Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill 1999



Armidale and District Soccer Association, NSW 131
Armidale and New England Men's Hockey Association Inc., NSW 180
Armidale City Council, NSW 232
Avondale College, NSW 154
Association for Christian Higher Education in Australia Inc., VIC 26
Australasian Campus Union Managers Association (ACUMA), VIC 159
Australasian Union of Jewish Students' (AUJS), NSW 168
Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association, QLD 285
Australian Catholic University, NSW 09, 182
Australian Council of Professions Ltd, ACT 407
Australian Liberal Students' Federation, NSW 151
Australian National University, ACT 186
Australian National University, Australian Law Students' Association (ALSA), Faculty of Law, ACT 134
Australian National University, Postgraduate and Research Students' Association Inc. (PARSA), ACT 212
Australian National University Students' Association, ACT 175
Australian National University Union Board, ACT 54
Australian National University, Young Nationals, ACT 173
Australian University Sport, QLD 82
Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC), ACT 89
Bathurst City Council, NSW 128
Burwood Association of Students' Inc., Sports Committee 234
Canberra Institute of Technology Student Association Inc., ACT 165
Catholic Youth Services, Office of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, SA 95
Central Queensland University Student Association (CQUSA), QLD 241
Charles Sturt University, NSW 109
Charles Sturt University, Mitchell Association of Student Councils Inc. (MASC), NSW 51, 144
Charles Sturt University, Murray Campus Students' Association Inc., NSW 68
Charles Sturt University, Rivcoll Union Inc., NSW 103
Conservatorium Students' Association (CSA) 188
Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc., (CAPA), VIC 43
Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc.,(CAPA), West Australian Region, WA 197
Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc., (CAPA), International Postgraduate Students', VIC 209
Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA), National Women's Officer, VIC 184
Curtin University Student Guild, WA 189
Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, University of Western Australia, and Murdoch University, WA 146
Curtin University of Technology, Tertiary Campus Ministry Association of Australia (TCMA), WA 62
Deakin Univeristy Council, Woolstores Campus, VIC 284
Deakin University Council of Students' Inc., VIC 61
Deakin University, Geelong Association of Students' Inc.,VIC 162
Deakin University, Rusden Association of Students' Inc., VIC 153
Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, ACT 135
Edith Cowan University, WA 69
Enmore-Camdenville Branch of the ALP, NSW 133
Federation of Community Legal Centres Inc., VIC 169
Flinders University of South Australia Council, SA 16
Flinders University, Clubs and Societies Association Inc., SA 27
Flinders International Students' Association Inc.(FISA), SA 92
Flinders Postgraduate Students' Association Inc., SA 123
Flinders University Students' Association, SA 150
Flinders University Union Inc., SA 102
Greater Bendigo City Council, VIC 170
Griffith University Council, QLD 282
Griffith University Student Representative Council (SRC), QLD 90
Griffith University Student Representative Council, Women's Department, QLD 239
James Cook University Council, QLD 41
James Cook University Union and Cairns Campus Student Association, QLD 216
La Trobe University, VIC 15
La Trobe University, Bendigo Student Association, Board of Management, VIC 74
La Trobe University, Children's Centre, VIC 129
La Trobe University Liberal Club, VIC 98
La Trobe University Postgraduate Association, VIC 156
La Trobe University, Research and Graduate Studies Committee, VIC 02
La Trobe University, Sports and Recreation Association, Board of Management, VIC 81
La Trobe University Students' Representative Council Legal Service, VIC 230
La Trobe University Union, VIC 149
Macarthur Association of Postgraduate Students' (MAPS), NSW 23
Macquarie University Council, NSW 86
Macquarie University Postgraduate Representative Association (MUPRA), NSW 64
Macquarie University Sports Association, NSW 50
Macquarie University Students' Council, NSW 124
Macquarie University Union Ltd, NSW 172
Monash Unicomm Pty Ltd, VIC 260
