Chapter 4
Modelling the impact of the bill
An important part of the committee's deliberations on the bill
focused on the efforts to model the impact of the increased Medicare levy
surcharge (MLS) thresholds, or to contest the scope and accuracy of Treasury's
estimates. Treasury has estimated the budgetary impact of the bill's measures
due to loss of PHI membership over the period 2008–2012 (see below). The
Australian Health Insurance Association (AHIA) and the Australian Medical
Association (AMA) commissioned Price Waterhouse Coopers and Access Economics
respectively to examine Treasury's figures and the likely effect of the bill on
both the private funds and the public hospital system. Separately, iSelect have
also commissioned Access Economics to examine the effect of the bill on private
health insurance (PHI) dropout, subsequent premium increases and the pressure
on the public hospital system. As noted earlier, Professor Deeble has conducted
his own analysis. Mr Ian McAuley and Catholic Health Australia also offered
insights into the task of modelling the bill's impact, although neither
undertook any econometric analysis.
This chapter presents these findings. It is important to note
that the modellers make various caveats about the certainty with which these
findings can be made. Not all the necessary information is publicly available
and the calculations relate only to the price effect of the MLS threshold
changes, not the broader motivations of people for holding private health
Evidence presented to the committee noted that price is not the primary reason
why people take out PHI. Security, peace of mind and choice of hospital and
doctor rated higher than price.[2]
This would imply that private health insurance is relatively price inelastic.
The 'first round' effect:
Treasury's position
Treasury's budget estimates (Table 4.1) measure the 'first round'
effect of the bill's measures—the number of people who will leave the private
health insurance system purely as a result of the rise in the thresholds and
abstracting from any subsequent increase in premiums. It calculates that over
the period 2008–2012, there will be a net saving to the public purse from
increasing the threshold (excluding any increase in funding for public
hospitals). This is based on:
- 485 000 adults[3]
(644 000 people) leaving private health insurance, resulting in reduced
government expenditure on the private health insurance rebate of $960 million;
- an ongoing cost in foregone revenue due to exempting those in the
$50 000 to $100 000 income range who are not privately insured from
the levy surcharge of $660 million; and
- a resulting estimated net saving of $300 million (see Table 4.1).[4]
Table 4.1: Personal income
tax—increasing the Medicare threshold
Revenue ($m)
Foregone tax revenue
Private health insurance rebate savings
Source: Budget
Paper No. 2: Budget Papers 2008–09, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, p. 33.
Treasury told the committee that Treasury had based its modelling
of the foregone tax revenue on its personal tax model.[5]
In modelling the effect of the increased threshold on rebate expenses, the
Australian Tax Office provided Treasury with a confidentialised sample of data
containing comprehensive information on private health insurance coverage.[6]
Treasury then provided the Department of Health and Ageing and the Department
of Finance and Deregulation with estimates of the 2008–09 income distributions
for singles and couples with PHI. From these data were derived an estimate of
the number of people with PHI in the less than 65, 65–69 and over 70 age
Treasury has been criticised for failing to model the effect of
the bill in raising premiums (offset by any further drop in membership this
causes) and therefore the cost of the rebate, and the impact on the public
hospital system—the 'second round effect'. However, in evidence to the
committee in June and July, Treasury explained that 'normal costing
conventions' do not include costings of second-round effects. It is not a
requirement of the Charter of Budget Honesty that has set guidelines for
budgeting since 1998. Moreover, these second round effects are difficult to
quantify. At the June hearing of Estimates, Mr Ray explained that 'the reason
we do not include second round effects is that generally they are highly
uncertain...we have not done that modelling because we do not feel that it is
easily quantifiable'.[8]
Similarly, in evidence to this inquiry, the Treasury explained:
Any effects on future premiums are deemed to be second-round
effects from the policy, entail a great deal of uncertainty and would be
difficult to quantify[9]...there
are many other factors, such as the impact of potential marketing campaigns by
funds, that might impact on the future growth.[10]
Notwithstanding the merits of these arguments, there has been
criticism that Treasury's 30 per cent rebate savings estimate of $960 million
is overstated given they do not measure the possible increase in premiums
flowing from the fallout in PHI membership. Treasury did factor into their
modelling a premium increase over the forward estimates period from factors other
than the bill's influence.[11]
Other perspectives on the
first-round effect
Treasury's first round effect—the number of people who will
initially drop out of private health insurance—has been challenged by both
Pricewaterhouse Coopers (AHIA) and Access Economics (AMA). The approach of both
consultancies was to recalculate the number of people who will leave private
health insurance based on Treasury's 2008–09 PHI rebate savings estimate of
$232 million. The committee notes that this seems a very odd method given it
makes no attempt to identify an alternative estimate.
