Inquiry into the GST and A New Tax System


On the basis of the evidence received by this Committee, the Labor and Democrat senators are gravely concerned about the detrimental effects that the Government's tax package, Tax Reform: Not a New Tax, A New Tax System, will have on all aspects of education, the standard of living of low-income Australians and employment in a number of industries.

The evidence presented to this Committee and summarised in the Committee's report is compelling and cannot be ignored by the Government. That evidence and the inferences drawn from it are endorsed by both Labor and Democrat senators.

Some Conclusions drawn and the Recommendations made in the Committee's report represent the views of Labor senators only. The Democrats' Conclusions and Recommendations are contained in their Supplementary Report.

Senator Jacinta Collins
Chair Australian Labor Party, Victoria

Senator Kim Carr
Australian Labor Party, Victoria


Senator Trish Crossin
Australian Labor Party, Northern Territory


Senator Natasha Stott Despoja
Australian Democrats, South Australia