

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]           Explanatory memorandum, p. 1.

[2]           Bills Digest No. 36 1998-99.

[3]           Second Reading Speech, 1 December 1998.

[4]           Second Reading Speech, 1 December 1998.

[5]           Alison Morehead et al., Changes at Work. The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, South Melbourne, 1997, p 299.

[6]           Alison Morehead et al., Changes at Work. The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, 1997, p 300.

[7]           Bills Digest No. 36. 1998-99.

[8]           Workplace Relations Act 1996, section 170CA.

[9]           In late 1996, complementary laws were passed by the Victorian and Commonwealth Parliaments to transfer jurisdiction of various industrial relations matters from Victoria to the Commonwealth.

[10]         That is, ‘foreign corporations’ and domestically formed companies carrying on financial or trading activities within the meaning of section 51(xx) of the Constitution.

[11]         The section also provides other grounds for an employee to apply to the Commission for relief including cases where a termination of employment is unlawful (s.170CK), where the relevant authorities have not been notified when the employment of 15 or more employees is to be terminated (s.170CL), where sufficient notice has not been given—or, if notice has not been given, the employee has not been paid compensation or the employee has not engaged in serious misconduct (s.170CM)—or where a termination would be in contravention of a Commission order (s.170CN).

[12]         See Workplace Relations Act 1996, s.170CK(3) and(4).

[13]         Under 1996 regulations (Statutory Rules 1996, No. 307), employees may be lawfully dismissed if they have been absent from work for a continuous period of three months (or for more than three months in a period of 12 months) except when in receipt of paid sick leave.

[14]         Workplace Relations Act 1996, section 170CK(2).

[15]         Unfair Dismissal Laws Implemented through Regulation, Media Release, The Hon Peter Reith, MP, Minister for Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, 17 December 1998.

[16]         Cf. Statutory Rules 1998 No. 338 and Statutory Rules 1998 No. 353.

[17]         Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, Twelve Month Review of Federal Unfair Dismissal Provisions (including Federal Government Responses to the Review), December 1998.

Chapter 2 - Issues raised in evidence

[1]           Alison Morehead et al., Changes at Work. The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, 1997, pp 305-306.

[2]           The Morgan and Banks Jobs Index defines small business as having 30 or fewer employees.

[3]           The Morgan and Banks Job Index, 1996, p 6.

[4]           Recruitment Solutions, ‘Media Backgrounder. Dismissal laws hit 32 pc of companies’, Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 15-16.

[5]           National Institute of Labour Studies, Trends in Staff Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne, May 1997, pp 7-8.

[6]           National Institute of Labour Studies, Trends in Staff Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne, May 1997, p 47.

[7]           National Institute of Labour Studies, Trends in Staff Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne, May 1997, p 60.

[8]           National Institute of Labour Studies, Trends in Staff Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne, May 1997, p 47.

[9]           National Institute of Labour Studies, Trends in Staff Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne, May 1997, pp 68-69.

[10]         Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ‘Tasmanian Small Business Priorities Survey’, June 1997 (extract) in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 32-36.

[11]         Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ‘Survey of Tasmanian Business Priorities for the Next State Government 1998’, August 1998 (extract) in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 111-115.

[12]         Yellow Pages Small Business Index, August 1997 (extract), in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 37-40.

[13]         Yellow Pages Small Business Index, May 1998 (extract), in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 93-95.

[14]         Yellow Pages Small Business Index, August 1998 (extract), in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 116-119.

[15]         South Australian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry, ‘Unfair Dismissal Survey Results, (1998) in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 98-100.

[16]         Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Pre-Federal Election Survey. Queensland Results, July 1998, p 9.

[17]         Australian Business Chamber, ‘Australian Business Pre-Election Survey’, July 1998 in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 106-110.

[18]         Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ‘ACCI Review’, August 1998, Number 43 in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 120-123.

[19]         Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ‘ACCI Review’, August 1998, Number 43 in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 123-124.

[20]         St George Bank/State Chamber of Commerce-NSW Survey of Business Expectations, March-June1997 (extract), p 11.

[21]         State Chamber of Commerce (NSW), ‘Media Release. Small Business Confirms Unfair Dismissal Fears’, 22 March 1998 in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, p 90.

[22]         Micro Business Consultative Group, ‘Under the Microscope. Micro Businesses in Australia’, February 1998 in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, pp 76-80.

[23]         Interview with COSBOA’s Chief Executive, Mr Rob Bastian, 2RN Peter Thompson, 5 March 1998.

[24]         Newsletter Information Services, ‘Discrimination Alert’, Issue 72, 29 September 1998, in Unfair Dismissal Compendium, November 1998, p 152.

[25]         Submissions Vol 1, Submission 6, Australian Business, pp 93-94.

[26]         Submissions Vol 3, Submission 13, South Australian Department for Administrative and Information Services, pp 3-4.

[27]         This latter distinction is used in the 1995 Australian Industrial Relations Survey.

[28]         Alison Morehead et al., Changes at Work. The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, 1997, p 300.