The AHIA-commissioned Price Waterhouse Coopers report takes Treasury's
savings estimate for 2008–09 and calculates the likely 'first round' fallout
from PHI. The report argued that the government had significantly
underestimated the effect of the increased MLS thresholds on the public health
system. It claimed that the government's estimated saving of $232 million in
2008–09 is the equivalent of 908 000 people (assuming the 485 000
adults each have on average 0.87 dependants). This figure seems high, given
that the people most likely to drop out of the funds are young and single. This
represents 9.7 per cent of the insured population.[12]
In similar vein, the Access Economics report argued that the
Treasury's savings estimates are overstated in 2008–09 and understated in
subsequent years. It described the $232 million saving estimate in 2008–09 as
'highly implausible' and possible only if there was a 'sudden and large exodus
of PHI members' before 1 July 2008. It added, 'we do not expect that to
In this context, the report emphasised that the Medicare levy surcharge is only
one factor in the decision to join and remain in a private fund. Access
Economics argued that other important considerations may include the perceived 'parlous
state' of the public hospitals and the Lifetime Health Cover arrangements which
reward early and continuous health fund membership.[14]
Access Economics noted that, based on an average rebate rate of
32 per cent, Treasury's 2008–09 saving estimate is the equivalent of $720
million in lost private health insurance contributions. For the $232 million
savings estimate to be realised in 2008–09, 534 000 people claiming the
average rebate rate[15]
would have to drop their cover by 1 July 2008. Alternatively, for Treasury's
savings estimates—and drop out figure of 485 000 adults—to be consistent,
those leaving private insurance must have more expensive premiums than the
average. Access Economics argued that this is not likely to be the case:
...the people who might be expected to drop their cover in the
first instance would be younger high income earners who have purchased cheaper PHI
products...because that is cheaper than paying the surcharge. These are ...the
people whose reason for joining a fund is focussed much more on tax saving than
on sharing their risk or receiving benefits.[16]
The report did not forecast the number of people who are likely
to drop private health insurance cover as a result of the increased surcharge
threshold. It argued that not enough is known about the price elasticity of
demand for private health insurance.[17]
In its August 2008 report for iSelect, however, Access Economics
did attempt to make an estimate of the likely dropout from PHI. In terms of the
first round effect, it estimated that 202 000 PHI policies (359 000
people) will be dropped and of these, 51 per cent will be by those under
the age of 35. This was calculated by multiplying the number of policies
affected by the policy change by the proportion of singles and households that
hold hospital cover to avoid the MLS. The latter figure was derived from a
question in the 2004–05 National Health Survey.[18]
Notably, in its August 2008 report, Access Economics estimated a
higher PHI rebate savings figure over the forward estimates than that of the
Treasury: $1.2 billion compared to $960 million. The corresponding estimate of MLS
tax revenue lost was $693 million (compared with Treasury's estimate of $660
million). Allowing for a first round premium increase of 2.7 per cent (see
paragraph 4.20) which would increase the government's rebate liability by
around $388 million, Access Economics calculates a net saving to the
Commonwealth for the forward estimates period of $113 million.[19]
Professor Deeble has calculated that 488 000 PHI policies
(750 000 people) will leave private health insurance as a result of the
higher MLS thresholds.[20]
As with most other submitters, he identified the fallout to be concentrated on
younger members. He also argued that private health insurance membership is more
sensitive to income than price, and younger members with lower incomes are
likely to take advantage of the higher MLS thresholds and leave the private
system (see chapter 5).
The 'second round' effect
The 'second round' effect refers to:
- the subsequent increase in premiums to compensate for the initial
loss of members from the funds;
- more people dropping out of private health insurance as a
consequence of higher premiums; and
- the number of people newly reliant on the public hospital system.
The committee received evidence from most witnesses that the
initial dropout from the funds will result in premium increases and further
fallout from the funds, placing greater pressure on the public hospital system.
