Jobs for the Regions: A report on the inquiry into regional employment and unemployment


Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends local government and state based regional development bodies should be encouraged to become more involved with the operations of ACCs. Regular meetings between these organisations would enable discussions about how prospective proposals could be implemented and how best they can be coordinated between the various organisations to avoid duplicated effort. (Paragraph 2.34)

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government take a coordinating role in the dissemination of information to local businesses of the range of assistance measures available to them. This information should be made available through a wide variety of mediums such as ACCs, websites, the ATO and regional services centres operated by state and Commonwealth government. (Paragraph 2.50)

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth investigate strategies for attracting increased investment to regional Australia. (Paragraph 2.78)

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends governments of all levels place a higher priority on the provision of adequate infrastructure in regional Australia. This includes telecommunications, transport, gas, electricity, water, sewerage, renewable energy and gas pipeline infrastructure. (Paragraph 3.37)

Recommendation 5

The Committee recommends that road funding formulae be re-examined with a view to placing a higher priority on regional development. (Paragraph 3.37)

Recommendation 6

The majority of the Committee recommends that the government be more vigilant in the interests of remote populations in their access to telecommunications facilities, which should be viewed not simply as a commercial issue but as a civic entitlement guaranteed by the state. (Paragraph 3.38)

Government senators do not agree with this recommendation.

Recommendation 7

The majority of the Committee recommend that the remaining one third of Telstra not be privatised. (Paragraph 3.38)

Government senators do not agree with this recommendation.

Recommendation 8

The majority of the Committee recommends that the funding for programs that were cashed out, such as fares assistance, relocation assistance and formal training allowance be reinstated as guaranteed allowances on top of the money allocated for job search assistance. (Paragraph 4.40)

Government senators do not agree with this recommendation.

Recommendation 9

The majority of the Committee recommends that the NEIS program should be expanded and further investigation be made into the effects of unbridled competition in the provision of employment services. (Paragraph 4.62)

Government senators do not agree with this recommendation.

Recommendation 10

The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth investigate strategies to facilitate the provision of structured training opportunities and the implementation of appropriate accredited training packages to alleviate skill shortages in regional areas. (Paragraph 5.24)

Recommendation 11

The majority of the Committee recommends that an independent monitoring body (similar to the former Employment Services Regulatory Authority) be established to oversee the operation of Job Network and monitor such issues as training provision and make regular public reports. (Paragraph 5.39)

Government senators do not support this recommendation and believe that the responsibility for monitoring should remain within the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business.

Recommendation 12

The Committee recommends that additional funding support for TAFE providers be negotiated with the states to improve the provision of structured training opportunities to meet changing local market opportunities. (Paragraph 5.63)

Recommendation 13

The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth evaluate the use of training incentives in meeting the needs of regional industries for increased structured training opportunities in categories of high employment growth. (Paragraph 5.78)

Recommendation 14

The Committee recommends that local government must play a pivotal role in the coordination of any future regional development policy. (Paragraph 6.73)

Recommendation 15

The Committee recommends that a forum, similar to the Regional Australia Summit, should be convened periodically. The programming and arrangements for these events should involve all levels of government. (Paragraph 6.90)

Recommendation 16

The Committee recommends the establishment of a Ministerial Council on regional development involving all three spheres of government on the COAG model. The Council should meet regularly to establish policy priorities for regional development and discuss policy impacts on regional Australia. The consultative forum would then report directly to the Ministerial Council. (Paragraph 6.90)