
Recommendation 1 page 33

The committee majority recommends that the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Bill be opposed by the Senate.

Recommendation 2 page 45

The committee majority recommends that the increased powers for royal commissions, recommended in the final report of the Cole royal commission, be resisted in the Senate should amending legislation be introduced.

Recommendation 3 page 49

The committee majority recommends, in view of its concerns regarding natural justice, that the Senate refer to its Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee the question of whether amendments should be made to the Royal Commissions Act 1902, to ensure that procedures of royal commissions accord with principles of natural justice and give due protection of the reputations of people whose prosecution is recommended but against whom no charges are laid.

Recommendation 4 page 72

The committee majority recommends that the Government promote cultural change throughout the industry by encouraging states to institute tripartite industry councils at state level. The Victorian model could be used as an exemplar. Associated with this, the committee majority also recommends the establishment of an overarching tripartite national body, working to a ministerial council, to implement a broad program of agreed reform in the building and construction industry.

Recommendation 5 page 96

The committee majority recommends that corporations law be amended to enable more effective prosecution of perpetrators of phoenix companies; and that in association with this, the Government work with state governments to negotiate their legislating for stringent registration laws applying to partnerships and trusts.

Recommendation 6 page 140

The committee majority recommends that in view of the impending abolition of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, state construction industry councils, whose establishment is recommended in this report, be asked to give priority to continuing the development of national safety codes for the construction industry.