Chapter 2
National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target
Bill 2007 [2008]
In this chapter the committee outlines the purpose of the bill and deals
with issues which arose during its consideration.
Purpose of the bill
The purpose of the National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill
2007 is to amend the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 to promote
the adoption of improved energy efficiencies and cost effective greenhouse gas
The bill proposes the establishment of a market for energy efficiency.
This would be achieved by setting a National Market Driven Energy Efficiency
Target. Tradeable certificates (Energy Efficiency Certificates) would be issued
for verifiable energy efficiency savings from activities in addition to that
required by current laws.[1]
For instance, a manufacturer who makes seven star appliances where only 3.5
stars is the minimum would be awarded certificates equal to the energy saved
over a given period.[2]
Provisions of the bill
The key provisions in the bill will:
provide a system to recognise eligible energy efficiency measures
beyond that required by regulations;
- establish a market for the energy savings arising from investment
in energy efficiency measures;
introduce a mandated National Market Driven Energy Efficiency
Target (NMDEET);
introduce a trading scheme in energy efficiency certificates
which provides for the creation, acquisition and trading of Energy Efficiency
Certificates (EECs); and
- establish accreditation methods which encourage only high quality
energy efficiency measures while minimising administration costs.
Main findings
The majority of submissions received by the committee pointed to the
potential for energy efficiency measures to contribute to reduce emissions,
reduce energy use for households and business and reduce the need for
investment in energy infrastructure. However, the committee received evidence
questioning the effectiveness of an energy efficiency trading scheme of the
kind proposed by the bill. In particular, there was disagreement about the
design and timing of the scheme proposed in the bill.
Support for the bill
The term energy efficiency refers to gaining the same, or a higher level
of useful output, using fewer inputs.[3]
Professor Alan Pears acknowledged that energy efficiency improvement can be
misunderstood: it involves using less energy to do more. It is abstract. And
many fear that it involves 'freezing in the dark' or 'wearing a hair shirt' or
the collapse of the economy as we know it. [4]
Benefits of energy efficiency measures
Most climate change abatement strategies assume that energy efficiency
will have a role to play. The International Energy Agency (IEA) supports energy
efficiency as a tool for achieving a sustainable energy future:
Energy efficiency can reduce the need for investment in energy
infrastructure, cut fuel costs, increase competitiveness and improve consumer
An IEA paper on Promoting Energy Efficiency Investments stated:
Policies designed to increase energy efficiency have already
delivered significant benefits. Worldwide energy consumption would be 56 per
cent higher today than it would have otherwise been without the various EE
(energy efficiency) policies that have been implemented since 1973.[6]
In Britain, the review on the Economics of Climate Change, undertaken by
Sir Nicholas Stern argued for energy efficiency as a third element of a policy
response, along with carbon pricing and technology policy. He advocated
international co-operation on product standards as a way to boost
energy efficiency.[7]
The Australian Conservation Foundation noted that energy efficiency has
been promoted as the quickest and cheapest way to reduce greenhouse gas
They also commented:
Becoming energy smart will save on household and business energy
bills and help protect Australians against the impact of energy price increases
as we clean up our energy supply.[9]
Origin Energy reported that energy efficiency improvements provide
excellent 'value for money' in terms of greenhouse gas savings due to an 85 per
cent reliance on coal for electricity generation.[10]
The Green Building Council of Australia believes the benefits of energy
efficiency are demonstrable, and preferable to bearing the massive cost of
infrastructure required to meet the increasing demand for energy.[11]
Professor Pears noted the multiple benefits from the adoption of energy
efficiency measures including:
- reduced greenhouse gas emissions;
- reduced investment in expansion of energy supply infrastructure;
- reduced vulnerability to blackouts and energy supply
- reduced energy bills for households and businesses;
- potential to improve equity (subject to how policy is
implemented); and
- potential to improve quality of life and health of Australians by
reducing the risk of heat stress and cold-related illness.[12]
At the hearing Professor Pears told the committee that there was an important requirement
for a more effective driver to capture energy efficiency potential.[13]
Economic benefits
Research undertaken by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests investment
in improving energy efficiency has an average return rate of 17 per cent and
would generate energy savings of up to $900 billion annually by 2020:
...the opportunities to boost energy productivity use existing
technologies that pay for themselves and therefore free up resources for
investment or consumption elsewhere.[14]
Professor Pears reported recent modelling demonstrating that energy
efficiency has economic as well as environmental benefit. He cited work by the
Centre for International Economics for the Australian Sustainable Build
Environment Council which showed that accelerating energy efficiency
improvement in the residential and commercial sectors would reduce the cost of
CO2 permits across the economy by 15 per cent and deliver net benefits of many
billions of dollars.[15]
The Australian Conservation Foundation noted that:
If we implemented only half of the opportunities identified to
cut energy waste, our economy would be $1.8 billion stronger, 9,000 new jobs
would be created and we'd use 9 per cent less energy. In addition we'd cut
pollution by 9 percent, while earning a 26 per cent return on our investment.[16]
Senator Hurley asked Mr Mark Lister from Szencorp about the zero or
negative costs of energy efficiency mentioned in his opening statement. Mr Lister
told the committee that there are many cost effective opportunities from energy
efficiency which could be pursued immediately. He cited a number of studies
including by the Centre for International Economics, which have considered the cost
effectiveness or zero net cost opportunities of energy efficiency.[17]
He told the committee:
They established that we could save 30 to 35 per cent of our
