Chapter 9 - Identity and records
All he wants is to know
who he is. He is entitled to know his heritage. Our children and our
grandchildren are missing their heritage.[545]
For those people who have been state wards and home
children, the outcome is often lost contact with siblings and with their family
and place of origin. The Committee received many submissions from people who
had recollections of two, three, four or more siblings but they had not seen or
heard from them in many years. Other care leavers reported that they had found
that they had siblings only when, many years later, they viewed their files. Some
remembered parents, but did not know why they had been placed in care.
This is not only a heartbreaking experience but also
one that has a major impact on an individual's sense of self and identity.
There are no siblings to share birthdays or anniversaries. There are no
photographs, no medical histories, no school reports or personal mementos. Many
care leavers have been described as leading adult lives as 'parentless people',
feeling that they belong nowhere, isolated and being unable to establish
attachments which the majority of people take for granted.[546]
This chapter looks at the problem of loss of identity
and the search for the past through records held by both government and
non-government agencies.
People who make the decision to apply for their records are on a
journey of self discovery. They are dealing with the unfinished business of
their childhood. People searching want to understand more about the
circumstances that led to their placement in care, who their parents were and
whether or not they have brothers or sisters. In addition some people have
recollections about their time in care, and are keen to see if there is any
verification of the experiences they remember. We have an obligation to assist
in this journey and to help these adults complete what has been unfinished for
them, often for many years.[547]
The loss of identity and connection with family is one
of the most traumatic and distressing outcomes from a life lived in
institutional care.[548]
While in care, few children were told the story behind their placement or
encouraged to maintain connections with their families. Siblings were often
separated or not even told that they were related. Children were sometimes told
that they were orphans or came to believe that they were, simply because nobody
took the time to talk to them about their family backgrounds. Parents in many
instances were actively discouraged from visiting children. Inclusion in family
events, weddings and funerals, was virtually unheard of. One care leaver
Not only did I lose my identity, but I lost my Mother, my
Father, Brothers and a sister, my family home, my bedroom, my toys, my family
photos, my school friends at St Kevin's at Cardiff, Aunties, Uncles, my
hometown friends and blown away like points off the
stockmarket just as through it never existed. (Sub 360)
Another care leaver commented that while he was growing
up he didn't think that he had a mother or father until at the age of 12 when they
visited him at the home. He lost contact with his siblings, not seeing one
sister for forty years.
My Life has been terrible, I've been lonely all my life until I
was 62 years old. (Sub 283)
As adults, care leavers have sought the information
vital to reconnecting them to a family and to piecing together their childhood.
The search can be long. One witness, whose comments typified many received,
told the Committee that he had been looking for his mother and siblings for
over 50 years.[549]
Care leavers are searching for answers to a varied range of questions including:
Who placed me in care and why?
Who were my real parents?
Do I have any brothers and sisters?
Who arranged for my foster parents to care for
Was the child welfare department involved?
How were decisions made to keep me in care?[550]
Why didn't other members of my family (uncles,
aunts, grandparents) look out for me?
Finding answers to these questions is crucial for many
care leavers in gaining a meaning to and understanding of their life.
I think the main concern that I have in telling this story is
that it reflects my having lived for some 40 or 50 years with whole lots of
questions nagging away at me. It was not until I was able to start getting
freedom of information access in the 1990s that the story I have told you
became clear to me. I have lived my whole life not knowing the answers to the
questions that obviously occur to you about why you were in an orphanage when
you were not an orphan and why your parents, who told you that they wanted to
have you, were not allowed to have you. It has taken all of that time for that
story to actually become clear-and it is not yet absolutely clear. I have had
to sift through and try to sort the evidence from the files, and sometimes
there are gaps in it.[551]
I had no idea of the actual story, and a lot of the reports I
had no idea of. It also gave me a sense of where I had come from. When I read
it I was crying because it felt like a story that I was reading, and I did not
totally relate it to myself. It was part of my journey to search and find out
if I was really the bad person that everybody said I was. It essentially
confirmed that there are some people who should not be social workers or in the
system...There were little bits and pieces. It was helpful to me because the only
source I had had from them so that I could find out about my mother and my
father was my aunt. It was a different source to go to so that I could try to
put the pieces together of who I was and who my family was.[552]
A particular issue for those who did not know or have
been unable to find records about who their parents were relates to possible
genetic health problems. As heart or other health problems have occurred in
advancing years people become apprehensive as they think of other possibly
inherited health problems they could contract, or more crucially, may pass on
to their children and grandchildren.
