Jobs for the Regions: A report on the inquiry into regional employment and unemployment



The following witnesses gave evidence at the public hearings:

NOARLUNGA, SA - 28 April 1998

Beumer, Mrs Wendy Jean, Chairperson, South East Education and Training Association
(Target Team of South East Economic Development Board, SA), SA

Hales, Mr Brian, General Manager-Economic Services, City of Onkaparinga, SA

Puplett, Mr Richard, Executive Officer, South Central Area Consultative Committee, SA

Schneyder, Mrs Elizabeth Marie, Deputy Principal, Willunga High School, SA

Tate, Mr Jeffrey, City Manager, City of Onkaparinga, SA

Threadgold, Mr Martin Bernard, Economic Development Officer (Employment), City of Onkaparinga, SA

ELIZABETH, SA - 28 April 1998

Davids, Mr Maxwell Clifton, Manager, Northern Adelaide Development Board, SA

Mader, Mr Trent, Executive Director, Riverland Development Corporation, SA

Smith, Mr Kenneth Frank, Senior Field Officer, Kickstart, Riverland and Barossa, Riverland Development Corporation, SA

Watts, Mr Ronald James, Deputy Mayor, City of Playford, SA

WHYALLA, SA - 29 April 1998

Harvey, Mr Anthony James, Dean of Whyalla Campus, University of South Australia, SA

Nightingale, Mr Ian, Regional Manager, Eyre Regional Development Board, SA

Tyler, Mr Philip Brian, Chief Executive Officer, Whyalla Economic Development Board Inc., SA

PORT AUGUSTA, SA - 29 April 1998

Baluch, Mrs Nancy Joy, Mayor, Port Augusta City Council, SA

Kimber, Mr Robert, Assistant Director, Spencer Institute of TAFE, SA

McSporran, Mr Ian Donald, City Manager, City of Port Augusta, SA

PORT PIRIE, SA - 29 April 1998

Arnold, Mr Peter James, Chief Executive Officer, Port Pirie City and Districts Council, SA

Madigan, Mr Kenneth Francis, Mayor, Port Pirie City and Districts Council, SA

Malcolm, Mr Mark Stuart, Executive Manager, Port Pirie Regional Development Board Inc., SA

BROKEN HILL, NSW - 30 April 1998

Barclay, Mrs Diane Joy, Committee Member, Broken Hill Regional Consultative Committee, NSW

Black, Mr Peter Laurence, Mayor, Broken Hill City Council, NSW

Hocking, Mrs Sharon Lesley, Vice-President, Broken Hill Chamber of Commerce Inc., NSW

King, Mr Robert John, Councillor Mayor, Central Darling Shire, NSW

Parkinson, Mr James, Executive Officer, Far Western Regional Development Board, NSW

Simons, Mr William, Chairman, Far Western Regional Development Board, NSW

Thwaites, Ms Jennifer Langley, Integrated Local Area Planning Officer, Central Darling Shire Council, NSW

CHURCHILL, VIC - 4 May 1998

Anderson, Professor Alexander John, Campus Director, Gippsland and Berwick Campuses, Monash University and Gippsland Development, VIC

Cameron, Ms Diane, Executive Officer, Gippsland Area Consultative Committee, VIC

Dunn, Mr Robin Marshall, Manager Infrastructure, Loy Yang Power Ltd, VIC

Dunstan, Professor Barry Thomas, Chairman, Latrobe Valley Taskforce, VIC

Elkington, Mr Richard Lewis, Manager, Corporate Relations and Environment, VIC

Foster, Ms Bettyanne, Manager, Gippsland Research and Information Service, c/- Monash University Gippsland Campus, VIC

Holloway, Ms Penelope Jane, Chief Executive Officer, Latrobe Shire Council, VIC

Jenkins, Councillor Brendan James, Mayor, Latrobe Shire, VIC

BAIRNSDALE, VIC - 4 May 1998

Connolly, Mr Bruce Peter, Executive Director, Victorian Eastern Development Association Inc., VIC