energy use in that time frame by just using the things that would pay for
themselves in that time frame.[18]
Contribution of the built
Submissions highlighted that the built environment is responsible for 23
per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions. There is significant potential for
reduction from energy efficient improvements.[19]
Szencorp noted the IPCC studies showing that energy savings of 50 to 75 per
cent can be achieved in commercial buildings through aggressive implementation
of integrated sets of measures.[20]
The Green Building Council of Australia cited research by The Centre for
International Economics which showed that:
- electricity demand in residential and commercial buildings can be
halved by 2030, and reduced by more than 70 per cent by 2050 through energy
- energy efficiency alone could deliver savings of 30-35 per cent across
the whole building sector including the growth in the overall number of
buildings out to 2050;
- energy savings in the building sector (which accounts for 60
percent of GDP and 23 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions) could reduce the
costs of greenhouse gas abatement across the whole economy by $30 per tonne, or
14 per cent, by 2050;
- by 2050, GDP could be improved by around $38 billion per year if
building sector energy efficiency is adopted, compared to previous economy-wide
estimates of the 60 per cent deep cuts scenario; and
- the ability to achieve at least 60 per cent deep cuts in
greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will be significantly enhanced by transforming
buildings to deliver energy savings.[21]
Green Building Council Australia noted the barriers to improved energy
efficiency in the industry include split incentives and the fact that energy
costs are around one per cent of operating costs. Investors therefore look
elsewhere to achieve cost reductions. Despite the barriers, they reported the
desire by industry and tenants for improved energy efficiency in new and
existing buildings and call for further incentives to achieve this.[22]
The issue of split incentives has been recognised by the government, as
noted in chapter one with the 2008-09 Budget announcement of $150 million over
five years in rebates of $500 for landlords to install insulation in 300 000
rental properties to help reduce energy bills.[23]
The call for further incentives was supported by Szencorp which cited
recent findings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the global
potential to reduce approximately 30 per cent of projected baseline emissions
by 2020, from both residential and commercial building sectors. This was the
highest among all sectors studied.[24]
Szencorp argued that:
...existing building retrofitting should be a clear focus of any
mitigation efforts. New buildings make up a tiny percentage of overall building
emissions and policies that target them such as incremental improvements to
building codes and standards will not provide the scale of momentum required
for implementation of energy efficiency.[25]
However, others believe that energy efficiency technology is best
considered in the design and planning stage rather than during retrofitting.[26]
Barriers to energy efficiency
Regarding barriers to energy efficiency Mr Lister expressed the
following opinion:
There is a common view that energy efficiency is going to be a
by-product of a price on carbon, and that once we implement an emission-trading
scheme in Australia that will have an automatic flow-on effect to people
picking up energy efficiency—given that that is more cost-effective as energy
prices rise. However, I think it has been well-documented over the last few
years that a lot of the barriers to people taking up energy efficiency are not
related. They are behavioural, they are institutional and they are structural
much more than they are driven by price.[27]
Mr Lister offered the following explanation to the committee regarding
the behavioural barriers to energy efficiency measures:
The quote that I had thought about to explain that is that
energy efficiency itself, the saving of electrons in wires, is absolutely
invisible. Because it is invisible, we actually look straight past it and we
look at things that are more expensive solutions to the same problem.[28]
Mr Lister identified other barriers, including: coupling of energy
consumption and electricity retailer and distributor profits, network pricing,
bidding schemes, high hurdle rates, incrementalism, access to capital and
research and development and deployment issues. A comprehensive list of
barriers to energy efficiency are listed at paragraph 2.47.
Mr Lister further argued that with immediate cost-neutral energy
efficiency opportunities available, these measures should be the first to be
In response to questioning from Senator Hurley on barriers for energy
efficiency, Mr Robert Jackson from the Clean Energy Council said there are a
range of issues including: split incentives, improving appliance standards and
Although the potential of energy efficiency measures is widely recognised it is
also recognised that a number of barriers exist which contribute to the modest
uptake of energy efficiency measures to date. Professor Pears noted, however, that
despite barriers to energy efficiency there have been a number of modest
- today's refrigerators use two-thirds less energy than those of
the mid-1980s, when appliance energy labelling was introduced;
- the appliance efficiency program is avoiding millions of tonnes
of greenhouse gas emissions each year at a cost of minus $23 or less per tonne;
many businesses now spend less on energy than they used to.[31]
Committee view
The committee recognises the potential of energy efficiency measures to
contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy use for business
and households and reduce or slow the investment needed in energy
infrastructure to meet economic growth. The committee also notes that there are
numerous barriers responsible for the untapped potential for energy efficiency.
These are at a number of levels including: market barriers; consumer education;
split incentives; high initial costs where potential savings are usually only a
small share of the budget of businesses and households; and the relatively low
cost of electricity and fuel.
Energy efficiency scheme design
Submissions raised a number of issues about the design of an energy
efficiency trading scheme. Information was provided about research and
modelling on energy efficiency undertaken over the last few years.
The National Framework for Energy Efficiency included modelling on
energy efficiency potential and economic costs for a range of scenarios. A
number of initial studies investigating a National Energy Efficiency Target
were encouraging about what could be achieved.