Monash University Council, VIC 20
Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA), VIC 40
Monash Student Association (Clayton) Inc. (MSA), VIC 226
Monash University Gippsland Student Union Inc., VIC 224
Monash University Student Union Inc. (MONSU), VIC 164
Murdoch Guild, Womens' Collective, WA 328
Murdoch University Guild of Students', WA 213
National Liaison Committee for International Students' in Australia (NLC), VIC 152
National Tertiary Education Industry Union, VIC 196
National Union of Students, VIC 219
National Union of Students Victorian Branch, VIC 246
National Union of Students Western Australia Branch, WA 122
National Youth Roundtable, Education Working Group, SA 264
New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties Inc., NSW 48
Northern Inland Academy of Sport, NSW 179
Northern Territory University Council, NT 78
Northern Territory University Students' Union (NTUSU), NT 227
Office of the High Commissioner for Malaysia, ACT 253
Queensland Government, Office of the Minister for Education, QLD 55
Queensland University of Technology Council, QLD 70
Queensland University of Technology Student Guild, QLD 08
Right to Life Australia, VIC 160
RMIT, PerfoRMIT, VIC 148
RMIT Rural Students' Association, VIC 143
RMIT Student Union, VIC 87
RMIT Union, Sport and Recreation Department, VIC 76
RMIT Union, VIC 191
RMIT University, VIC 97
Rugby Tasmania, TAS 104
Southern Cross University Union Inc., NSW 155
Student Financial Advisors' Network (SFAN), VIC 52
Swinburne Student Union, VIC 125
Swinburne University Postgraduate Association (SUPA), VIC 113
Swinburne University Sport and Recreation, VIC 88
Swinburne University of Technology Council, VIC 25
Tasmanian Chamber of Commence & Industry Ltd., TAS 56
Tasmania University Postgraduate Association, TAS 121
Tasmania University Union Inc., TAS 126
University of Adelaide and the Adelaide University Union, SA 101
University of Adelaide Boat Club (AUBC), SA 130
University of Adelaide Clubs Association, SA 118
University of Adelaide Postgraduate Students' Association Inc., SA 119
University of Adelaide Sports Association Inc., SA 117
University of Adelaide Students' Association, SA 53
University of Adelaide Overseas Student' Association Inc., SA 115
University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Agricultural Campus Student Union Council Inc. (RACSUC), SA 116
University of Adelaide, Waite Institute Students' Association, SA 220
University of Ballarat, NSW 208
University of Ballarat, Postgraduate Student Association, VIC 229
University of Ballarat, Student Association, Clubs and Societies Council, VIC 66
University of Ballarat, Student Association, Creche Committee, VIC 65
University of Ballarat, Student Association, VIC 01, 127
University of Canberra Students' Association, ACT 176
University of Canberra, Students' Association of Canberra University, Canberra University Postgraduates' Association, University of Canberra Union, ACT 11
University of Melbourne, VIC 145
University of Melbourne, Burnley Student Association, VIC 112
University of Melbourne, Children's Services, VIC 223
Univerisity of Melbourne, Combined Student Association's - Burnley Student Association Inc., Dookie Student Association Inc., Glenormiston Student Association, Longerenong Student Association, Melbourne University Sports Association, Melbourne University Student Union Inc., University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association Inc., Victorian College of the Arts Student Union 215
University of Melbourne, Dookie Student Association, Dookie College Campus, VIC 44
University of Melbourne, Glenormiston Student Association Inc., VIC 228
University of Melbourne, Longerenong Student Association, VIC 39
University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association Inc., VIC 60
University of Melbourne Sports Association (MUSA), VIC 199
University of Melbourne Student Union Inc.(MUSU), VIC 214
University of New England, Combined Student Organisation, NSW 80
University of New England Council, NSW 110
University of New England Postgraduate Association (UNEPA), NSW 72
University of New England Sports Association, NSW 83
University of New England Students' Association (UNESA), NSW 211
University of New England Union, NSW 22
University of New South Wales, NSW 63