Dioguardi, Mr Dino, General Manager Operations, Vegco Pty Ltd, VIC

Elliott, Ms Pamela, Chief Executive Officer, WorkWays, VIC

Gell, Mrs Anne, VIC

Gelly, Ms Gabrielle Diane, Chief Executive, Lakes and Wilderness Tourism, VIC

Moore, Mr Don, Manager, Eastern Victorian Group Training, VIC

Murphy, Mr Shane Peter, Economic Development Manager, East Gippsland Shire, VIC


Andreacchio, Mr Dominic, Chair, Melbourne North West Area Consultative Committee, VIC

Browne, Mr Liam, Executive Officer, Melbourne North West Area Consultative Committee, VIC

Coward, Councillor Sara Isabel, Mayor, City of Maribyrnong, VIC

Einfeld, Mr Steve, Chief Executive Officer, Westgate Community Initiatives Group Inc., VIC

Graham, Mrs Bawani Devi, Industry Development, AusIndustry Programs, Economic Development Unit, Moreland City Council, VIC

Ilibasic, Ms Carmen Mary, Manager, YES West, VIC

James, Ms Sally, Manager, Employment Education and Training Programs, Melbourne City Mission, VIC

Jerkovic, Mrs Lidia, Assistant National Secretary, Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, VIC

Milthorpe, Ms Jill, Manager, W.O.W. Employment Services Inc., VIC

Pullen, the Hon. Barry Thomas, MP, VIC

Robb, Mr Adrian, Director City Strategy, Moreland City Council, VIC

Ryan, Mr Vincent Matthew, Economic Development Officer, Maribyrnong City Council, VIC

Salemme, Mr Max, Manager Economic Development, Moreland City Council, VIC

Thompson, Mr David Francis, Chief Executive Officer/Secretary, Jobs Australia Ltd, VIC

Welsh, Mr Peter John, Chairperson, Board of Management, YES West, VIC

Woolgar, Mr Tony, National Secretary, Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, VIC

LAUNCESTON, TAS - 16 June 1998

Adams, Mr Dick, MP, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT

Black, Mr Tom, Northern Regional Manager, Tasmanian Development and Resources, TAS

Burns, Mr Kerry Ross, Assistant Director, Policy Division, Department of Premier and Cabinet,TAS

Falk, Dr Ian Henry, Director, Centre for Research and Learning in Regional Australia and Language Australia Research Centre, University of Tasmania, TAS

Horton, Mr Gavin John, Programs Manager, JobNet Tasmania Inc., TAS

Morrow, Mr Hugh Peter Roche, Senior Policy Analyst, Policy Division, Department of Premier and Cabinet, TAS

Routley, Alderman Ian James Norman, Alderman, Launceston City Council, TAS

Thomas, Mrs Sheryl Lois, Executive Officer, Tasmanian Employment Advisory Council Inc.,TAS

Todd, Ms Iris Jacqueline, General Manager, Glenorchy Skillshare Inc., TAS

Watkins, Dr Richard, Chair, Tasmanian Accreditation and Recognition Committee, and Chair, Tasmanian Training Agreements Committee, Tasmanian State Training Authority, TAS

BURNIE, TAS - 16 June 1998

Britton, Mr Leslie Norman, Official, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, TAS

Broatch, Mr Alistair John, Executive Director, Braddon Business Centre, TAS

Castles, Mrs Angela Katherine, Executive Officer, Tasmania's West North West Councils, TAS

Dowse, Mr Brian Crispin, Consultant, Tasmania's West North West Councils, TAS

Gard, Mr Mike, MHA, Parliament House, TAS

Green, Mr Bryan Alexander, State Organiser, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, TAS

Miles, Mr Chris, MP, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT

Nichols, Mr Rod, State Organiser, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, TAS

Sales, Mr David Edwin, General Manager, Devonport City Council, TAS

Swain, Mr Lindsay Raymond, Coordinator, Link-Deloraine, TAS

Watson, Mrs Lynne Bronwyn, Rural Youth Information Service Officer, TAS

BALLARAT, VIC - 17 June 1998

Adermann, Mr Michael Andrew, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Ballarat, VIC