The reason is that those most likely to drop their cover initially—the young
and healthy—are those cross‑subsidising private health insurance for
older people under the system of community rating.[21]
However there is disagreement about the quantum of the premium increase and the
pressure that will be placed on the public hospital system.
The effect on premiums
The committee received various views on the extent to which premiums
are likely to increase as a result of the higher MLS thresholds. In their
submission to this inquiry, AHIA argued that the bill's measures may increase premiums
by as much as 10 per cent. AHIA interpreted Treasury's estimates as indicating
that the fallout from the funds will be between 719 000 and 913 000
people. It assumed an average premium of $1 251 per annum[22]
and an average fund policyholder aged under 65. If the higher drop out figure
of 913 000 is taken, and it is assumed that those exiting made no claims
in the last year, the premium increase could be as high as 10.1 per cent.[23]
Professor Deeble calculates that per person covered, the average
private hospital premium (including the 30 per cent rebate) is about $930.
Assuming that those dropping out in the first round (750 000 people) have
average premiums, private health insurers' revenue would fall by $697 million.
Once the benefit savings ($225 million) are deducted, the $427 million
revenue deficit (over a remaining 8.37 million people with PHI) could be
covered by a 5.1 per cent increase in premiums.[24]
He adds: 'the actual result would probably be less...[and] it is hard to see that
as any threat to the viability of private health insurance'.
In its May 2008 report for the AMA, Access Economics arrived at a
similar figure of 5 per cent, albeit with different calculations. Access
Economics equated Treasury's 2008–09 savings figure of $232 million to a $700
million loss in fund revenue. It added that the corresponding reduction in benefit
payments could 'be as little as $200 million'. The resulting $500 million
shortfall in revenue translates into a premium increase of 5 per cent.
In its August 2008 report for iSelect—based on its own modelling
rather than Treasury's estimate—Access Economics found that the initial loss of
202 000 policies will result in, on average, a premium increase of 2.7 per
cent in the first full year. This, in turn, will result in a further one per
cent loss of membership or nearly 40 000 policies.[25]
The committee has not received any estimate from the government
about the possible impact of the higher MLS thresholds on premiums. The
government was not required to measure the second round effects. However, the
Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing, Mr David Kalisch, did
advise the committee that the department had done some work into the likely
increase in premiums. He suggested that premiums would increase as a
consequence of the bill's measures by less than 2½ per cent.[26]
There was significant variation in the estimate of any increase
in premiums as a result of the MS threshold changes. It was generally accepted
that there would be an increase in premiums for private health insurance
regardless of the changes in the MLS thresholds ('the underlying increase') and
this has not been quantified. This confuses estimates of any changes
particularly as some estimates totalled the estimated underlying increase and
the estimated MLS increase. Other evidence just referred to the MLS related
Those estimates that clearly related to the MLS related increase
tended to be around the 2.5 per cent mark.[27]
Professor Deeble estimated a maximum of 5 per cent but added that the actual
result would probably be less.
Committee view
In this complex area it is not possible to make a meaningful
estimate of any premium increase as a result of the increase in MLS thresholds.
Health funds do not want to lose membership and will presumably try to minimise
premium increases, will compete strongly with each other, and will continue to
drive down costs.
Impact on CPI
The committee does not anticipate that the bill will have much
impact on the consumer price index. According to the 2003–04 Household
Expenditure Survey, 'hospital, residual and dental insurance' was 1.7 per
cent of total household expenditure and 'hospital and medical services' (which includes
doctors' fees and hospital charges as well as PHI) has a weight of 2.8 per cent
in the CPI.[28]
Even if the PHI 'weight' alone was as high as two per cent, then the CPI impact
of the bill would be around 0.1 per cent (.02 x 5 per cent).
