Appendix 3 - Response to Question on Notice taken by Treasury

The provisions at Schedule 10, Part 4, subitem 91(3) of the draft bill
present a fair and practical treatment of expenditure for a film that was
already in production at 1 July 2007. Sub subitem (3)(b) allows for the recognition of
qualifying Australian production expenditure incurred before 1 July 2007
to the extent that such expenditure is attributable to goods or services
provided on or after 1 July 2007. This provision ensures that any economic
activity on a production after 1 July
2007 will be recognised for the purposes
of the tax offset, regardless of when any contractual arrangement was entered
into or cash was paid for the goods or services.
The principle of attribution is used elsewhere in the tax law. In this
context, it avoids the possibility of the film tax offset being available on
activity which occurred prior to the start date of 1 July 2007, simply because the
payment for that activity was delayed until after this date.
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