Bothe, Mr Jeffrey Wayne, Executive Officer, Community Employment Council, VIC

Carson, Mr Geoffrey William, Manager, Murray Mallee Training Company Ltd, VIC

Connor, Mr Alan Bruce, Project Manager, Central Victorian Group Training Company (Edge Centre), VIC

Cox, Mr Peter, Manager, Future Employment Opportunities Inc., VIC

Green, Mr Paul, General Manager, Central Victorian Group Training Company, VIC

Hall, Mr David John, Corporate Director, City Development, Hume City Council, VIC

James, Professor David William, Vice-Chancellor, University of Ballarat, VIC

Kolaitis, Mr Spiros, VIC

Larmer, Ms Margaret, Manager, Economic Development, Hume City Council, VIC

Lehmann, Mr Robert Trevor, Executive Officer, Ballarat Area Consultative Committee, VIC

Lynch, Mr Mark Stephen, Chair, Ballarat Area Consultative Committee, VIC

Oke, Mr Graham Lewis, Albury-Wodonga Area Consultative Committee, NSW

Tepper, Mr Garry Ian, Executive Officer, Economic Development, Swan Hill Rural City Council, VIC

NOWRA, NSW - 18 June 1998

Backhouse, Ms Helen, Coordinator, Illawarra Forum Inc., NSW

Bain, Mr Ian Forsyth, Executive Committee Member, Papermill Action Community Team, NSW

Black, Ms Finnessa Realene, Illawarra Forum Inc., NSW

Burney, Mrs Kerry Anne, Human Resource Manager, The Gates Rubber Company (NSW) Pty Ltd, NSW

Donoghue, Mr Merv, Executive Committee Member, Papermill Action Community Team, NSW

Dooley, Ms Lynne, Illawarra Forum Inc., NSW

Farrell, Ms Jane Louise, Operations Support Manager, Australian Paper Shoalhaven Mill, NSW

Hockey, Mr Ronald Joseph, General Manager, Nowra Manufacturing, Keystone Pacific Pty Ltd, NSW

Lamont, Mrs Fay Margaret, Secretary, Shoalhaven Manufacturers Association Inc., NSW

Lay, Mr Milton Robert, Executive Officer, Shoalhaven Area Consultative Committee Inc., NSW

McCarthy, Mrs Sandra Kay, NSW

McLean, Mr Gerard Patrick, Program Manager, Illawarra Area Consultative Committee, NSW

Pullen, Mr Gregory John, Economic Development Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, NSW

Quigley, Mr Christopher John, Executive Officer, Illawarra Area Consultative Committee, NSW

Robertson, Mr William Edward, Illawarra Forum Inc., NSW

Southall, Mr Nicholas Christopher, Illawarra Forum Inc., NSW

Southall, Mr Richard Brandon, Illawarra Forum Inc., NSW

Watson, Councillor Gregory Herbert, Deputy Mayor and Chairman, Industrial Development and Employment Committee, Shoalhaven City Council, NSW

LISMORE, NSW - 21 July 1998

Amar, Mr Paul, Administrator, Northern Rivers Regional Economic Development Organisation, NSW

Cambage, Ms Julia Inez, Executive Officer, Mid North Coast Regional Development Organisation, NSW

Carkery, Ms Ann, Executive Officer, Northern Rivers Area Consultative Committee, NSW

Davidson, Mr Keith Charles, Executive Officer, Northern Rivers Regional Chamber of Commerce,NSW

Evans, Mr Tony, NSW

Fox, Mr David Andrew, Chair, Northern Rivers Area Consultative Committee, NSW

Gainger, Mr Kenneth Geoffrey, General Manager, Lismore City Council, NSW

Gallagher, Dr James Edward, Chair, Northern Rivers Regional Economic Development Organisation, NSW

Garlick, Professor Steven Craig, Director of Research, Southern Cross Regional Research Institute, NSW

Hughes, Mrs Christine, Business Adviser, ATSI Corporation for Community Development, NSW

Irwin, Ms Roslyn Mary, Mayor, Lismore City Council, NSW

Kenyon, Ms Amanda Jane, Executive Member, Northern Rivers Regional Economic Development Organisation, NSW