The effect on public hospitals
Unsurprisingly, AHIA also claims that the higher MLS thresholds
will have a significant effect on the public hospital system. Using Treasury's PHI
dropout figure of 485 000 adults, AHIA calculates an annual additional
cost on public hospitals of $234 million. Using its own 'conservative' dropout
estimate of 719 000 people, AHIA estimates an annual additional cost to
public hospitals of $347 million. And with their higher dropout figure of
913 000 people[29],
the Association calculates an additional annual cost to public hospitals of
$442 million[30]
based on an estimated average hospital benefit of $484 per person under the age
of 65 paid by private health funds.[31]
AHIA's submission cites the Tasmanian Government's 2008–09 budget
papers, which estimate a seven per cent increase in public hospital waiting
AHIA suggests that the state government attributes all of this increase to the
fallout from private insurance as a result of the higher MLS thresholds. This
is not entirely an accurate assumption. The Budget Paper seems to indicate that
the MLS change is just one of several possible factors contributing to
the projected increase in public hospital waiting lists.[33]
Professor Deeble has also estimated the impact of the bill on
public hospitals. He makes three assumptions:
- that 'private insurance patterns of service utilization and cost
are replicated exactly in the public system' (ie: the same annual admission
rates per person (0.162) and relative cost index (0.79));[34]
- that the average public hospital cost per admission is
$4 079 (2007–08);[35]
- that 750 000 people under the age of 50 will leave PHI and
use the public hospital system.
He then calculates that the increased cost on public hospitals
will be $391 million per annum (750 000 x 0.162 x 0.79 x 4 079).[36]
This is an extra 2.1 per cent of all inpatient expenditure. A lower annual
admission rate for people under 35 reduces the annual impost on public
hospitals to $311 million or 1.6 per cent of all inpatient expenditure. Professor
Deeble argued that the most likely figure is about $367 million annually or
1.97 per cent of inpatient expenditure.[37]
He added that the net cost to governments will hardly rise at all:
...because the Commonwealth now pays significant amounts for
medical services and drugs for private patients outside the private health
insurance system, and gives at least a 30 per cent rebate on premiums...[38]
The committee emphasises that calculating the effect of the bill's
measures on public hospitals is not as simple as adding the hospital cost of PHI
dropouts to the new cost on public hospitals. A rigorous assessment of the
impact of the MLS threshold increases on the public hospital system must allow
for the large number of people with PHI who concurrently use the public
hospital system. Dr Robyn Lawrence, Acting Director of the Western
Australian Department of Health, alerted the committee to this fact. She told
the committee that the department's preliminary analysis[39]:
...indicates that in 2007-08 the threshold changes could result in
an additional 12 511 public patient weighted separations. This would be
mainly the result of people who would otherwise have had procedures done as
private patients in private hospitals instead of having them done as public
patients. If the department had the capacity to provide for all this additional
demand, the estimated additional costs for the public hospital system would be
of the order of $53.6 million per annum...One of the key assumptions is that the
people who drop out of private health insurance are the people who will have
otherwise used their insurance—that is, they are the people who resulted in
these hospital separations. If this is not the case, which is possible, the impact
on the public hospital system may be minimal.[40]
Access Economics' report for iSelect also acknowledged the need
to take into account the use of public hospitals by those currently in PHI. It noted
that 'surcharge dodgers—in addition to being younger and healthier than the
average—are also more likely to exercise their rights to access public
hospitals'. The effect of the bill, therefore, 'is to shift their caseload only
to the extent that they are now accessing private health insurance benefits'.[41]
That noted, Access Economics did anticipate a substantial shift
in procedures from privately insured patients to public patients accessing the
public hospital system. It argued that, following an estimated first round
fallout of 202 000 policies, there will be a shift of 82 242 'in-patient
episodes of care' to the public system in the first year. The second round
effect will shift a further 21 166 annual episodes, while by 2012 there
will be an additional 265 000 episodes of care per year shifted to the
public system.[42]
However, those who leave the private health funds will have
savings from no longer paying premiums and no longer being liable the MLS. This
money will increase the capacity for these people to pay for private hospital
care out of their own pocket.
Committee view
The committee believes there will be some impact on the public
hospital system. Private hospitals tend to specialise in elective surgery
procedures rather than emergencies. The Commonwealth government has announced
$3.2 billion for the National Health and Hospitals Reform Plan which
includes $600 million to reduce elective surgery waiting lists (see
Table 4.2). The recent federal budget also provided $1 billion of
immediate funding to relieve pressure on public hospitals.[43]
Table 4.2: Proposed
funding for public hospitals ($ million)
Elective surgery waiting list reduction plan
Health and Hospital Reform—COAG—Additional funding for public
Source: Budget Paper No. 2,
2008–09, pp 211 and 223.
Should Treasury model the second
round effect?