The lack of photographs and mementos is felt keenly by
care leavers. The pride with which some care leavers showed the Committee at
hearings photos of themselves, their siblings and peers that had been located
in files or at reunions was a moving testimony of the importance of photos to
care leavers. Photographs are a tangible link to the past, to their lost
childhood. MacKillop Family Services commented on the reactions of care leavers
to photographs displayed at reunions:
Some of the photographs on display identified the children by
name but many did not. People attending the reunions were desperately looking
for photos of themselves as children. Many had never seen a photo of themselves
as a child and many had no idea what they might have looked like when younger. Growing
up separated from parents and other family members means there are no reference
points to know what to look for, no familiar facial features or expressions to
guide one, no map of what constitutes a family likeness or resemblance. Whenever
someone found a photo of themselves, or was directed to a photograph by a
former carer, there was great excitement.[553]
Searching for records
Many care leavers provided the Committee with details
of their attempts to find records about their childhoods. There may be no
records left or the records are scattered amongst a number of agencies. It is
often a process of perseverance and luck. One witness recounted that, because
of the complete lack of records from a Salvation Army home, the only records
establishing that they had actually been at the home were a junior soldier
entry and the registration records at the local school.[554] The tragedy
for many care leavers is that they have little knowledge of the history of care
or of how to find the information they are looking for.
Unfortunately, many attempts to locate personal
information and records often meet with no success. Even for professional
researchers, tracing families is often difficult:
Piecing together family histories from very incomplete records
in multiple possible placements often from only slender leads is a challenging
task, even for experienced professional researchers.[555]
Freedom of Information legislation and the greater
willingness of some organisations which cared for children to make records
available to care leavers have improved access to records. However, problems still
faced by care leavers searching for personal and family records include the
lack of assistance to access records, destruction of records, the fragmentation
of records over a number of agencies, poor record keeping, privacy restrictions,
unsympathetic and unempathetic people on help desks and when records are
located, ensuring the access does not result in further trauma. As one care
leaver stated:
It is not just a matter of overcoming psychological barriers to
telling the story. It is also about finding the raw material. In my case (and
it is not unusual) I had to locate resources in up to a dozen different
locations and persevere with government agencies in the face of what, to put
the kindest interpretation on it, could be described as passive compliance with
FOI laws. In recent years NSW, Queensland
and the Catholic authorities have made significant progress in making data more
accessible but other states lag well behind. [556]
Some organisations are assisting former residents to
access their records. MacKillop Family Services established a Heritage and
Information Service in March 1998, funded by contributions from the
Sisters of Mercy, Christian Brothers
and Sisters of St Joseph. The Service was set up to assist with information about
time in care and to establish archives as the repository for organisational
records, including client records, from the seven founding agencies of MacKillop
Family Services. Over 100 000 individual records of former clients are now
noted on an electronic database. In establishing the Service, MacKillop Family
Services judged the following issues to be of paramount importance:
supporting former clients; and
searching for separated family members.[557]
Other organisations have also established services to
assist care leavers. However, the Committee was disturbed to hear stories of
requests to care providers for information being met with a total lack of
understanding, capacity or willingness to provide assistance. In some instances
no effort was made to assist the information seeker by reference to other
groups that may have been able to help or provide advice.
I contacted the Salvation Army, told them my story and asked for
information on [my brother]. I was told that they had no records from the
Nedlands Boys Home. They didn't even refer me to Child Welfare and also owing
to my own family commitments and finances I was unable to continue searching.
(Sub 184)
Since I began this 'learning about our past' process in 1998, I
have received grudging and minimal assistance and in some cases rejection from
these three institutions [responsible for care]. At this stage I have formally
received no files from these primary sources and have had to rely on sections
of files from secondary sources. (Sub 73)
The same issues and reasons that constrain people from
seeking counselling or other services from the providers who were responsible
for abuse can also apply when seeking records. Mercy Community Services (Perth),
for example, stated that:
We have heard from some past residents who come to us that they
have had several aborted attempts to phone or visit before they have been
successful. One woman told of driving into the main driveway over a dozen
times, over several years before she had the courage to get out and ask for
help. We have difficulty knowing how many other people might be in a similar
situation and how we might be able to create an easier way for people to
contact us.[558]
One suggestion provided to the Committee to improve access
by care leavers was third-party intervention:
As a ward of the State I find it very degrading to be told by
the Government that we have to confront the institution where I was sexually try and find out information about myself. I feel that there should be a
Government body who would act on our behalf. This is not just for
myself, but for all the boys in the same situation who have to go to different
institutions where terrible memories exist, to grovel for information. (Sub 211)
In the directory of child care agencies produced for
the Anglicare Church,
it was noted that:
Of all the complex and difficult issues around the Stolen
Generations, child migrants and former wards, this issue of developing an
efficient and effective system for former residents of children's homes to
access any family information is surely the most manageable. Leaving it to
them, even their advocates, to contact one agency after another and search
through records themselves to piece together as much of the jigsaw as possible,
is both unfair to them and impractical and difficult for the agencies involved.[559]
Accessing records
The following discussion outlines some of the major
problems faced by care leavers in accessing records of their time in care.