Marlowe, Ms Lenore Maria, Secretary, ATSI Corporation for Community Development, NSW

Mathews, Councillor Joy, Northern Rivers Regional Organisation of Councils, NSW

Meagher, Ms Anne Therese, Manager, Community Services, Lismore City Council, NSW

Mercy, Mr Laurie Mercy, Chairperson, ATSI Corporation for Community Development, NSW

Newton, Mr Graeme William, Manager, Economic Development, Lismore City Council, NSW

O'Connor, Mr Peter William, Executive Officer, Northern Rivers Regional Organisation of Councils, NSW

Sekfy, Mr Paul Albert, Development Officer, Mid North Coast Regional Council for Social Development Inc., NSW

Stockbridge, Mrs Kathleen Margaret, Case Manager, ATSI Corporation for Community Development, NSW

Welch, Mrs Jacqueline Sharmaine, Secretary, ATSI Corporation for Community Development, NSW

Wilson, Mr Christopher, Project Officer, Northern Rivers Social Development Council, NSW

MAITLAND, NSW - 22 July 1998

Jackson, Mr Denis John Roy, JPET Coordinator, Samaritans Foundation, NSW

Moore, Mr Rodney Douglas, Operations Manager, Upper Hunter Business Enterprise Centre, NSW

Murray, Mr Michael John, Executive Officer, Hunter Regional Development Organisation, NSW

Sedman, Mr Warren Lindsay, Chief Executive Officer, Upper Hunter Business Enterprise Centre, NSW

Williams, Ms Shelley Louise, Lower Hunter Program Manager, Samaritans Foundation, NSW

NEWCASTLE, NSW - 22 July 1998

Bramston, Mr Troy Jeffrey, Chair, New South Wales Youth Advisory Council, NSW

Brown, Mr Joshua, Member, New South Wales Youth Advisory Council, NSW

Gordon, Dr Moira Therese, Chairman, Hunter Development Board and Hunter Region Common Purpose Group, NSW

Green, Dr Roy Herbert, Director, Employment Studies Centre, University of Newcastle, NSW

Heys, Councillor Gregory John, Lord Mayor, Newcastle City Council, and Representative, Hunter Region Organisation of Councils, NSW

Kelly-Kilpatrick, Ms Jo-Anne, Deputy Chair, New South Wales Youth Advisory Council, NSW

Manning, Councillor John, Newcastle City Council, King Street, NSW

Morris, Mr Allan MP, Hunter Street, NSW

Razborsek, Mr Ernest Frank, Industrial Officer, Labor Council of New South Wales and Convenor, Common Purpose Group, NSW

Simmons, Honourable David William, Member, Common Purpose Group, and General Manager, Newcastle Regional Chamber of Commerce, NSW

PARRAMATTA, NSW - 23 July 1998

Bosnjak, Mr Jim, Chairman, GROW Employment Council, NSW

Buchanan, Mr John Duncan Anselan, Deputy Director, Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training, Economics Faculty, Institute Building, University of Sydney, NSW

Carr, Mr Brian Robert, General Manager, Liverpool City Council, NSW

Fagan, Professor Robert Harold, Department of Human Geography, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW

Hill, Mr John, Manager, Program Development, Australian Student Traineeship Foundation, NSW

Kirkland, Mr Alan John, Research Officer, Australian Student Traineeship Foundation, NSW

McGill, Mr Kenneth Edward, General Manager, Greater Western Sydney Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc., NSW

O'Dwyer, Mrs Therese Philomena, Project Manager, GROW Employment Council, NSW

Paton, Mr Robert Alastair, National Executive Officer, Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Industry Training Advisory Body Ltd, NSW

Powers, Mr Anthony Vincent, General Manager, GROW Employment Council, NSW

Raffellini, Ms Barbara, Chair, Working Proudly Inc., NSW

Rodd, Ms Cassandra Heather, Corporate Project Officer, Liverpool City Council, NSW

Spierings, Dr John, Research Strategist, Dusseldorp Skills Forum, NSW

Ward, Mr Michael, Project Coordinator, Greater Western Sydney Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc., NSW