University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts Students' Association, NSW 28
University of New South Wales, Students Organisations, HEL Amendment Bill Campaign Group, NSW 243
University of Newcastle, NSW 71
University of Newcastle Sports Union, NSW 46
University of Newcastle Students' Association (NUSA), Callaghan Campus, NSW 166
University of Newcastle Union Board of Management, NSW 108
University of Queensland Sports and Physical Recreation Association (UQ SPORT), QLD 221
University of Queensland Union, QLD 267, 268, 269,270, 271, 272
University of South Australia Council, SA 222
University of South Australia Students' Association Inc., SA 58
University of Southern Queensland Council (USQ), QLD 79
University of Southern Queensland Student Guild, QLD 84
University of the Sunshine Coast , QLD 10, 100
University of Sydney, Cumberland Student Guild, NSW 105
University of Sydney, Economics Society, NSW 244
University of Sydney, Free Burma Students' Club, NSW 275
University of Sydney, Greens Collective, NSW 379
University of Sydney Labor Club, NSW 132
University of Sydney Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA), NSW 73
University of Sydney Republican Club, NSW 389
University of Sydney Sailing Club, NSW 276
University of Sydney Ski Club (SUBSKI), NSW 14
University of Sydney Sports Union, Management Committee, NSW 99
University of Sydney, Student Organisations of Sydney Network (SOS), NSW 187
University of Sydney, Students' Representative Council, NSW 205
University of Sydney, Students' Representative Council, Aboriginal Affairs Department, NSW 192
University of Sydney, Students' Representative Council, Overseas Student Department, NSW 194
University of Sydney Students' Representative Council, Redfern Legal Centre, NSW 190
University of Sydney, Students' Representative Council, Women's Collective, NSW 193
University of Sydney Students' Representative Council, NSW 385
University of Sydney Union, NSW 36, 140
University of Sydney Union Foundation Board, NSW 233
University of Sydney Women's Sports Association, NSW 161
University of Tasmania, TAS 42
University of Technology Sydney Council, NSW 157
University of Technology Sydney, Community Law and Legal Research Centre, NSW 91
University of Technology Sydney, Child Care Inc., NSW 281
University of Technology Sydney, Students' Association , NSW 183
University of Technology Sydney Union, NSW 177
University of Western Australia Guild of Undergraduates, (UWA Student Guild), WA 163
University of Western Sydney Board, NSW 85
University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Djalaringi Child Care Centre Inc., Management Committee, NSW 32
Unversity of Western Sydney, Nepean, Education and Welfare Action Group, NSW 111
University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Students' Union, NSW 45
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Assembly of Convocation, NSW 106
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Rugby Club, NSW 259
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Students' Association Inc., NSW 247
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Union Inc., NSW 249, 252
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Union Inc., Sports and Activities Council, NSW 248, 250, 251, 254
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury Union Inc., Student Amenities Fund, NSW 257
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Students' and Sustainability Coordination Committee, NSW 256
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur Sports & Recreation Association Inc., NSW 185
University of Wollongong Council, NSW 17
University of Wollongong Postgraduate Association (WUPA), NSW 139
University of Wollongong Recreation & Aquatic Centre Ltd, NSW 242
University of Wollongong Students' Representative Council (SRC), NSW 137
Wollongong UniCentre, University Recreation and Aquatic Centre, Students' Representative Council, Postgraduate Association, NSW 138
Victoria University of Technology, VIC 37
Victoria University Student Union, VIC 114
Victorian College of the Arts Student Union Inc., VIC 171
Victorian Liberal Students' Association, VIC 202
Women's Electoral Lobby Australia Inc., ACT 201
Womensport Australia, ACT 167
Young Australian Democrats, ACT 174
Young Australian Democrats, QLD 217
Young Liberal Movement, QLD 238