The committee believes whilst it would be worthwhile for Treasury
to model the second round effects of the bill, the assumptions required to
underpin such modelling are inadequate for a rigorous analysis to be
undertaken. Treasury has itself noted that 'there is a high degree of
uncertainty in the impact on potential premiums in future'.[44]
Treasury also indicated that modelling the impact on public hospitals 'would be
better directed to the Department of Health and Ageing'.[45]
The Department of Health has indicated that while it had done some modelling on
the impact of the bill on premiums, it is 'still quite speculative'.[46]
The committee also recognises that these estimates may compromise the government
in its forthcoming discussions with the funds on premium increases.
The 'third round' effect
Access Economics defines the 'third round' effect as those people
who would have taken up private health insurance as their incomes rose into
ranges subject to the MLS but now will not do so as they are no longer liable
for the surcharge. It estimates that the number of members dropping out from PHI
in the first and second rounds will be a constant number for each of the years
2009–2012. However, the loss of members from the third round effect will
increase over the period. In other words, for each year after 2008, there will
be a rising number of people who would otherwise have taken up PHI if they were
liable for the surcharge.[47]
Committee view
Access Economics explains this growing rate of 'non PHI uptake' in
terms of rising incomes, which would have pushed an increasing proportion of taxpayers
over the current thresholds, thereby inducing some to join a fund to avoid the
surcharge. The committee argues that the extent of this third round effect
really reflects the failure of the previous government to increase the original
threshold of $50 000 per annum (leading to a form of 'bracket creep'),
rather than any fault in the proposed legislation.
Ignorance, apathy and uncertainty
Several witnesses have emphasised that the effect of this
legislation on the private health funds will depend on people's knowledge of
the changes and, thereafter, their personal preferences and motivations. Professor
Deeble identified a combination of 'ignorance, apathy and uncertainty' as
potentially limiting the immediate fallout from the funds. He told the
Effects will occur over a longer period because I would not
expect people to be totally aware of this—it is not the sort of thing people
read every day and happily devour, they learn about a thing like this once in a
while—so you could expect that a large proportion of the population, despite
all of the publicity, will not even know that the change has taken place. They
may know when they go to see their tax accountant and he tells them that they
may not have to do this any more, but nevertheless there will be a considerable
Even if they are aware of the change:
...some will defer, or forget to take, the necessary action (at
least until tax return time) and others will be held in private insurance by
the ‘Lifetime Health Cover’ rules. If they expect their income to rise in the
future, not only will liability for the surcharge come back, but the cost of private
insurance will be higher. The rules allow for suspension for limited periods
but most contributors would not be aware of that.[49]
Along similar lines, Professor Savage cautioned: cannot be assumed that all of the people...[between the old
and the new thresholds] will drop their cover. This will depend on the
motivation for purchasing insurance and the value that insurance provides to
them. In many markets there is considerable evidence of persistence—that is, habit—in
behaviour despite changes in incentives, and this is true in health insurance
markets all over the world...The Lifetime Health Cover surcharge will also
provide a continuing incentive for them to maintain continuous cover. Those who
enrolled after 2000 and whose premiums currently include the extra loading—the
age-related loading—may also maintain their cover, to take advantage of the
Lifetime Health Cover policy change, where after 10 years of continuous cover
they no longer have to pay the age loading.[50]
Estimating the effect of the bill on private health fund
membership and the public hospital system is a complex task, involving
assumptions about consumers' knowledge, opinions and preferences. Nonetheless,
there is broad consensus among private health insurers that the MLS threshold
increases will result in an initial fallout from the funds, causing their premiums
to increase. To some extent, people earning less than $100 000 per annum
who would otherwise have taken out PHI will no longer do so. And throughout
this process, privately insured patients will shift to the public hospital
system placing added pressure on its resources, particularly for elective
surgery procedures. However, this must be placed in some context. Professor Deeble
...the cost of the shift—which is the main thing I was concerned about—to
the public hospitals would be about $360 million a year. In a system which I
think last year cost $26 billion—it will be about $27 billion this year—that is
This chapter has detailed various estimates of the extent to
which the funds may lose members (current and prospective), premiums may increase
(immediate and medium-term), and public hospitals may be faced with higher
demand. The plausibility of all these estimates can be contested, depending on
the underpinning assumptions one makes. Given this, the committee stresses the
importance of stakeholders' views and insights into the effect of the bill. The
next chapter discusses these views in detail.
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