.72, CEPU Plumbing Division Queensland, p.11, paras.50-53; Submission No.85, CFMEUQ, p.6

[439] Submission No.55A, CFMEU; Submission No.99, CEPU Engineering and Electrical Division WA, pp.3-4

[440] Ms Stephanie Mayman, Hansard, Perth, 16 March 2004, p.76

[441] Submission 12a, MBA, p.22, para.9.5.2

[442] Mr Alan Drake-Brockman, Hansard, Perth 16 March, p.91

[443] Submission No.13, HIA, p.12; Submission No.14, ACCI, p.3, para.10, p.42, para.163, Submission No.33b, WACCI, pp7-8

[444] Submission No. 27, CEPU, p.36, para.7.8.3; Submission No.72, CEPU Plumbing Division Queensland, p.11, para.54, p.14, para.68; Submission No.99, CEPU Engineering and Electrical Division, WA, p.5, para.18, p.6, paras.20-31

[445] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.24, para.130; Submission No.14, ACCI, p.17, para.51; Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, p.18, para.44; Australian States and Territories: WA Government p.67, para.19

[446] Submission No.21, Australian Government Agencies, p.24, paras.130 & 132, Submission No.67, Victorian Council for Civil Liberties, p.6, para.21(d); Submission No.69, Slater and Gordon, p.6, para.7

[447] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories, p.41, para.152; Submission No.37, CFMEU, p.83; Submission No.82, Mr John O'Connor, pp.13-14

[448] Submission No.26, Australian States and Territories: WA Government, p.79, para.85; Submission No.90, QMBA, p.14, para.48; Submission No.106, MBAWA, p.8

[449] Mr Mark Gibian, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.45

[450] Mr Mordy Bromberg, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.50

[451] Ms Stephanie Mayman, Hansard, Perth, 16 March 2004, p.76

[452] Mr Glen Simpson, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.27

[453] Mr Mordy Bromberg, op. cit., p.51

[454] Mr Marcus Clayton, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.101

[455] Mr Chris Maxwell, Hansard, Melbourne, 21 May 2004, pp.23-24

[456] Submission No.36, CEPU, pp.16-17; Mr Chris Maxwell, ibid., p.32

[457] Mr Chris Maxwell, ibid.

[458] Mr Glen Simpson, Hansard, Brisbane, 24 February 2004, p.2

[459] Mr Wilhelm Harnisch, Hansard, Canberra 11 December, pp.60-61

[460] Mr Peter Anderson, Hansard, Canberra 11 December, pp.5-6

[461] Mr James Barrett, Hansard, Canberra 11 December 2003, p.28

[462] Australian Industry Group, Ai Group's position on the final report of the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, July 2003, pp.8-9

[463] Interim Building Taskforce, Upholding the Law: Findings of the Interim Building Taskforce, March 2004, p.9, 11

[464] Mr Glen Simpson, op. cit., p. 2

[465] Mr Graham Cuthbert, Hansard, Brisbane, 25 February 2004, p.2

[466] Mr Peter Verwer, Hansard, Sydney 7 April 2004, pp.97-98

[467] Mr Robert Merriman, Hansard, Melbourne, 19 May 2004, p.77

[468] Submission No.12, Master Builders Association, pp.9-10

[469] ibid., p.17

[470] Mr Peter Verwer, Hansard, Sydney 7 April 2004, pp113-114

[471] Mr Chris Murphy, Hansard, Canberra, 25 May 2004, pp. 2-3

[472] Senator Andrew Murray, op. cit., pp.30-35

[473] Mr Barrett, Hansard, Canberra 11 December 2003, p.25

[474] Submission No.13, HIA, page 13

[475] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.1

[476] ibid. p.4

[477] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.17

[478] Senate Inquiry Workplace Relations Amendment (Award Simplification) Bill 2003, ACTU, Submission No.1, p16-17

[479] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.8

[480] ibid. p.90

[481] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.11

[482] Senator Murray, second reading speech to Workplace Relations and other Legislation Amendment Bill 1996.

[483] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.10

[484] ibid. p.12

[485] ibid. p.4.

[486] ibid. p.15

[487] ibid. p.81

[488] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 3 February 2004, p.5

[489] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.90

[490] Queensland MBA, Submission No.90, p.1

[491] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.5

[492] ibid. p.36

[493] Queensland MBA, Submission No.90, p.15

[494] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.3

[495] ibid. p.18

[496] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.13

[497] ibid. p.20

[498] ibid. p.6

[499] ibid. p.33

[500] ECA, Submission No.15, p.9

[501] ibid. p.10

[502] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p. 27

[503] ibid. p.46

[504] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.53

[505] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.44-45

[506] Buchanan J and Allan C 2000 'The growth of contractors in the construction industry: implications for tax revenue', Economic and Labour Relations Review, Volume 11:1, p.67

[507] Bills Digest No.129 2003-04, p.8

[508] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.75

[509] ibid.

[510] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.76-77

[511] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004, p.81

[512] ibid. p.23

[513] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.48

[514] ibid. p.6

[515] ibid. p.48

[516] Committee Hansard, Sydney 2 February 2004, p.47

[517] ibid. p.21

[518] ibid. p.80

[519] ibid

[520] ibid. p.81

[521] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.22

[522] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.20

[523] ibid. p.8

[524] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2004. p.67

[525] ECA, Submission No.15, p.7

[526] Buchanan J and Allan C 2000 'The growth of contractors in the construction industry: implications for tax revenue', Economic and Labour Relations Review, Volume.11:1, p50

[527] ibid. pp.50-51

[528] ibid. p.51

[529] Buchanan J and Allan C 2000 'The growth of contractors in the construction industry: implications for tax revenue', Economic and Labour Relations Review, Volume.11:1, pp.66-67

[530] Stewart, A (2002) Working Arrangements and the Definition of Employment, submission to Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, pp.4-5

[531] ibid. p.7

[532] Stewart, A (2002) Working Arrangements and the Definition of Employment, submission to Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, p.7

[533] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February, pp.57-58

[534] Senate Committee, CFMEU response to Question on Notice, 8 March 2004

[535] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February, p.20

[536] CFMEU, Submission No.37, p. 95

[537] Volume 8, Reform National Issues Part 2, Chapter 12 Phoenix Companies, p. 161

[538] ASC Research Paper, Phoenix Companies and Insolvent Trading, No.95/01, July 1996, pp.12, 74

[539] Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Securities, Report on the Annual Reports of the Australian Securities Commission, the Companies and Securities Advisory Committee, the Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board and the Australian Accounting Standards Board 1992-1993, June 1994, p.6; and Report on the Annual Reports of the Australian Securities Commission and Other Bodies: 1993-1994, 23 October 1995, p.10

[540] Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry into Australia's Insolvency Laws, Submission No.14, p.8

[541] Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry into Australia's Insolvency Laws, Committee Hansard, 26 June 2003, p.53

[542] Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February, p.57

[543] CFMEU, Submission No. 37, p.98

[544] CFMEU, Submission No.37

[545] A useful reference to our views is the dangerous art of giving Australian Quarterly June-July 2000 Senator Andrew Murray and Marilyn Rock.

We have also written about this matter in our supplementary remarks to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, Report of the Inquiry into the conduct of the 2001 Federal Election and matters related thereto.

[546] Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, Report of the Inquiry into the conduct of the 2001 Federal Election and matters related theret, Democrat Supplementary Remarks, pp.9-11

[547] Queensland MBA, Submission No. 90, p.14

[548] Bills Digest no.129 2003-04, pp. 9-10

[549] ACCI, Submission to Exposure Draft Bill, p.7