List of Submissions from Individuals

Alexander, Mr Richard, NSW 394
Amato, Ms Clarissa 343
Anderson, Mr Christopher, VIC 293
Anderson, Mr HR, WA 147
Ashover, Ms Verity, NSW 397
Atkins, Mr Adrian, NSW 340
Avery, Ms Christine, ACT 31
Baxter, Ms Evelyn, NSW 107
Bazeley, Mr Paul, NSW 273
Benjamin, Mr Lee, QLD 236
Bhutani, Mr Ashwin, NSW 255
Bishop, Ms Leslie Barry, TAS 158
Black, Mr Alan, VIC 294
Blanchart, Ms Michelle Jessica, NSW 350
Blomfield, Mr Alex, NSW 346
Boland, Mr Matthew, QLD 136
Bolton, Mr Matt and Elliott, Ms Christine, VIC 240
Boman, Brigid M., NSW 231
Brennan, Ms Carolyn, VIC 295
Bridges, Mr Michael, NSW 384
Buchanan, Ms Louise, NSW 206
Buck, Mr Vivian, NSW 59
Buckingham, Ms Louise 29
Burns, Ms Vanessa, NSW 378
Campbell, Mr James, NSW 408
Carn, Mr Scott, SA 296, 297
Chai, Mr Joseph, NSW 392
Choi, Mr Thomas, NSW 401
Chrenkoff, Mr Arthur, QLD 237
Chua, Ms Constance, VIC 298
Church, Ms Cassandra, NSW 380
Clark, Ms Kerren, VIC 299
Claxton, Ms Anne, NSW 363
Clements Mr Quinton, and Mr Rolfe, Bernard, ACT 200
Clulow, Mr Doug, WA 300
Coburn, Ms Meghan, NSW 396
Coleman, Mr Pat, QLD 261
Connor, Ms Susan, NSW 280
Corcoran, Professor Suzanne, SA 21
Cormack, Mr Alan, NSW 388
Corolis, Mr George, NSW 57
Coulthard, Mr Darryl, VIC 96
Courtenay, Ms Raina, NSW 337
Creagh, Ms Linda 24
Crothers, Ms Jen, NSW 366
Crowley, Dr Vicki, SA 07
Cumming, Mr Geoff, VIC 04
Cush, Mr James, NSW 365
Davies, Mr Hugh, NSW 359
Di Cicco, Ms Joanna, NSW 265
Ditton, Mr Anthony, NSW 381
Doherty, Ms Michelle, NSW 398
Drury, Ms Deborah, NSW 361
Drury, Ms Sarah 353
Duffy, Mr Darren, NSW 362
Duke, Ms Anne Marie, NSW 348
Einfeld, The Hon Justice Marcus AO QC, NSW 283
Etherington, Ms Kristy, NSW 338
Farrell, Mr James, VIC 301
Finn, Mr Patrick, NSW 258
Fradd, Ms Samantha 302
Gaglia, Irima Maria, WA 181
Gay, Ms Anna, VIC 303
Gibbard, Ms Sharon 304
Gibson, Ms Kathy, TAS 262
Goldsmith, Mr Michael, VIC 291
Goushan, Mr Jonathan, NSW 358
Groenhout, Ms Fiona, ACT 305
Gubler, Mr Abraham, ACT 306
Harley, Ms Alexis, NSW 277
Harrier Ms Belinda, NSW 288
Harvey, Mr Anthony 342
Herd, Mr Bruce, QLD 307
Holder, Mr Simon, ACT 308
Holderness- Roddam, Mr Bob, TAS 245
Hugo, Mr Glen, NSW 355
Humphries, Mr Gary, ACT 218
Jones, Mr Peter, TAS 266
Kang, Mr Steven, NSW 354
Kelly, Mr Daniel, NSW 274
Kelly, Ms Caitlin, NSW 336
Kelly, Ms Mia, QLD 203
Kirton, Mr Daniel, NSW 395
Kurdas, Ms Chyloe, VIC 309
Lademann, Ms Jacqueline, VIC 310
Lagoumtrie, Ms Nector, NSW 377
Laing, Mr Daniel, NSW 356
Larcan, Ms Louis, ACT 311
Lairantus, Ms Kristie, NSW 386
Lee, Mr Jong Hun (Gary), NSW 371
Lee, Mr Peter, NSW 393
Lehmann, Ms Amy, VIC 312
Loveless, Mr Simon, VIC 313
Luntz, Mr Stephen, VIC 38
Lyn, Frian, NSW 287
Maiden, Mr Stewart, QLD 235
Mathieson, Mr Mark, VIC 314
McArdle, Mr Shane, P 33
McCann, Mr David, TAS 30
McCarron, Mr Andrew, NSW 315
McCormack, Mr Quinn, VIC 316
McGlynn, Mr Fergus, ACT 317
McGuigan, Ms Anne, NSW 19