Modelling undertaken by McLennan Magasanik Associates for the
Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria regarding the adoption of a National
Energy Efficiency Target (NEET) was positive, finding:
...adopting the NEET program, and meeting its objectives, will
ensure that we get better use from our existing energy infrastructure and
reduce emissions and supply costs...A further advantage is that future costs can
be reduced by deferring new capital investments until such time as cleaner
generation technologies become less expensive.[32]
The Allan Consulting Group also concluded that a NEET would provide
significant benefit:
Achieving annual energy savings of one per cent beyond 'business
as usual' (a one per cent NEET) would deliver an increase in consumption of
approximately 0.18 per cent by 2014 ($1.0 billion), while reducing electricity
prices to end users and saving 16.5 Mt CO2e of greenhouse gases. The total net
present value of increased real consumption in the economy over the life of the
investments initiated by a one per cent NEET is more than $8 billion dollars
(scenario 1).[33]
Design concerns
The level of benefits was questioned by the Productivity Commission in
their report The Private Cost Effectiveness of Improving Energy Efficiency
released on 31 August 2005. It also questioned the veracity of energy
efficiency potential noting the assumption that many privately cost-effective
energy opportunities exist but have not been taken up and questioned the
assumption that the targets would be met solely through the widespread uptake
of these investments. In the Commission's assessment this would not occur. The
Commission also noted that retailers would seek to pass the costs of meeting
energy efficiency targets to their customers and energy suppliers.[34]
The Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM) questioned the
effectiveness of measures based on imputed energy savings stating:
All schemes that focus on driving energy savings have an
underlying design flaw because they require a 'baseline and credit' mechanism
that estimates savings associated with a particular 'energy efficiency'
activity with respect to a hypothetical future baseline. This is inherently
counterfactual and cannot be independently measured or verified. As a result it
is very difficult to ensure additionality – at the project level (has the
activity reduced energy use as much as claimed, and if it has, would this have
happened anyway because of business-as-usual technical progress or policy
drivers), and at the wider level (has this activity resulted in other
activities increasing energy use). It is also very difficult to account for the
rebound effect – where extra cashflow from energy savings is spent on other
activities that increase energy use by that individual/organisation, or on
goods and services which increase energy use elsewhere.[35]
Mr Tim Kelly highlighted the accounting challenges for such a scheme
comparing it with the double counting issues for renewable energy. He stated
that the accounting challenges will be as bad or worse with the introduction of
a tradeable energy efficiency scheme.[36]
Mr Lister raised concerns about the liquidity of the proposed scheme
using the Victorian scheme as an example which currently only targets the
residential sector, and suggested improving the scope, reach and liquidity of
the Victorian scheme by including commercial and industrial sectors as well.[37]
Mr Lister also highlighted the measurement aspects as an area for further
To get energy efficiency a more complicated
exercise. We really need to establish what the previous baseline for that
activity was, and then an incremental improvement. The Victorian scheme, for
example, has proposed the extensive use of deeming formulas in relation to
specific appliances and specific techniques that would allow you to calculate
the useful life of a particular action in terms of the greenhouse saved over
the years that that appliance will be in use. That is a valid approach, and I
think there is a lot of emerging work worldwide that is showing that that is
fairly robust.[38]
In response to questioning by Senator Allison, Mr Lister noted the bill
does not address the disincentives for utilities to help their customer to save
money as their objective is to increase the amount of electricity they sell
rather than to identify the cheapest way to keep customers supplied.[39]
Mr Jackson also noted that the design would need to include a way of
addressing network losses which he suggested would be the subject of further
work outside the scope of the legislation.[40]
Mr Haenke from Origin Energy acknowledged that market based schemes
offer some attractive features but cautioned that they also tend to present
more complex design and operation challenges.[41]
In response to questioning from Senator Allison, Mr Haenke told the committee
that he was '...not necessarily convinced that a trading scheme is the primary
mechanism to deliver energy efficiency outcomes' due to an '...absence of evidence
that it necessarily will' but he acknowledged that there was evidence that
regulated outcomes can lead to cost-effective abatement.[42]
Professor Pears acknowledged that even with energy efficiency trading,
he thought a combination of different tools would still be required to deal
with some aspects of energy efficiency:
For example, an energy efficiency trading scheme could well
provide positive incentives to the leaders, while mandatory standard building
codes and things like that could effectively lock in the benefits that were
being captured by the leaders through an energy efficiency trading scheme.[43]
Under the bill and other similar proposed models, the energy retailer is
the liable party of choice. Origin Energy is of the view that further work is
required to determine the most appropriate party, but if this is to continue
there should be no impediment to passing the costs of compliance to the end
users. Nor should market distortion reduce competitiveness between retailers
operating in different market segments and across different states.[44]
Later in this chapter it is noted that witnesses suggested sectors which are
not included in the emissions trading scheme should be the target of energy
efficiency measures.
Energy efficiency target
An essential element of the scheme is the setting of a target for energy
efficiency improvement. The bill proposes that in the first year the energy
efficiency target is to be one per cent, and two per cent in the second year.[45]
Origin Energy noted there does not appear to be any explanation of why
this target was chosen. They caution that the target needs to be chosen on the
basis of detailed information about the availability of improvement
opportunities, their likely costs and the barriers to capturing them.[46]
Responding to questions from Senator Birmingham, Professor Pears was of the
view that the tendency has been to underestimate savings achieved by energy
efficiency. He suggested a preliminary target along with a mechanism to adapt
the target based on data collected.[47]
While research and modelling of energy efficiency measures has found
benefits, estimates of the technical, economic and market potential of energy
efficiency schemes vary and depend on a range of assumptions. Modelling and
research has exposed numerous design challenges in the development of an energy
efficiency trading scheme including:
- regulatory imposition upon liable parties;
- establishment of a suitable baseline target;
- split incentives (eg. the owner of a building is responsible for
its design or upgrade, while the tenant pays the energy bills), although it is
accounted for in the bill;
- the challenge of defining eligible energy efficiency measures,
where eligible measures are usually defined by the monitoring and verifying authority
in advance which can work against the development of innovative technologies;
- further difficulties in defining energy savings where energy
efficiency measures are undertaken by consumers anyway;
- difficulties with the baseline and credit approach in measuring
energy efficiency as each credit corresponds to an absence of emissions which
must be estimated so the challenge lies in forecasting what would happen in the
absence of the scheme;
- challenges with proving additionality, that is, savings beyond 'business
as usual' which are difficult to verify and potentially costly;
- determining appropriate monitoring and verification procedures can
be complex and resource intensive;
- increased transaction costs;
- discrimination against organisations which currently operate
- concerns about the interoperability of emissions trading schemes
and energy efficiency schemes such as double counting and the harmonisation of
certificates; and
- how to distribute energy efficiency activities so that the most
cost effective activities are undertaken, and where energy efficiency measures
are likely to become increasingly costly as low cost options are exhausted and
the price of certificates therefore increases with more ambitious energy
savings targets.
