Additional comments by Coalition Senators

Additional comments by Coalition Senators

1.1        The Coalition supports a far more detailed and practical approach to anti-dumping legislation than has been delivered over the past three-and-a-half years by the Government.  We therefore do not agree with the Chair’s assessment that all but one of the proposed amendments in this Bill should be rejected. Instead, we believe a number of aspects of the legislation are worthy of support. 

1.2        We are concerned that increasing numbers of foreign goods are being sold cheaply in Australia on the back of government subsidies from their origin nation. Accordingly, this is unfairly distorting our domestic market, harming businesses and ultimately costing local jobs. 

1.3        It is clear that many Australian businesses and their workers are also becoming frustrated with an anti-dumping regime that is proving increasingly inefficient, ineffective and expensive. 

1.4        Against that background, changes such as those in the Bill that are aimed at more closely analysing the ramifications for employment and investment in Australia of dumping decisions represent improvements to the existing legislation.  

1.5        Although DFAT, Customs and DIISR have expressed reservations and it has not been established that such changes (as they are worded in the Bill) are fully compliant with Australia’s WTO obligations, the suggested amendments to the onus of proof, timeframes, earlier determinations and access to information and industry expertise are also worthy of further consideration.

1.6        Indeed, these have been among the subjects that are being investigated in detail as part of the work of the Coalition’s dedicated anti-dumping taskforce. This taskforce was established in February 2011, in keeping with our 2010 election commitment to ensure that Australian manufacturers’ products are not unfairly undercut by imported, subsidised products. Its members are continuing to meet regularly with Australian businesses and bodies who are affected by anti-dumping, and to advocate on behalf of the Coalition for a stronger and tougher system.


Senator Alan Eggleston
Deputy Chair 
Senator David Bushby
Senator for Tasmania

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