RE: Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Higher Education

Senate Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education Committee

Inquiry into the Capacity of Public Universities to Meet Australia's Higher Education Needs

From: Jeff Malpas []

Sent: Friday, 16 February 2001 11:55 AM


Subject: re: Senate Inquiry into Higher Education


The Secretary

Senate Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education



Suite S1.61 Parliament House



RE: Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Higher Education

The Australasian Association of Philosophy is the professional association of

those involved in philosophical teaching and research in Australia and New

Zealand and serves as the over-arching organizational body for the discipline

of philosophy in Australian and New Zealand universities. As a result it has a

special interest in the situation within Australian universities and can also

draw on a depth of knowledge and expertise in relation to the actual

circumstances obtaining in relation to research and teaching in Australian

universities, particularly in relation to research and teaching in philosophy.

The Association will be making a submission to the Inquiry into Higher

Education. While the submission will be organized around the Inquiry’s

terms of reference, there are four broad issues that the AAP would like particularly to

bring to the attention of the Inquiry:

i. The need for increased levels of basic funding within the sector to ensure

adequate ongoing support for research and teaching

ii. The need for greater recognition of the differences between disciplines

and disciplinary groups particularly in relation to research

iii. The need for greater recognition of the special needs of regional


iv. The need for improved consultation and communication between

government and the university sector as a whole (including the Academies and other

professional and disciplinary associations).We hope to have our full

submission to you by the end of next week.


Prof. Jeff Malpas

Member, AAP Council

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Prof Jeff Malpas<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Head, School of Philosophy, University of Tasmania

Director, University Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics

GPO Box 252-41 Hobart, Tasmania 7001, AUSTRALIA

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