The committee notes other challenges as well. The net effect on retail
prices is ambiguous. Any reduction in the quantity of electricity demanded may
result in a rebound effect. The rebound effect refers to the idea that when
people save money as a result of energy efficiency improvements they could use
this money to buy more things that use energy.[48]
This occurs when lower costs increase the demand for services to the extent of at
least partly offsetting the initial reduction.
In addition, retail prices of electricity are likely to increase because
the suppliers face the additional cost of the scheme. Retailers would pass the
transaction costs of complying with the scheme (search for information, cost of
certificates, energy efficiency improvements, administrative procedures,
verification and monitoring) on to customers and as such it would operate as a
And finally, electricity price changes affect all consumers while the
direct benefits of energy efficiency measures accrue only to those implementing
the measures. Free riders (consumers who would have installed energy efficiency
measures anyway) benefit most while consumers not implementing any measures
benefit least. However, all consumers stand to gain from the benefits unrelated
to the electricity market which are emissions reductions.
Committee view
The committee notes in summary, that against the benefits in potential
energy savings, trading provisions generally require complex administration,
with corresponding increases in costs to participants and scheme regulators
which are passed on to consumers. The committee also recognises the numerous
design challenges for an energy efficiency trading scheme. Witnesses told the
committee that there is further work required on the design details of the
scheme which cannot be dealt with through simple amendments.
Energy efficiency schemes underway
The committee now turns to investigate similar schemes in operation, how
successful they have been and the issues raised about their design and
operation. With a growing interest in the use of market-based measures for
energy efficiency there is some experience with this approach to draw upon.
NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme
In operation since 1 January 2003, the NSW government's
Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (GGAS) creates demand side abatement (DSA) certificates
from energy efficient projects. It is a greenhouse gas trading system with an
end-use energy efficiency component.
GGAS is underpinned by provisions in the Electricity Supply Act 1995
(NSW). The NSW government has stated that to date GGAS has resulted in the
abatement of some 60 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.[49]
GGAS establishes annual statewide greenhouse gas reduction
targets, and then requires individual electricity retailers and certain other
parties who buy or sell electricity in NSW to meet mandatory benchmarks based
on the size of their share of the electricity market. If these parties, known
as benchmark participants, fail to meet their benchmarks, then a penalty is
Reviews of the scheme have raised a number of issues:
In a review of the NSW scheme, MacGill et al. argues that the
program had a number of weaknesses, including that it was too complex, and that
the choice of 'baseline and credit' over a 'cap and trade' mechanism was
inappropriate as were its sequestration requirements and baseline calculations.
The Centre for Energy and Environmental markets in its Analysis of the NSW
Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme argues that the scheme does not appear to have
driven significant abatement to date. Modelling undertaken by the Energy
Retailers Association of Australia (ERAA) suggested that the scheme placed a
disproportionate burden on NSW residents, as the scheme's abatement activities
benefited all Australians. The ERAA argues that the combined effects of the
scheme and the MRET resulted in increased electricity costs for NSW consumers.[51]
A number of reviews of the NSW scheme have concluded that it is
delivering limited outcomes in terms of energy efficiency. The UNSW Centre for
Energy and Environmental Markets are critical of the performance of GGAS. They
refer to a number of assessments which concluded that:
GGAS has exhibited low effectiveness (greenhouse emissions have
not been reduced by anywhere near as much as is claimed), low efficiency (the
modest emission reductions achieved have come at considerable cost) and
concerning equity outcomes. While it has certainly driven some innovative and
highly worthwhile energy efficiency activities, it has also demonstrated
problems including arrangements for energy efficiency lighting and shower
heads. It should serve as a cautionary tale for the potential challenges and
pitfalls of such types of policy approaches.[52]
The NSW government has recognised that the development of a national
greenhouse gas trading scheme is the best approach to meet the challenges of
climate change and has legislated to ensure that GGAS will end when a national
emissions trading scheme commences. The reason provided is that:
Because the two schemes cause a price to be applied to greenhouse
gas emissions associated with energy consumption, it would be confusing to have
multiple price signals. The cessation of GGAS will also have the effect of
avoiding duplication of obligations for industry.[53]
The NSW government has issued a consultation paper on transitional
arrangements and has created a consultation group on DSA to discuss options.
This group will examine transition options specifically for the DSA elements of
GGAS and will report to the Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water
and the GGAS-NETS Transition working group which will examine all remaining
Victorian Energy Efficiency Target
The VEET scheme will operate in a similar way to
GGAS. The key differences are:
- VEET covers gas and electricity retailers, whereas
GGAS covers electricity retailers only; and
- GGAS accredits a broader range of eligible
certificate creation activities, including carbon sequestration.
The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 (Vic), passed on 11
December 2007 sets up the Victorian Energy Efficiency Scheme (VEET) which will
commence on 1 January 2009.
To prepare for a carbon-constrained future, the government
recognised that it would need to pursue a range of policy initiatives including
support for the introduction of a national emissions trading scheme, a
renewable energy strategy, an energy efficiency strategy and the energy
technology innovation strategy.[55]
The scheme's objectives are to:
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
- encourage the efficient use of electricity and gas; and
- encourage investment, employment and technology development in
industries that supply goods and services which reduce the use of electricity
and gas by consumers.[56]
The scheme sets a target for energy savings to be achieved through the
uptake of energy efficient technology, initially in the household sector.
