Inquiry into matters relating to the gas explosion at Varanus Island,
Western Australia
Information about the Inquiry
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On 28 August 2008, the
Senate referred the following matters to the Senate Standing Committee on
Economics for report by 14 October 2008 (the Senate has since agreed
to extensions of time to report so the Committee will now be reporting
by 3 December 2008):
- the economic impact of the Western Australian gas crisis, including but
not limited to:
- the extent of losses faced by business and industry failing to meet
production targets due to the lack of gas supplies,
- the disproportionate disruption to industry in the south west of Western
Australia, and
- the nature of contractual arrangements forced on business and industry
during the gas crisis and their status since the resumption of gas
supplies from Varanus Island; and
- the government response to the Western Australian gas crisis,
including but not limited to:
- the adequacy of the crisis management response,
- the adequacy of reliance on one source supplies of gas for
domestic markets,
- the provision of reliable and affordable supplies of alternative
- the feasibility of developing emergency storage facilities of gas
in depleted reservoirs or other repositories, and
- the justification for any refusals to release relevant facts and
documents publicly.
The Committee invites written submissions which should be sent
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
The closing date for submissions is 15 September
The Committee requests that where possible,
submissions should also be provided by email to,
preferably as MS Word or RTF format documents. Notes to assist in
preparing submissions are available from the website
or telephone the Secretariat on 02 6277 3540, fax: 02 6277 5719, or e-mail
at the above address.
Once the Committee accepts your submission, it
becomes a confidential committee document and is protected by
Parliamentary Privilege. You must not release your submission
without the Committee’s permission. If you do, it is not protected by
Parliamentary Privilege. At some stage during the inquiry, the Committee
normally makes submissions public. Please indicate if you want your
submission to be kept confidential.
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should be directed to the Parliament House TTY number (02 6277 7799).
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participate in a committee inquiry, please contact the Committee
If you need any further information, consult the
Committee's website at or
contact the Committee Secretary on (02) 6277 3540 (phone), (02) 6277 5719
(fax); or by email to or by writing to the above address.
For further information, contact:
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600