Public hearing - Melbourne, Thursday 25 October 2012

Protecting Local Jobs (Regulating Enterprise Migration Agreements) Bill 2012 [Provisions]

Public hearing - Melbourne, Thursday 25 October 2012

Time 10.00am - 3.20pm

Venue St James Catering & Conference Centre
12 Batman St
West Melbourne

10.00 am - 10.40 am

Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Submission 10)
Mr Richard Clancy, Executive Director

10.40 am - 11.20 am

Australian Minerals and Metals Association (Submission 8)

11.20 am - 12.00 noon

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry   (Submission 2)

12.00 noon - 1.00 pm


1.00 pm - 1.40 pm

Australian Council of Trade Unions (Submission 3)
Mr Tim Shipstone, Industrial Officer

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (Construction and General Division) (Submission 6)
Mr Dave Noonan, Secretary
Mr Bob Kinnaird, National Research Director

1.40pm - 2.20pm

Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (Submission 14)
Mr Allen Hicks, National Assistant Secretary

2.20 pm - 3.20 pm



By teleconference

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (Submission 12)
Mr Mark Roddam, Branch Manager
Mr Anthony Parsons, Group Manager

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Submission 9)
Mr Kruno Kukoc, First Assistant Secretary, Migration and Visa Policy Division - by teleconference

3.20 pm


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3521
Fax: +61 2 6277 5706