Energy retailers are required to meet the targets by acquiring and surrendering
Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) each year. These certificates
can be created by providing energy saving products and services to households.
Large electricity and gas retailers will be required to purchase and surrender
certificates each year in proportion to their annual purchases of gas and
electricity. A penalty will be imposed where entities fail to surrender
sufficient certificates to offset their liability.[57]
Initially the VEET will set a target of 2.7 million tonnes of greenhouse
gas emissions abatement each year for the first three years (2009-2011). The
three year target is the equivalent of making 675 000 households carbon neutral
for a year.[58]
The Victorian government believes the scheme will complement a future emissions
trading system and the operation of the scheme will be independently reviewed
by 31 December 2011.
Proponents of VEET claim that it will result in millions of tonnes of
low-cost abatement while lowering household energy costs. Evidence suggests
that households are relatively unresponsive to energy price increases and
therefore national emissions trading scheme cannot be relied upon to motivate
households to act on the full suite of available efficiency measures. The VEET
will encourage the uptake of energy efficiency activities by households. By
reducing energy use, the VEET scheme will help households mitigate the effects
of a national emission trading scheme.[59]
Szencorp broadly agrees with the text of the bill and notes that the
Victorian model currently under construction provides valuable lessons and
would be an appropriate model for a national scheme in terms of design.[60]
South Australia
On 18 February 2008 the South Australian government announced a new
energy efficiency incentive scheme for households known as the Residential
Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES). At this stage the government is not proposing
that this scheme would be tradeable. Under the Residential Energy Efficiency
Scheme (REES), energy retailers operating in South Australia are required to
achieve targets for delivering energy audits to low income households; and implementing
energy efficiency improvements in households.
The REES will start on 1 January 2009 for all South Australian
households. Participation is likely to be at little or no cost as energy
retailers are expected to offer households incentives to adopt energy saving
measures. The South Australian government believes that by reducing energy use
and energy bills this scheme will assist households to prepare for the energy
cost increases which are expected from a national emission trading scheme.[61]
Speaking about the various schemes in the states, Mr Haenke told the
committee that a single tradeable national energy efficiency target scheme
would be preferable to a collection of incompatible state based schemes. He
argued that the existence of a number of schemes increases complexity and cost.[62]
In response to questioning from Senator Eggleston, Professor Pears was
of the view that it was preferable to act at the national level now, before the
various state programs are fully entrenched. He told the committee that it was
important to note the lessons provided by water and energy market reform: that
waiting until later can be messy, take a long time and have a lot of
Professor Pears told the committee that it is really a question of whether
the Commonwealth wants to lead or be an observer in this area and the view he
gave was that it is probably more efficient in many ways to be the leader.[64]
Committee view
The committee notes that from 2009 there are likely to be in operation three
incompatible domestic schemes, initiatives of state governments as described
above. The committee recognises that from a compliance perspective this has the
potential to increase costs for energy providers, industry and consumers.
Isolated schemes also risk adverse interactions with other climate change
policies that will reduce their effectiveness. If an energy efficiency scheme
is to be developed the committee believes that a single national scheme that
replaces these is likely to be more efficient.
The overseas experience
Energy efficiency schemes have been underway or are planned in a number
of countries and these experiences should provide ideas for the design of an
Australian scheme.
In Europe, the tradeable instruments for energy
efficiency trading schemes are known as white certificates. These are
instruments issued by an authority or an authorised body providing a guarantee
that a certain amount of energy saving has been achieved. Each certificate is a
unique and traceable commodity that carries a property right over a certain
amount of additional savings and guarantees that the benefit of these savings
has not been accounted for elsewhere.[65]
Several countries within the European Union have
implemented a white certificate scheme. Italy started a scheme in January 2005 for
distributors of electricity and gas and France in July 2006 for electricity,
gas and heat and fuel suppliers. Britain has combined its obligation system for
energy savings with the possibility to trade obligations and savings for
electricity suppliers. The Netherlands are considering the introduction of such
a scheme.
Difficulties identified in foreign schemes include
high prices and double counting. However, studies have also found potential to
achieve high effectivenesss in regard to energy savings and efficiency.
United States
Several states are adoping Energy Efficiency
Portfolio Standards (EEPS) which require energy providers to meet a specific
portion of their electricity demand through energy efficiency.[66] This requires utilities to use
energy efficiency to meet ten per cent of their demand growth by 2004. The ten
per cent reduction in load growth goal was exceeded in 2004 and in that year:
...Texas saved more that 400 million kWh at a cost
of $82 million, for a net benefit of $76 million to date. California's 10-year
EEPS is estimated by 2013, to result in annual savings of over 23,000
gigawatt-hours (GWh) electricity and 400 million therms natural gas. Peak
electricty demand savings are expected to top 4,800 megawatts.[67]
In response to questioning by Senator Birmingham
regarding comparable foreign legislation, Mr Lister told the committee that none
have been in place long enough to be evaluated, but the early evidence indicates
that energy savings are being achieved.[68]
Committee view
The committee notes that experience with schemes to date remains limited
with continuing debate over their effectiveness. Reviews note the mixture of
schemes, their varied performance and their tendency to become complex and
therefore expensive. Energy efficiency scheme experiences in Australia and abroad
have highlighted many of the challenges and unresolved questions for such
schemes and the need for comprehensive, coherent and coordinated policy support
to achieve energy efficiency improvements. The committee accepts that a
national scheme would be preferable.
Energy efficiency as a complementary measure
The Commonwealth government announced that a national emissions trading
scheme (ETS) will be the core element of the government's strategy to reduce
greenhouse emissions. A key design question therefore is how an energy
efficiency scheme would fit and work with an ETS to ensure their interaction
does not undermine the efficiency and effectiveness of each. This issue is not
addressed by the bill under consideration.