State ward and non-ward records
The Committee has discussed in an earlier chapter the
range of reasons why children were placed in institutions in Australia,
as well as the range of institutions. In a study of state wards in Victoria,
Kate Gaffney
has noted that in order to receive state wards and those children committed to
government care, an institution needed to meet government standards and consent
to annual inspections. Institutions that met these standards were 'approved'
and received funding on a per capita basis for state wards in their care.
However, such institutions were not restricted to accepting only state wards
and thus state wards could be and were, mixed with children who had been
admitted to private care perhaps by a parent who had voluntarily placed the child
in return for a small fee paid to the institution. Ms
Gaffney has found this to be a considerable
source of confusion for people raised in institutions who mostly know only of
their own experience.
In addition, many privately placed children were sent
to institutions which did not receive, or did not seek, State government
approval. Thus, any parent could place a child in private accommodation,
usually provided by religious organisations, and in so doing, bypass the State.
Evidence was received during the inquiry that the
availability of records may be dependent on the status of the child placed into
care. Those children who were state wards are often more successful at
obtaining records because governments established personal files for each state
ward.[560] However,
many children who were placed in privately run institutions may not be so
fortunate in tracing records.
Ms Gaffney
considered that non-wards sent to non-approved institutions, may have a
particularly difficult time tracing their histories and finding answers because
they were largely invisible to the State authorities and thus would not appear
in State records.[561]
It is likely that these scenarios were repeated in other States.
Because we were not legally 'Wards of the State', we have no
records except for admission data. (Sub 6)
I just want to find who my mother was...I have tried everything to
find her and all I know is that her name was Shirley
Brown on my birth certificate... I was never a
State Ward, so cannot find out anything about the circumstances of my birth. If
I had been adopted, I would be able to have that information. I just want to
find my mother. (Sub 153)
CLAN also noted the problems of children in non-state
homes and stated that 'agencies and organisations which ran Homes in the past
do not appear to have felt the same obligation as governments to retain
records'. One example provided by CLAN was that of the non-state Home where one
of the organisation's founders was placed. It operated from the second half of
the 1940s until the late 1970s. There are no records for this Home or the
hundreds of children who passed through it.[562]
Locating records
Records that could provide care leavers with details of
their childhoods are often scattered across a number of agencies and stored in
a variety of locations. These might range from State child welfare departments,
courts, homes and non-government agencies. Some records have also been moved to
state archives and libraries. This makes the task of accessing the relevant
records especially difficult. The Australian Society of Archivists Special
Interest Group on Indigenous issues noted that 'records can be everywhere and
are rarely in the one place'.[563] While
referring to the records of indigenous children, the same applies equally to
the records of all children who have been in care. For example, photographs
from one home have been lodged at the Campsie Central Library.[564]
The problem of locating records is exacerbated in cases
where children were moved many times from children's homes to foster care. In
addition, many homes no longer exist or the names of homes and institutions
changed during their period of operation.
Some organisations have recognised this difficulty and
have produced guides to assist in locating records. One such guide, A Piece of the Story: National Directory of
Records of Catholic Organisations Caring for Children Separated from Families, has
been published by the Catholic Church. The
directory was originally conceived as the Church's response to the
recommendation relating to records in the Bringing
them home report. That recommendation called on the churches that had provided
institutional care to indigenous children removed from their homes, to identify
all records relating to indigenous families and arrange for their preservation,
indexing and access, in consultation with the relevant indigenous communities
and organisations. As the project progressed, it became apparent that
distinguishing Aboriginal children's records in Catholic institutions in many
parts of the country was not possible. The project was widened to include all
organisations of the Catholic Church that had been involved or that continue to
be involved in caring for children.
