<!--HTMLCleanerRegion--> Chapter 1 - Introduction and conduct of inquiry

Chapter 1 - Introduction and conduct of inquiry

Referral of inquiry

1.1        On 22 June 2010 the Senate referred to the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations the matter of Industry Skills Councils.F[1]F The committee was to inquire into, and report on, the reference by 30 September 2010. On 13 September 2010 the committee presented an interim report notifying the Senate that due to the prorogation of the 42nd Parliament the committee required additional time to complete the inquiry.F[2]

1.2        In the 43rd Parliament the committee recommended to the Senate that it re-adopt the reference, with a final report due on 16 March 2011. The Senate agreed to this on 30 September 2010.F[3]F The reporting date was subsequently extended again to 23 March 2011.F[4]

Terms of reference

1.3        Under the terms of reference the committee was to inquire into:

(a)         the role and effectiveness of Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) in the operation of the national training system particularly as it relates to states and territories and rural and regional Australia;

(b)        accountability mechanisms in relation to Commonwealth funding for the general operation and specific projects and programs of each ISC;

(c)         corporate governance arrangements of ISCs;

(d)        Commonwealth Government processes to prioritise funding allocations across all ISCs;

(e)         ISC network arrangements and co-operative mechanisms implemented between relevant boards;

(f)          the accrual of accumulated surpluses from public funding over the life of each ISC’s operation and its use and purpose;

(g)         the effectiveness of each ISC in implementing specific training initiatives, for example the Skills for Sustainability initiative under the National Green Skills Agreement; and

(h)        any related matters.

Conduct of the inquiry

1.4        The committee advertised its inquiry on its website and in the Australian newspaper calling for submissions to be lodged by 6 August 2010. Due to the election period in 2010 the committee accepted submissions that were lodged after this date. The committee also contacted a number of relevant organisations, notifying them of the inquiry and inviting them to lodge submissions.

1.5        The committee received 119 submissions which are listed at Appendix 1. The committee held two public hearings in Canberra on 15 and 16 February 2011. A list of the hearings together with the names of witnesses who appeared is at Appendix 2.

Structure of the report

1.6        The terms of reference are covered in the following chapters. The report is divided into five chapters. Chapter two provides the background to the establishment of the Industry Skills Councils and describes their role and functions. Chapters three and four outline funding and corporate governance arrangements respectively and look at issues concerning these. Chapter five explores engagement and consultation practices of the ISCs.


1.7        The committee thanks all those who contributed to the inquiry by making submissions, providing additional information or appearing before it to give evidence.

Note on references

1.8        References in this report to the Hansard for the public hearings refer to the proof Hansard. Please note that page numbers may vary between the proof and the official transcripts.

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