Interaction with an emissions
trading scheme (ETS)
Emissions trading represents a 'cap and trade' system which trades
measurable physical emissions which is very different to the 'baseline and
credit' schemes that trade hypothetical emissions reductions. Climate change is
driven by the quantity of greenhouse emissions going into the atmosphere, not
the amount of emissions reductions and this is clearly acknowledged in the Kyoto
protocol which sets fixed emissions caps on developed countries.[69]
An ETS alone could drive energy efficiency improvements due to higher
costs which in turn results in higher investments in energy efficiency. However,
an emission trading scheme alone may not provide sufficient incentives to
mobilise the benefits that come with energy efficiency measures.
As outlined in chapter one, the government has recognised energy
efficiency as a complementary measure to an ETS. Energy efficiency as a
complementary policy was supported by Mr Lister who told the committee:
...there is a widely held view that emissions trading is a panacea
and that it will be your greenhouse response strategy. Our answer is that it is
not a strategy but is a single, very important measure. A strategy requires a
suite of measures and there is a reason certain things will not be brought
about by an emissions trading scheme...alongside that there is a very well
recognised and well studied need to create complementary measures to create
specific outcomes that sit alongside the overall carbon reduction outcome.[70]
Mr Lister further argued that energy efficiency is another key area where
complementary measures are needed alongside an emissions trading scheme:
...we have seen pretty conclusively that as power prices go up
energy use does not go down proportionately. It is quite an inelastic thing. In
fact, people are happy to waste energy. It is a very small percentage of their
outgoings. It is a small percentage of their life, if you like.[71]
The important policy aim is to ensure the benefits of an ETS and energy
efficiency measures are maximised, and that their interaction does not reduce
their effectiveness. As one report pointed out:
...NSW electricity retailers have obligations under the federal
MRET [Mandatory Renewable Energy Target] legislation, which the NSW scheme also
permits them to count, in part, towards meeting their NSW Benchmarks
obligation. The physical change in industry behaviour driven by these two
measures is therefore not fully additive and the credibility of both schemes
may be threatened.[72]
Research noted there are considerable challenges for policy makers to
predict the interaction between climate change schemes:
...broad reaching measures are likely to
overlap other policy measures, and it is possible for interactions between them
to reduce their respective environmental effectiveness.[73]
Mr Peter Haenke from Origin Energy, while supportive that complementary
measures to an ETS will be required, was of the view that in the developing
climate change policy environment, further consideration of the processes
underway, particularly the development of an ETS, needs to occur prior to the
introduction of scheme such as the one proposed in the bill.[74]
He stated that the design of an energy efficiency scheme should complement an
ETS to ensure the efficacy of each scheme is maintained. He noted that in
practice this could be difficult and involve complex trade-offs.[75]
Mr Haenke specifically mentioned potential issues such as a shift in
capital expenditure to the consumer, potential softening in carbon price, risk
of reducing incentives to invest in low-emission generation technologies,
potential for double counting and potential complications if Australia wished
to engage in activities using the joint implementation mechanisms of the Kyoto
Senator Allison asked Mr Haenke for clarification on his concerns about
the interaction with an ETS. Mr Haenke stated that further work would be
required on how an energy efficiency target would be built into the target of
the overall ETS. For instance, whether a number of emissions trading permits
for energy efficiency are quarantined. This contrasts with the MRET which Mr Haenke
noted is a separate scheme and with no potential for double counting.[77]
Mr Haenke concluded that while supporting energy efficiency:
To move to introduce energy efficiency trading ahead of
emissions trading potentially locks us into a particular path that may then
cause difficulty in an emissions-trading world....Rushing into an energy
efficiency trading scheme ahead of thinking through how that interacts with an
emissions-trading scheme may cause some problems.[78]
Mr Lister argued that an ETS, and the associated rising energy costs
will not directly target energy efficiency so we need specific measures. He
went on to say that these measures are not only a trading scheme but that we
need to change the way we view energy:
Our argument is that rather than generating another megawatt of
electricity in the outback somewhere – in the case of geothermal, it is miles
and miles from any population – and building huge networks to bring it to us
and all paying for it, we are much better off to save a megawatt here...We can do
it for a fraction of the cost of that generation infrastructure.[79]
Senator Webber questioned Mr Haenke about clarifying policy objectives given
that energy efficiency measures can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions as
well as achieve energy efficiency. Mr Haenke responded that policy makers would
have to decide on the primary objective and used the following example:
You may have an option to change your heater at home from a low-efficiency
electric heater to a high-efficiency electric heater or a low-efficiency
gas heater. Without doing some numbers, you would not know straight away
whether the low-efficiency gas heater was better or worse than the
high-efficiency electric heater just because gas is a lower greenhouse
intensity fuel source than electricity.[80]
Professor Pears told the committee about the principle that energy
efficiency can reduce the cost of emissions trading if the cost of energy
efficiency is lower than the price of a permit but he acknowledged that this
does not always happen.[81]
In response to questions from Senator Allison, Professor Pears said that
there was much detail yet to be developed. He believed an energy efficiency
trading scheme could be run separately from an ETS as has occurred with MRET
from 2001. He suggested that once the ETS commenced, the government could
outline how the energy efficiency certificates would interact with the ETS.[82]
Further, he suggested that as the ETS will involve a threshold above which
organisations participate, an energy efficiency trading scheme could focus sectors
not covered by the ETS.[83]
Finally, Professor Pears stated that the sooner and the bigger the
savings captured through energy efficiency are, the lower the cost and
political difficulty of delivering emissions trading will be. Early action in
this area would facilitate a smooth introduction of emissions trading.[84]
Design integration issues
Origin Energy reported that the certificates created on the demand side:
...could be bought up by a liable party under NETS [National
Emissions Trading Scheme] (eg. A power station) and used towards compliance,
this would result in an increase in the cap (since the 'freed up' permit would
also be available for use). This is commonly referred to as double counting and
is the main reason that the NETT [National Emissions Trading Taskforce] concluded
that energy efficiency would not be an eligible source of offsets under NETS.