Meakins, Mr Bruce, WA 210
Mebberson, Mr Johnny, and Duds, Ms Bec, NSW 405
Koemin, Melissa, NSW 357
Mettam, Ms Josephine, ACT 318
Millard, Ms Catherine, VIC 319
Mller, Mr Carl Theodorus, VIC 263
Monkhouse, Mr Jonathon, NSW 375
Moore, Mr Tim, VIC 142
Morgan, Ms Crystal, NSW 360
Mullane, Ms Eleisha, VIC 320
Murray, Mr Pete, NSW 370
Neasbey, Ms Natalie, NSW 390
Newman, Mr M, QLD 49
Neyle, Ms Debbie, NSW 13
Ng, Ms Anita, VIC 321
O'Leary, Ms Shivaun 367
Oley, Mr Matthew 341
Owens, Dr Lee, NSW 06
Palma, Mr Karl Oscar 349
Parke, Mr Stuart, VIC 75
Paul, Ms Bridget, NSW 286
Penhall, Mr Tim, VIC 05
Pocock, Mr Daniel, VIC 322
Preiler, Ms Rachel 345
Price, Mr Dean, NSW 195
Pukallus, Mr Dominic Guy, NSW 352
Rao, Mr Damon, VIC 323
Rapp Mr Karl, VIC 324
Ratajczak Mr Richard 325
Receretnam, Mr Marc, NSW 400
Restuccia, Mr Frank 372
Robison, Mr Nick, NSW 383
Rose, Mr Ed, NSW 382
Samaha, Mr Fred, NSW 347
Sataka, Mr Hitoshi 374
Saul, Mr Ben, NSW 120
Scheiwe, Mr Dan, QLD 03
Schenker, Mr Tobias 369
Scriven, Mr Blake, NSW 404
Selwood, Mr Jim, VIC 326
Serrurier, Mr Quentin, VIC 327
Shanmugarajan, Ms Anuratha, NSW 351
Small, Ms Kelly, NSW 339
Smith, Mr Darren, NSW 178
Smith, Mr David, NSW 406
Smith, Mr Raymond, NSW 289
Smith, Ms Cecilia 399
Snounou, Mr Michael, NSW 376
Spalding, Mr Michael, NSW 368
Spencer, B J, NSW 141
Stephens, Mr Roland, NSW 344
Sun, Ms Helen, NSW 207
Takesbing, Mr Yukiko, NSW 403
Taylor, Ms Suzanne 373
Thompson, Mr Andrew, NSW 387
Thomson, Ms Nadine, VIC 329
Tran, Ms Karen, NSW 290
Vallence, Mr Benjamin Robert, VIC 93
Veal, Mr Rohan, VIC 292
Verco, Ms Natasha 279
Vial, Mr Fergus, VIC 330
Vial, Ms Cecily, VIC 331
Wadsworth, Dr Yoland, VIC 12
Wallace, Mr Jonathon, NSW 332
Warren, Mr Graham 204
Wear, Mr Andrew, VIC 333
Werkman, Mr Kevin, NSW 402
Whitelaw, Mr Michael, NSW 35
Willoughby, Mr Piccolo, NSW 47
Wolfe, Mr Joe, NSW 409
Wood, Dr Helen, NSW 18
Wood, Mr Jason, ACT 334
Woodhouse, Ms Elisabeth, NSW 364
Wynhausen, Jesse, NSW 278
Young, Ms Kelly,VIC 335
Young, Ms Robyn, NSW 391

Form Letters

Form letters (1500), from the University of Wollongong, Members of the Students' Representative Council, Wollongong UniCentre, University Recreation and Aquatic Centre Ltd.

Form letters (172), from students at a Queensland University.

Form letters (129), from students at the University of Newcastle.

Form letters (10), from students at University of Western Sydney Hawkesbury.

La Trobe University, Bendigo Community, 677 signatures requesting the withdrawal of the VSU legislation.
Wollongong University Postgraduate Association, over 350 signatures opposing the VSU bill.


Lodged with the Clerk on 22 March 1999, by Senator Stott Despoja, 33 petitioners requesting that the Senate oppose voluntary student unionism and examine its ramifications on tertiary institutions in Victoria and Western Australia.

Lodged by the President on 27 April 1999, 55 citizens rejecting the VSU legislation.