Inquiry into the Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2007
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Amendments to the Offshore Petroleum Act 2006
The Senate Standing Committee on Economics is inquiring into the Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2007. The Bill makes three amendments to the Offshore Petroleum Act 2006:
- it clarifies the definition of 'coastal waters' in the Offshore Constitutional Settlement, and ensures that an indefinite term applies to those who first renewed their licences following amendments to the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act in 1998;
- it repeals section 327 of the Offshore Petroleum Act, which gave the Minister certain emergency powers in the Bass Strait. A more comprehensive and broader security regime has been implemented under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Securities Act 2003; and
- it converts geodetic data references of area descriptions in the Act from Australian Geodetic Datum to Geodetic Datum of Australia. This is a response to the increased use of the Global Positioning System for surveying and navigation.
The Committee invites written submissions which should be sent to:
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
The closing date for submissions is Friday 24 August 2007. The committee is to report to the Senate on 11 September 2007.
The Committee requests that where possible, submissions should also be provided by email to, preferably as MS Word or RTF format documents. Notes to assist in preparing submissions are available from the website or telephone the Secretariat on 02 6277 3540, fax: 02 6277 5719, or e-mail at the above address.
Once the Committee accepts your submission, it becomes a confidential committee document and is protected by Parliamentary Privilege. You must not release your submission without the Committee's permission. If you do, it is not protected by Parliamentary Privilege. At some stage during the inquiry, the Committee normally makes submissions public. Please indicate if you want your submission to be kept confidential.
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If you need any further information, consult the Committee's website at or contact the Committee Secretary on (02) 6277 3540 (phone), (02) 6277 5719 (fax); or by email to or by writing to the above address.
For further information, contact:
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600