Origin strongly agrees with this conclusion.[85]
Research noted this difficulty of energy-efficiency measures in
emissions trading and how to quantify the reduction in CO2 emissions that
result from an energy efficiency measure, particularly for improvements in end-use
To address this issue the Centre for Energy and Environmental markets
To avoid double counting, the creation of an avoided tCO2 from
energy efficiency in a covered sector would then require that the cap of the
ETS be adjusted down by a tCO2 as well.[87]
The Productivity Commission has pointed out that the advantages of
emissions trading over energy efficiency schemes included a more comprehensive range
of greenhouse gas abatement options, better functioning markets, potentially
lower administration costs and more certainty of meeting a greenhouse gas
abatement objective:
If a NEET was introduced in addition to an emissions trading
scheme, it would not necessarily create emissions reductions additional to what
would be achieved with emissions trading alone. If a cap and trade scheme can
be adequately enforced and compliance levels are high, then it is likely that
total emissions from participants will be less than or equal to the aggregate
cap. If both schemes are in place, activities that are implemented to earn
energy efficiency certificates could also reduce total emissions. These
emissions allowances, which have been 'freed up' by energy efficiency
activities, would then be banked for subsequent use or sold to other emissions
trading participants to cover equivalent increases in emissions.[88]
The Productivity Commission also questioned whether a NEET could be
integrated with an emissions trading scheme without threatening its credibility.[89]
Professor Pears acknowledged that there are a number of issues which need to
be addressed including potential administrative costs, complexity and
enforcement issues as well as ensuring the target is set appropriately. He told
the committee that he was of the view that an energy efficiency trading scheme
can be designed to take into account multiple benefits of energy efficiency,
including greenhouse gas emissions.[90]
Committee view
The committee notes that the interactions between an energy efficiency
trading scheme and a national emission trading scheme require careful
consideration to ensure the credibility of both. Rather than designing an
energy efficiency scheme in isolation, the committee would prefer to see the
options for an energy efficiency trading scheme considered alongside an
emissions trading scheme.
Submissions referred to the simultaneous development of an energy
efficiency trading scheme and a national emissions trading scheme. They also
questioned the timing of the bill given that there are a number of critical
reviews underway which will affect the operation of such a scheme as outlined
in chapter one. Origin Energy stated:
We consider Senator Allison's Bill to have made a timely
contribution to the policy debate, but do not feel that this is an appropriate
way to develop such a complex piece of policy. This is particularly true in the
current policy environment, where there are numerous processes underway that
need to be considered. In particular, this includes the design of a national
emissions trading scheme.[91]
TRUenergy submitted that the bill is premature as it does not constitute
a comprehensive review and evaluation of all energy efficiency measures and
policy processes currently underway.[92]
Ergon Energy called on the government to avoid a fragmented approach to address
carbon emissions and energy efficiency which would impose a premium well above
least cost which would be ultimately be passed on to the consumer.[93]
The Department of Climate Change advised the committee that since the Wilkins
review, the Garnaut review and the COAG process will be providing further
guidance on the role and composition of complementary measures alongside the
proposed Emissions Trading Scheme, it was premature to comment on the potential
application of an energy efficiency target.[94]
Call for a national energy
efficiency strategy
A number of submissions called for a national energy efficiency strategy
that would outline where and how energy efficiency will fit within broader
climate change policy response. Ergon Energy called for a comprehensive
national approach to climate change policy which addresses both carbon
emissions and incentives for energy efficiency. They further supported a
national approach to energy efficiency 'provided it aligns with the same
principles of the ETS and reducing emissions at the lowest costs to consumers'.
This stance was also supported by the ERAA.[96]
Mr Haenke suggested to the committee that a national energy efficiency
strategy should be developed which fits within the overarching climate change
context. Without this, he saw danger of developing ad hoc or isolated policy measures.[97]
Origin Energy suggested that such a strategy would be: based on clear
policy objectives; developed at the national level; developed in a way that
considers the broader regulatory context; fit for purpose; and able to
consolidate existing measures where appropriate.[98]
An example is New Zealand where in October 2007 the government released its
revised New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy[99]
which was first released in 2001. A review of the 2001 strategy after five
years found very modest improvements in energy efficiency:
To reach the existing national target would require an
improvement of 2.5 per cent per year, which is greater than international best
practice at two per cent. New Zealand is currently tracking at a rate of
improvement of between 0.5 and one per cent per year. [100]
The new strategy builds on the experience of the 2001 version to
identify the programs performing well and addresses the barriers that prevented
the uptake of cost effective energy efficiency practices.
Committee view
The committee notes the future of the work undertaken on the National
Framework on Energy Efficiency is unclear and urges the government to
articulate the direction to ensure integrated and effective action and
regulatory clarity for investors and industry. Piecemeal responses have the
potential to be costly and ineffective and industry needs regulatory certainty
to remain competitive.