Brazier, Mrs Joan Lynette, Executive Officer, Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee, QLD

Brown, Councillor Alan, Mayor, Maryborough City Council, QLD

Cowan, Mr Adrian Gerarde, Committee Member and Chairperson, Training and Skills Development Subcommittee, Mackay Area Consultative Committee, Jobsnet Association Mackay Inc., QLD

Hornagold, Mrs Margaret, Community Development Officer, Capricornia Aboriginal and Islander Tertiary Education Centre, Central Queensland University, QLD

Jacobs, Mr Neil, Group Manager, Governance and Strategy, Rockhampton City Council, QLD

Keene, Mr Peter Frederick, General Manager, Capricornia Training Company Ltd, QLD

Kenny, Mr Michael John, Executive Officer, Mackay Area Consultative Committee, Jobsnet Association Mackay Inc., QLD

McRuvie, Mrs Jean, Chief Executive Officer, Cattlemen's Union of Australia, QLD

Merry, Mr Gregory John, Group Manager, Client Services, Rockhampton City Council, QLD

Mobbs, Mr Kym Ashley, Chairman, Central Queensland Area Consultative Committee, QLD

Wease, Mr Grahame Gregory, President, Rockhampton Chamber of Commerce, QLD

Wormald, Mr Kevin Brian, Chief Executive Officer, Gladstone City Council, QLD

Wragg, Mr James Rowland, Executive Committee, Local Aboriginal Employment Promotion Committee, QLD

Zentveld, Miss Elisa Rose, Economic Development Manager, Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Bureau, QLD


Bird, Mr Anthony, Strategic Planning Officer, Cairns City Council, QLD

Clay, Mr Alan, General Manager, Balkanu, QLD

Cummings, Mr William Samuel, Principal, W.S. Cummings Economic Research Services, QLD

Jackson, Mrs Andrea Jane, Executive Officer, Far North Queensland Employment Board Inc., QLD

Martin, Miss Jennifer Anne, Assistant Manager, Vocational Partnerships Group Inc., QLD

Palmer, Ms Lena, Executive Officer, WorkNorth Advisory Group Inc., QLD

Raynes, Mr Michael, Social Adjustment Adviser, Mareeba Regional Development Organisation, QLD

Scott-Rimington, Ms Tracy Ann, Strategic Economic Development Consultant, Cairns Region Economic Development Corporation, QLD

Walder, Ms Julie, Community Services Manager, Townsville City Council, QLD


Baker, Mr Michael Frederick, Executive Officer, Kwinana Industries Council, WA

Foley, Mr Brian, Business Manager, Residue Operations, Alcoa, WA

Gale, Mr Geoffrey, Managing Director, South East Metropolitan College of TAFE, Bentley Campus of TAFE, WA

Graham, Mrs Stacey Peta, Executive Officer, Coastal Area Consultative Committee, WA

Green, Mr John Stewart, Executive Officer, Governance, City of Rockingham, WA

Hardison, Mr Jay, Coordinator, South East Enterprise Network, WA

Harvey, Mr Graeme John, School/Industry Links Coordinator, Excellence in Education Compact, Kwinana Industries Council, WA

Iannello, Mr Terry, Chairman, Coastal Area Consultative Committee, Managing Director, Total Corrosion Control Pty Ltd, WA

Innes, Mr Ron, Director of Training Services, South Metropolitan College of TAFE, Rockingham Campus, WA

Keep, Mr Michael, Chairman, Excellence in Education Compact, Training and Development Consultant, Alcoa Kwinana Refinery, WA

Kins, Mr Imants, Manager, Strategic Planning Unit and Economic Development Coordinator, City of Fremantle, WA

Mainard, Mr Darrel Eugene, Owner, Woodbridge Child Care Centre, WA

Marshall, Mr Ross Edward, Executive Director, Infrastructure Coordination Division, Department of Commerce and Trade, WA

McIlhone, Mr John, Economic Development Manager, South West Group, c/- City of Melville, WA

Moore, Mrs Lee, Principal, Hamilton Senior High School, Chair, Excellence in Education Compact Principals' Group, Kwinana Industries Council, WA