The directory provides details of all Catholic Church
institutions that were involved in care, the contact details and history of
each organisation including the dates of operation and the type of care
provided. The book contains information about the types of records that are
available and provides readers with guidance about how to find out information
for themselves or their family members.[565]
A guide to records of Anglican agencies providing
residential care for children has been produced on behalf of Anglicare by James
Boyce. For
the Record: Background Information on the Work of the Anglican Church with
Aboriginal Children and Directory of Anglican Agencies providing residential
care to children from 1830 to 1980 provides details of the location, access
and contact details for tracing records. Again, while the guide was principally
produced as the Anglican Church's response to Bringing them home, it also provides a guide to institutions which
provided residential care for non-indigenous children.
Some State governments also provide directories or
other services to assist in locating records. The NSW Government has produced a
directory, Connecting Kin, to assist
care leavers locate both government and non-government agency records. In Queensland,
care leavers may consult Missing Pieces:
Information to assist former residents of children's institutions to access
records for information about the records of departmental institutions and
those operated by church and voluntary groups. The Aftercare Resource Centre
(ARC), established following the Forde Inquiry, provides face-to-face and toll
free telephone counselling. ARC also provides advice regarding access to
individual records, documents and archival papers.
The Victorian Government is currently working on a resource
manual to the records of indigenous children in care: Finding Your Story. However, as with many homes Australia-wide, the
Victorian Public Records Office has found that the records of both indigenous
and non-indigenous children are kept in the same record keeping systems. As a
consequence, Finding Your Story will
contain information on all Victorian children's and babies homes, orphanages,
foster care programs, family group homes etc that it was possible to find
information on. The information includes the name of the home, the location of
records and access conditions and procedures.[566] The Department
of Human Services also provides services for former wards. The Department's
Adoption Information Services assists former wards to obtain their records and
provides counselling, support, search and mediation services.
While the directories try to be comprehensive and are
extremely useful, there are omissions and inaccuracies. Dr Joanna
Penglase, for example, noted that Connecting Kin, while it lists many
types of agencies in NSW, both government and non-government, does not include references
to private homes (ie those homes run by individuals as a business). Dr Penglase
noted that 'there is no way of knowing how many others like mine there might
once have been. Homes listed here were run by recognised churches or voluntary
A comprehensive service to records is provided by the
Western Australian Government. Under the Managing the Past - Children in Care project,
the Department for Community Development has formed a representative committee
of placement agencies to help manage the provision of information relating to out-of-home
care across the State. This committee is developing the Children in Care
database and protocols for sharing information. This database will provide
accurate information on the numbers and names of children who were placed in
out-of-home care by the department. The database from 1920-2003 is complete and
includes 106 000 entries with an estimate that the actual number of
children is 56 000. The database contains names, alias, date of birth,
placement(s) details, dates of placement(s), record location, details and
comments field, including place of residence prior to care and place of
residence when leaving care. However, entries relate only to children who have
been placed into care with State government involvement. Children who went into
some form of private placement arranged by their parents, are not included.[568]
The Western Australian Department stated that:
[The database] will be an important tool for people who want
information about their background and support to trace family members. Our
hope is that, Australia
wide, more resources will be put into information provision and specialist
support to care leavers.[569]
The Department for Community Development commented that
it had seen a shift in attitude of those holding records since the Bringing them home inquiry and the child
migrant inquiry. The Department stated that:
...there is a real appetite and willingness of non-government
organisations and within our own department of like minds to keep good
information, keep client records, and I think there is a much stronger
awareness than in times gone past about the need to maintain such records. A
number of agencies which no longer provide institutions are in fact talking
with our information and records people about how the department can manage
those records for them, and passing that information back to us. So there has
been a huge amount of work undertaken in the last few years in terms of
improving and knowing where all the various records are.[570]
However, despite some positive responses, problems
still remain. While it is important that care leavers can identify where their
records may be stored, for records to be easily accessed they must be indexed
and preserved. Indexing the records of an institution can be complex. Some
records are in very old registers which are difficult to read and fragile to
handle while others have been stored haphazardly and must be carefully scrutinised
to ensure that accurate indexes can be made.
