

[1] Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 4 of 2005, 11 May 2005, p. 1.

[2] Media release, at


[4] The Treasurer's media release No. 106, 16 December 2004 is at Attachment A of the release lists Treasury's recommendations and Government action proposed in relation to the recommendations.

[5] This section is taken from the review: The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, August 2004, pp. 2-3.

[6] From ATO website at:

[7] Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest, Tax Laws Amendment (Improvements to Self Assessment) Bill (No. 1) 2005, p. 2.

[8] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, August 2004, pp 54 and 57.

[9] Explanatory Memorandum, p. 20.

[10] Bill, Schedule 1, item 7, Subsection 204(3).

[11] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, August 2004, recommendation 5.3, Chapter 5, p. 56.

[12] Explanatory Memorandum, p. 26; Tax Laws Amendment (Improvements to Self Assessment) Bill (No. 1) 2005, Schedule 1, item 1, section 280-160.

[13] Explanatory Memorandum, p. 25.

[14] Treasurer's media release no. 106, 16 December 2004 at:; p. 1, and see item 46, Attachment A of the release.

[15] These objection, review and appeal rights will not be available to taxpayers where the unremitted shortfall interest charge is below the 20 per cent threshold. (Explanatory Memorandum, pp 27-28.)

[16] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, August 2004, pp 43 and 44.

[17] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, August 2004, p. 43.

[18] Explanatory Memorandum, p. 33.

[19] Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12.

[20] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, p. 49.

[21] Submission 129, National Tax and Accountants’ Association.

[22] Submission 119, Corporate Tax Association.

[23] Submission 118, Resolution Group Australia, p. 2.

[24] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E23.

[25] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E2.

[26] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E2.

[27] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E8.

[28] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E12.

[29] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E18.

[30] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E23.

[31] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E23.

[32] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E20.

[33] Submission 72, Taxpayers Australia Inc, p. 2.

[34] Submission 118, Resolution Group Australia, p. 6.

[35] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E6.

[36] Submission 74, Taxation Institute of Australia, p. 2.

[37] Submission 119, Corporate Tax Association, p. 2.

[38] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E15.

[39] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E15.

[40] Submission 72, Taxpayers Australia, Inc, p. 2.

[41] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E19.

[42] Submission 74, Taxation Institute of Australia, p. 2.

[43] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E13.

[44] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E7.

[45] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E19.

[46] Submission 74, Taxation Institute of Australia, p. 2.

[47] Submission 6, Australians for Tax Justice, supplementary no. 3.

[48] Explanatory Memorandum, p. 26.

[49] See Ms Martin, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E23; see also Mr McCullough, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, pp E20 and E22.

[50] Large items are tax shortfalls exceeding the greater of $10,000 or 1% of the income tax payable.

[51] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, August 2004, p. 42.

[52] Submission 119, Corporate Tax Association.

[53] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E21.

[54] Submission 74, Taxation Institute of Australia.

[55] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, p. 41.

[56] Proof Committee Hansard, 14 June 2005, p. E 20.

[57] The Treasury, Report on Aspects of Income Tax Self Assessment, p. 50.

[58] Report, P52.