Palmer, Mr Richard John, Secretary, Coastal Area Consultative Committee, Liberal Candidate for Brand, Palmer Enterprises Pty Ltd, WA

Pickett, Mr Denis, Senior Project Officer, Department of Commerce and Trade, Jervoise Bay Project Office, WA

Storer, Mrs Sylvia Elizabeth, Owner-Operator, Tiny Tots Childcare Centre Pty Ltd, WA

Winter, Mr David, Managing Director, Goldeast Holdings Pty Ltd trading as Business Horizons, WA

PERTH, WA - 18 AUGUST 1998

Blechynden, Mr Kenneth John, Consultant, Albany Employment Development Committee, WA

Dinnie, Mrs Barbara M., Past State President, Country Women's Association of WA (Inc.), WA

Dockery, Mr Alfred Michael, Consultant, South Metropolitan Development Organisation, WA

Fry, Mr Shon Richard, Manager, Armadale Kelmscott Job Link, WA

Gething, Mrs Joan Anne, State Finance Officer and Rural Information Service Coordinator, Country Women's Association of WA (Inc.), WA

Glass, Mr Geoffrey, Executive Officer, South Metropolitan Development Organisation, WA

Hillman, Ms Louise, Member, Albany Employment Development Committee, WA

Hitchins, Ms Kerry, Regional Employment Development Officer, Western Australian Department of Training, WA

Jones, Mr Christopher Robert, Manager, Regional Development Branch, Western Australian Department of Training, WA

Kenyon, Professor Peter Damian, Director, Curtin University Institute for Research into International Competitiveness, on behalf of the South Metropolitan Perth Regional Employment Organisation, WA

Kiesey, Ms Anne Marie, Regional Employment Development Officer, Western Australian Department of Training, WA

McMahon, Mr Barrie Horten, Manager, Vocational Education and Training in Schools, Education Department of Western Australia, WA

Nicholas, Mr Craig James, Regional Employment Development Officer, Western Australian Department of Training, WA

Thorn, Mr Michael Thomas, Executive Officer, South East Metropolitan Area Consultative Committee, WA

van der Waag, Mr Leonardus Cornelis, Member, Albany Employment Development Committee, WA

Wilson, Mr Ian Wesley, Chairman, Albany Employment Development Committee, WA

Worth, Ms Kerry, Regional Employment Development Officer, Western Australian Department of Training, WA

Zelones, Mr Henry, Chairman, South Metropolitan Development Organisation, WA

CANBERRA, ACT – 18 December 1998

Alexander, Mr Darryl, National Account Manager, Business Development, Centrelink, ACT

Anderson, Mr Grant Edward, Assistant Director, Regional Development Branch, Department of Transport and Regional Services, ACT

Bastian, Mr Robert Andrew, Chief Executive Officer, Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia, ACT

Bowdler, Mr John Bernard, Deputy Secretary, Department of Transport and Regional Services, ACT

Brown, Mr Rodney Francis, Managing Director, Australian Project Developments Pty Ltd, ACT

Campbell, Mr Ian, Group Manager, Employment Services Market Group, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, ACT

Carters, Mr Graham, Acting Assistant Secretary, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, ACT

Dowling, Mr Peter, Acting Assistant Secretary, New Apprenticeships and Industry Training Branch, Department of Education Training and Youth Affairs, ACT

Gerritsen, Professor Rolf, Director, Australian Centre for Regional and Local Government Studies, University of Canberra, ACT

Gibbons, Mr Wayne, Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, ACT

Matheson, Mr Scott, Assistant Secretary, Wages Policy Branch, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, ACT

Meakins, Ms Trudi, Assistant Secretary, Regional Development Branch, Department of Transport and Regional Services, ACT

Murnane, Mr Simon, Director, Pacific and Indian Ocean Territories Branch, Department of Transport and Regional Services, ACT

Pritchard, Mr John Alexander, Policy Manager, Australian Local Government Association, ACT

Volker, Dr Paul, Assistant Secretary, Economic and Labour Market Analysis Branch, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, ACT

Yates, Mr Bernie, Group Manager, Labour Market Policy Group, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, ACT