Members of the Committee

Members of the Committee


Senator John Tierney (LP) NSW

Deputy Chair:

Senator Kim Carr (ALP) Vic


Senator Jacinta Collins (ALP) Vic


Senator Jeannie Ferris (LP) SA


Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja (AD) SA


Senator Karen Synon (LP) Vic

Substitute Members:

Senator Crane (LP), WA, to substitute for Senator Synon and Senator Murray (AD), WA, to substitute for Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to Workplace Relations and Small Business

Participating Members:

Senator Eric Abetz (LP) Tas


Senator Lyn Allison (AD) Vic


Senator Ron Boswell (NPA) Qld


Senator Bob Brown (AG) Tas


Senator the Hon David Brownhill (NPA) NSW


Senator George Campbell (ALP) NSW


Senator Mal Colston (Ind) Qld


Senator the Hon John Faulkner (ALP) NSW


Senator Brian Harradine (Ind) Tas


Senator Stephen Hutchins (ALP) NSW


Senator Kate Lundy (ALP) ACT


Senator Dee Margetts (GWA) WA


Senator Kerry O’Brien (ALP) Tas


Senator the Hon Chris Schacht (ALP) SA


Senator John Watson (LP) Tas



Inquiry staff:

John Carter (Secretary)


Veronica Strkalj (Senior Research Officer)


(02) 6277 3521/(02) 6277 5706


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