Jobs for the Regions: A report on the inquiry into regional employment and unemployment


  1. An assessment of the factors that contribute to the disparity in employment levels between different regions and also between regions and capital cities, as well as the continuing high levels of regional unemployment, with particular reference to:

    a) the impact on job opportunities as a consequence of increases or decreases in the level of
    federal, state and local government funding and services;

    b) the direct and indirect loss of income to regional communities;

    c) its impact on the level of private sector investment and activity in regional communities;

    d) the effectiveness of labour market programs and vocational education and training on job creation in regional areas; and

    e) assessment of the effectiveness of current and previous governments' funding and program delivery in promoting regional job creation.

  2. An examination of remedial strategies that have or can contribute to reducing regional unemployment, including any overseas experiences.