Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee

Core Members:

Senator J.M.A. Collins (Chair) (Australian Labor Party - VIC)
Senator A.B. Ferguson (Deputy Chair) (Liberal Party - SA)
Senator M. Bishop (Australian Labor Party - WA)
Senator H.G.P. Chapman (Liberal Party - SA)
Senator S. Mackay (Australian Labor Party - TAS)
Senator A. Murray (Australian Democrats - WA)
Senator W. Heffernan (Liberal Party – NSW)
Senator G. Campbell (Australian Labor Party – NSW)

Participating Members:

Senators: E. Abetz, B. Brown, D. Brownhill, P.H. Calvert, M. Colston, P. Cook, B.Cooney, W. Crane, C.V. Evans, R. Kemp, K. Lundy, I.D. Macdonald, S. Macdonald, D. Margetts, J. McKiernan, S. Murphy, B.J. Neal, W.G. O'Chee, C. Schacht, N. Sherry, J.O.W. Watson


Robert Diamond

Research Staff:
Graeme Fawns

Committee Address: 
The Secretary
Senate Economics
References Committee
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: (02) 6277 3540  
Fax: (02) 6277 5719

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