

Recommendation 1 
2.23     The committee recommends that the bill be amended so that company title apartments (where the company title arrangement, its memorandum and articles creates a right for the occupier) are clearly excluded from its coverage before the bill is passed.

Recommendation 2 
2.47     The committee recommends that the Commissioner of Taxation review Draft Ruling 2009/D8 following passage of the Schedule 1 amendments to ensure it is operating appropriately.

Recommendation 3 
2.54     The committee recommends that Item 2 of the bill dealing with the commencement date of the provisions be amended to reflect that Schedule 1 takes effect from 1 July 2010. The committee is of the view that this time frame strikes the appropriate balance between providing taxpayers with time to prepare for the changes with the need to strengthen the integrity of the tax laws.

Recommendation 4 
3.18     The committee recommends that the Senate pass Schedule 2 of the bill.

Recommendation 5 
4.10     The committee supports Schedule 3 of the bill and recommends its  passage unchanged.

Recommendation 6 
4.21     The committee recommends that Schedule 4 of the bill be passed without amendment.

Recommendation 7
4.33       The committee recommends that Schedule 5 of the bill be passed without amendment.

Recommendation 8 
5.8       The committee recommends that Schedule 6 of the bill be passed.

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