Additional Comments by Senator Xenophon

Additional Comments by Senator Xenophon

1.1        I support the principle of greater transparency and information to taxpayers about how taxpayers' money is spent.

1.2        In addition to the Committee's Report, it is important, given the understandable limitations of the current proposal in terms of accuracy and relevance to individual taxpayers, that any augmented tax assessment is provided in conjunction with the provision of a user-friendly website that provides clear information around Government spending and budgetary measures.

1.3        The proposal by Professor John Quiggin of an online calculator is one that should be investigated.

1.4        Any website that is developed should also provide easy-to-understand information about the spending measures in practical terms for individual taxpayers.

1.5        The focus of any augmented tax assessment proposal must be to provide taxpayers with meaningful information in order to increase the fiscal literacy of taxpayers and to provide greater transparency around Government spending.


Independent Senator for South Australia

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