

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 6 of 2007, dated 29 March 2007.

Chapter 2 - The bill

[1]        Explanatory Memorandum (EM), p. 1.

[2]        EM, p. 1.

[3]        EM, p. 2.

[4]        EM, p. 2.

[5]        EM, p. 24.

[6]        EM, p. 29, p. 35 and p. 41.

[7]        EM, p. 42.

[8]        Minister's second reading speech.

[9]        EM, p. 42.

[10]      Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2007, p. 1.

[11]      Productivity Commission Research Report, Australian and New Zealand Competition and Consumer Protection Regimes, 16 December 2004, p. xxvii.

[12]      EM, p. 2.

[13]      Commentary on the exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment (NZ Closer Economic Relations) Bill 2006, p. 27. Available at

[14]      See at

[15]      Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 75: Treaties tabled on 11 October 2005 (2) 28 February and 28 March (2), pp 51–56.

[16]      Letter from Mr Steven Yen, PSM, Special Counsel, Policy, ASIC, dated 13 April 2007.

[17]      Securities and Derivatives Industry Association, Submission 2, p. 2.

[18]      Securities and Derivatives Industry Association, Submission 2, p. 2.

[19]      Law Council of Australia, Submission 1, p.1.

[20]      Law Council of Australia, Submission 1, p.1.

[21]      Law Council of Australia, Submission 1, p.2.

[22]      Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2007, p. 2.

[23]      Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2007, p. 2.

[24]      Mr Matthew Bowd, The Treasury, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2007, p. 1.

[25]      Mr Scott Rogers, The Treasury, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2007, p. 2.