Appendix 3 - Tabled Documents and answers to questions on notice

Appendix 3 - Tabled Documents and answers to questions on notice


Canberra, 11 December 2003

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Corrections to submission 14 [EWRE 2]

Petition received 16 February 2004
Senator Aden Ridgeway: Petition 54 signatures; 'Appeal from Retired Building Workers'.


Brisbane, 24 February 2004

CFMEU, Qld branch: Comparisons of rates of pay [EWRE 56-57] Document titled 'How the building industry performed on construction in Queensland 1993-2003' [EWRE 57]


Brisbane, 25 February 2004

Construction Training Queensland: Photographs [EWRE 65]


Adelaide, 18 March 2004

Australian Institute of Building; Correspondence from the Australian Construction Industry forum [EWRE 82]

United Trades and Labor Council SA: Labour force statistics for South Australia [EWRE 93-94]


Darwin, 6 April 2004

CFMEU, NT branch: Documentation in relation to an Australian Workplace Agreement [EWRE 14]
Correspondence received on 4 May 2004 in regard to the above tabled document.


Sydney, 7 April 2004

Professor Martin Loosemore: Article titled 'Impediments to reform in the Australian Building and Construction Industry' written by Mr Martin Loosemore [EWRE 30]

Associate Professor Braham Dabscheck: Sir Richard Kirby Industrial Relations Lecture, booklet titled 'Two and Two Make Five'

[EWRE 29]

Document, Pheonix figures on tax evasions [EWRE 74]

CFMEU NSW branch: Petition 10,428 signatures; 'Fair Go for Building Workers' [EWRE 51]


Melbourne, 21 May 2004
Mr Peter Glynn: Document; Submissions of Counsel assisting concerning an income protection insurance policy entered into by Elecnet (Aust) Pty Ltd, dated 30 October 2002 [EWRE 83]

Senator Gavin Marshall: Article titled 'Pioneering new benefits for members and their families' dated December 2000 [EWRE 84]

Answers to questions on notice

Canberra, Thursday, 11 December 2003

Australian Industry Group
received: 20 January 2004

Answers to questions asked by Senator Cook

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
received: 2 February 2004

Answers to questions re: Occupational Health and Safety

Sydney, Monday, 2 February 2004

Dr John Buchanan
received: 16 February 2004

Answer to question from Senator Cook
re: Reserve Bank productivity numbers (attachments provided)

Sydney, Tuesday, 3 February 2004

Taylor and Scott Lawyers
received: 16 March 2004

Answers to questions from Senators Johnston and Tierney.

Linddales Personnel
received: 16 March 2004

Answers to questions from Campbell and Johnston re: Union fees

Brisbane, Tuesday, 24 February 2004

Housing Industry Australia
received: 19 March 2004

Answers to questions re: indemnity insurance

Perth, Tuesday, 16 March 2004

received: 6 May 2004

Answers to questions from Senator Johnston

Perth, Wednesday, 17 March 2004

Master Builders Association of Western Australia
received: 22 March 2004

Answer to question from Senator Murray
re: break up or percentage of member employers

Canberra, Tuesday, 25 May 2004

Department of Employment
and Workplace Relations
received: 18 June 2004

Answers to questions from Senator Johnston