

Senate Economics Legislation Committee - Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012

[1]        Journals of the Senate, 28 June 2012, pp 2700–2701.

[2]        Senate Selection of Bills Standing Committee, Report No. 9 of 2012, 16 August 2012 as cited in Journals of the Senate, 16 August 2012, p. 2775.

[3]        Explanatory Memorandum, Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012, p. 2.

[4]        Senator John Madigan, Senate Hansard, 28 June 2012, p. 4999.

[5]        Senator John Madigan, Senate Hansard, 28 June 2012, p. 5000.

[6]        Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 18–28, pp 54–65.

[7]        Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 10–12.

[8]        Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 12–15.

[9]        Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 15–18.

[10]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 15, 28.

[11]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, Chapter 3.

[12]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 29, 30. The report notes as an example the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (Cth) and Climate Change Act 2010 (Vic).

The report also notes the provisions of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 would, in some instances, result in the Commonwealth's involvement in the approval of a wind farm proposal (see pp 50–51).

[13]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 31.

[14]      Dr James Prest, Australian National University , Australian Centre for Environmental Law and Centre for Climate Law and Policy, Submission 631, p. 2 in Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, pp 43–44.

[15]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 44.

[16]      Environment Protection and Heritage Council, National Wind Farm Development Guidelines Draft, July 2010. See discussion in report pp 46–49.

[17]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 49. See Sonus Pty Ltd, Draft National Wind Farm Development Guidelines, Review of Noise Aspects, November 2010, p. 7 and Origin Energy Limited, Submission 591, p. 15.

[18]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 28.

[19]      See Senator John Madigan, Senate Hansard, 7 February 2012, p. 205.