Other considerations in the development of energy efficiency policy
The government has recognised that climate change mitigation measures will
come at a cost to industry and the consumer but that the government will
deliver measures to reduce emissions at least cost.[101]
Professor Pears noted that numerous studies have shown that any effective
greenhouse response strategy must include a large component of energy
efficiency improvement if emissions are to be reduced at a manageable cost.[102]
In the interim report on emissions trading delivered in February 2008,
Professor Garnaut recognises that the legal responsibility to purchase
emissions permits will largely rest with energy generators and the cost will be
passed on to consumers in the form of higher electricity and other energy
prices, at least in the early years. The review acknowledges that such price
rises will disproportionately affect low income households but that the scheme:
... is not intended incidentally to have large and arbitrary
effects on the distribution of income – and in particular, not to redistribute
income away from people on low incomes. [103]
Speaking as a non-expert on climate change, Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens
told the House of Representatives Economics Committee that in relation to the
effect on the economy of an emissions trading scheme:
One of the things the community will have to accept in that
world is that this is a reduction in living standards insofar as our purchasing
power over energy intensive things is concerned. We have got to accept that. If
we try to collectively push up our wages to get that back, that actually would
defeat the intention of the policy. Obviously that would present a second-round
problem for us if that occurred. If the policy is well explained, then that
need not occur, but that will involve people accepting that there is a
living-standard reduction in that sense associated with this, it seems to me.[104]
Committee view
The committee notes the principle expressed by some witnesses that
energy efficiency could reduce the cost of emission trading but also notes this
is not always the case. The committee recognises that one of the most important
features of a cap and trade emissions trading scheme is that the scheme will
allow an emissions target to be met at least cost. An energy efficiency scheme
set up in isolation from other climate change strategies may increase the cost
of securing emissions reductions, with administrative costs being passed on to
consumers. The committee encourages the government to consider measures,
including using existing market infrastructure as much as possible when
designing energy efficiency schemes so as to reduce administrative costs.
Equity issues
The cost of an energy efficiency trading scheme would be additional to
the cost increases which will result from the national emissions trading scheme.
The effect of these costs on low income households has yet to be addressed. There
is an equity issue here. Higher income families who could afford the energy
efficiency improvement would be subsidised by low income consumers.
Research showed that this can be overcome:
Careful planning can facilitate solutions to enable low-income
people to both respond to climate change and avoid further disadvantage.
Solutions may include ...the availability of interest-free loans for energy efficient
appliances, with repayments drawn from household energy savings... [105]
In Belgium and in Britain energy companies are required to ensure that
there are also savings in low income households.[106]
In Britain at least 50 per cent of the energy efficiency measures must take
place in low income households.[107]
New Zealand has provided 'energywise' home grants to low income families and
the landlords of properties with low income tenants for energy efficiency
Committee view
The committee encourages the government to investigate options to reduce
the burden on low-income households and provide access to energy efficiency technologies
through assistance programs.
Other issues raised during the committee's consideration of the bill
The effect of population and
consumption growth
Mr Matt Brazier drew the committee's attention to the role of affluence
and population growth as drivers of consumption growth and he believes that
currently these drivers are open-ended and exponential whereas the
opportunities for energy efficiency are limited. He pointed out that improving
efficiencies will make a permanent difference if demand growth is zero:
So long as basic demand continues to grow, efforts aimed at
addressing environmental issues through efficiency improvements are like
feeding a crocodile lean meat in the hope that it won't grow bigger.[109]
The committee notes that population growth is an important determinant
of greenhouse gas emissions through its relationship to economic growth and
energy consumption but that population growth and consumption growth fall
outside the focus of the inquiry.
Drafting options
Hydro Tasmania questioned whether such a scheme should be introduced
using the Renewable (Electricity) Act 2000 stating that:
While it is understood that the MRET [Mandatory Renewable Energy
Target] Act provides a workable framework for establishing an energy efficiency
target, we believe that an energy efficiency target would be better established
through its own separate legislation in order to avoid confusion between the
two targets and retain the integrity of each measure. This could be achieved by
developing separate mirror legislation to the MRET Act and adapting/adding
clauses specific to the proposed energy efficiency target.[110]
The committee notes the alternative drafting option.
The committee recognises the stimulus that the bill has provided to the
climate change policy debate. It acknowledges that energy efficiency measures
have the potential to contribute to greenhouse gas abatement and reduce energy
wastage. However, the committee does not believe it is appropriate to consider energy
efficiency in isolation from the broader climate change policy context and particularly
the emerging national emissions trading scheme.
The committee remains concerned that measures are not developed in
isolation, but form part of an overall policy to address climate change, ensuring
the effectiveness and efficiency of all measures. The committee is particularly
concerned that the bill does not anticipate the direction of emissions trading
developments in ways which may have unintended consequences. The committee
would like to see certainty over how a measure such as an energy efficiency
trading scheme would interact effectively with an emissions trading scheme. Furthermore,
the committee notes that tradable certificate schemes are not the only policy
option promising the benefits of markets.
The design of a national emissions trading scheme will not be finalised
until the end of 2008. The place of complementary policies is being
investigated as part of the strategic review of climate change policies
announced by the government which will look at the current array of energy
efficiency schemes by July 2008. The committee would encourage the government
to use these mechanisms to articulate the role of energy efficiency within the
overall climate change strategy.
The committee is also concerned that the bill may overstate the capability
of energy efficiency measures to reduce electricity prices. As noted, there are
equity issues to be addressed, and the need for measures to ensure that low
income households are not disadvantaged. The committee would encourage the
government to investigate policy options in this area.
The committee notes that submissions called for the development of a
national energy efficiency strategy. The committee urges the government to consider
the development of a national energy efficiency strategy which would fit within
an overall climate change response. It is important to ensure integrated and
effective action and regulatory clarity for investors and industry.
In summary, while the committee commends the underlying assumptions in
the bill, it does not agree that the bill should proceed. It points out the
limitation of legislation which has not had the benefit of exhaustive
consultation with industry stakeholders and energy experts. This process is
currently underway in preparation for the government's legislation expected
later in the year. But as a consciousness-raising initiative, the bill has
considerable merit. The benefits of this inquiry include the opportunity given
to committee members to understand the broad policy issues and administratively
complex processes which climate change mitigation will require.
2.126 The committee recommends that this bill not be passed.
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