[29]         P. Ganguly, Ed. UK Small Business Statistics and International Comparisons, London, 1985, quoted in John Watson and Jim E. Everett, ‘Do Small Businesses Have High Failure Rates?’, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 34/4, October 1996, p 46.

[30]         John Watson and Jim E. Everett, ‘Do Small Businesses Have High Failure Rates?’, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 34/4, October 1996, p 46.

[31]         Wiltshire Committee, Report of the Committee on Small Business, Canberra, 1971, quoted in John Watson and Jim E. Everett, ‘Do Small Businesses Have High Failure Rates?’, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 34/4, October 1996, p 46.

[32]         John Watson and Jim E. Everett, ‘Do Small Businesses Have High Failure Rates?’, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 34/4, October 1996, p 46.

[33]         John Watson and Jim E. Everett, ‘Do Small Businesses Have High Failure Rates?’, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 34/4, October 1996, p 47.

[34]         House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, Finding a balance: towards fair trading in Australia, Canberra, 1997, p 2.

[35]         Submissions Vol 3, Submission 19, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, p 85.

[36]         Submission 7 (Department of Workplace Relations and Small Business) pp 16-17 in Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Volume of Submissions, October 1997

[37]         See for example, Submissions Vol 1, Submission 10, Justice Research Centre, p 164; Vol 2, Submission 12, Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association, p 18; Vol 3, Submission 20, JOB WATCH, p 107. But see Hansard, 29 January 1999, p EWRSBE 19.

[38]         See for example, Submissions Vol 1, Submission 10, Justice Research Centre, pp 165-166; Vol 2, Submission 12, Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association, p 18.

[39]         Under regulation 30B(1) in Statutory Rules 1996 No. 307, certain classes of employees are excluded from the legislative requirements for termination of employment, including employees serving a period of probation which is less than 3 months, or where more than 3 months, is reasonable given the nature and circumstances of the employment.

[40]         Submissions Vol 1, Submission 11, Martin Willoughby-Thomas, Barrister & Solicitor, p 170.

[41]         Submissions Vol 2, Submission 12, Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association, p 8.

[42]         See for example, Hansard, pp EWRSBE 2-3, 49 and 62.

[43]         See for example, Hansard, pp EWRSBE 2, 4-5, 10, 18-19, 26, 27-28, 41.

[44]         Hansard, p EWRSBE 64.

[45]         Submissions Vol 1, Submission 11, Martin Willoughby-Thomas, Barrister & Solicitor, p 171.

[46]         Submissions Vol 1, Submission 6, Australian Business Ltd, pp 94-95.

[47]         Hansard, p EWRSBE 5.

[48]         Submissions Vol 1, Submission 11, Martin Willoughby-Thomas, Barrister & Solicitor, p 170.

[49]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, p 53.

[50]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, pp 55-56.

[51]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, pp 53-58.

[52]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, pp 58-59.

[53]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, p 60.

[54]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, pp 79-80.

[55]         Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers’ Council, November 1998, p 80.

[56]         See for example, Submissions Vol 1, Submission 10, Justice Research Centre, p 167, Vol 2, Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association, p 8, Submission 22, ACTU, p 7.

[57]         Hansard, p EWRSBE 24.

Australian Democrats Minority Report

[1] Des Moore, The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market, Research paper prepared on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Minister’ Council, November 1998, p.60.

[2] Submission 10 Justice Research Centre page 5

[3] See for instance Dismissing the Unfair Dismissals Myth Peter Waring and Alex de Ruyter University of Newcastle

[4] Hansard pp EWRSBE 12-13 Prof Hunter Justice Research Centre

[5] Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ‘Tasmanian Small Business Priorities Survey(s)’ in Unfair Dismissal Compendium November 1998

[6] See Table 1 Appendix 3 to this Minority Report

[7]  South Australian Employer’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry ‘Unfair Dismissal Survey Results’ (1998) in Unfair Dismissal Compendium November 1998

[8] See Table 1 Appendix 3 to this Minority Report

[9] See Appendix 1 and Appendix 3 to this Minority Report

[10] Such as Submission N0.5 Tonkin’s Car Audio Pty Ltd

[11] Letter to the Committee 22 January 1999

[12] Hansard EWRSBE 2 Jack Goluzd GM Workplace Relations, Australian Business Ltd

[13] Hansard EWRSBE 26

[14] Hansard EWRSBE 59

[15] Submission No. 07 Australian Retailers Association pages 3 and 5

[16] Submission No. 10  Justice Research Centre page 6

[17] Submission no. 23 Australian Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union (WA Branch)

[18] Letter to Senator Jeannie Ferris from the Australian Small Business Association

[19] Hansard, Representatives, P2244 Wednesday 10 February 1999

[20] Hansard EWRSBE 16

[21] Hansard EWRSBE 41 ACCI

[22] Submission No. 12 Shop Distributive & Allied Employee’s Association

[23] Submission No. 03 Mr Michael J Taliangis

[24] Submission No. 17 Victorian Employer’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry

[25] Submission No.19 Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business Fact Sheet