Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at the public hearing

Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at the public hearing


The following witnesses gave evidence at the public hearings:

Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations

Mr Bradley Smith, President

Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Studies

Professor Sue Serjeantson, President

Professor Chris Fell, Vice-President

Professor John White, Council Member

National Tertiary Education Union

Dr Carolyn Allport, National President

Dr Julie Wells, Policy and Research Coordinator

Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee

Mr Stuart Hamilton, Executive Director

Ms Ros Engledow, Director, Research Policy

Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Mr Michael Gallagher, First Assistant Secretary, Higher Education Division

Ms Jennifer Gordon, Assistant Secretary, Developments Group, Higher Education Division

Ms Catherine Wildermuth, Director, Research Innovation Unit

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