Indexing and appropriately storing records can be
labour intensive and very expensive. MacKillop Family Services indicated that
it had cost almost $200 000 to put all its records onto a computer
The Committee also received evidence that some agencies are digitising their
records, but the process is slow. Funds for these projects may not be available
and some organisations must rely on volunteer archivists. Mercy Community
Services stated that it has only indexed about 40 per cent of its records. This
has been done largely on a voluntary staffing basis as has the categorising of
its photo collection. Mercy Community Services is also attempting to source
funding for digital imaging of all its records.[572]
The Salvation Army also has been using the services of
a volunteer archives worker to work through its old files. It is estimated that
there are over 30 000 different records of many different types.[573]
Destruction of records
The Committee received much evidence about the record retention
practices of different departments, agencies and individual institutions,
ranging from almost total loss or destruction to well kept and fulsome records.
While former state wards may be more successful than
non-wards in locating information, this is not always the case. The Committee received
evidence that there has been considerable destruction of state records. For
example, in Western Australia
many government records have been destroyed. The Department for Community
Development indicated to the Committee that the first record of destruction of
files dated back to July 1938 when 12 000 files were destroyed from the
period 1886-1920. Files were also destroyed for the period 1921-1927. From 1951
the Department established a system of selection of files for retention. From
1960 it was agreed that adoption files would be destroyed after five years from
the date of the order; migrant files would be destroyed five years after expiry
of term or date of final action; and ward files would be destroyed 10 years
after expiry of term or date of final action. These destruction times were amended
over the years. From 1980 adoption files were transferred to the Adoptions
Branch and no files were destroyed.[574] The
Department indicated that now client files were held permanently and stated:
In the early decades a lot was destroyed, according to the
policies of the time. In retrospect we can now see the wisdom of holding on to
In South Australia
it has also been reported that many government records have been destroyed and
the Department of Family and Youth Services may only hold the index card of
those who have been in care. The Department stated that records were destroyed
in the late 1970s and early 1980s 'because of a prevailing philosophy and
community concern at the time that it was inappropriate for the Government to
hold files containing personal information about citizens'. However 'these days
we have strong policies and practices in place to make sure that records are
properly preserved and can be available to people seeking to access their
personal information to put the stories of their background together'.[576]
In New South Wales,
CLAN stated that state ward files were randomly selected and destroyed.[577] The
destruction of ward files seems to have been a widely accepted practice and the
Committee suspects that similar practices have occurred in other States.
Witnesses also reported difficulties in accessing state
records in Queensland where an oft
cited reason for the inability to locate records was that they had been
destroyed in the Brisbane
floods of 1974.
In some private institutions, the retention of records
has also been haphazard. As noted in For
the record, 'even when records were maintained, there has been no
requirement or expectation that they be kept indefinitely'.[578] CLAN for
example, stated that it knows of institutions which existed for many years and
housed hundreds of children, for which there appear to be no records extant.[579] One care
leaver related trying to find records of a Salvation Army home in South
The Salvation Army [home] was shut down in 1973, I think. It had
been open for 30 years, but all the records they have in South
Australia at Nailsworth, which I have tracked down as
well, would not fill this folder. It is 30 or 40 years of a home run by the
Salvation Army which filled the whole journal of what happened.[580]
Records may have been lost because a specific event,
for example, many of the records of the Tally Ho Home were lost in a fire.[581] In other
cases, records cannot be found because they have been moved or misplaced. CLAN
stated that it had received information from a Melbourne City Mission worker who
reported that they had 'come across' a box of files in the archives related to
state wards who had lived in a children's home. CLAN commented:
These are records that presumably nobody knew about until this
moment, and we cannot know how many people had applied for access to them, only
to be told they no longer existed. The worker discovered them quite by chance.[582]
Whatever the reason for the destruction of files, the
outcome is still the same: care leavers are neither able to trace families nor
piece together their history. They also feel hurt and betrayed. As CLAN
commented 'these are children - these are families - who were not considered
interesting or important enough to even have their records kept'.[583] As a
consequence, 'it is very difficult to establish and
maintain a sense of identity in the face of such apparent indifference on the
part of the authorities who were supposed to "care" for you'.[584]
A further problem that has arisen relates to the preservation
of records which are old and fragile. Constant handling and inadequate storage
leads to further disintegration. Mercy Community Services for example,
indicated that it had records dating back to 1868. It has stored all records
relating to adoption using digital imaging and it has a long-term plan for the
digital copying of all records.[585]
Quality of record keeping
Once records have been located, care leavers are often
disappointed with the quantity and quality of information. Some people may be
fortunate to locate records that contain much information to help them piece
together family histories and their childhoods. Others are not so fortunate.
The United Protestant Association, for example, stated:
UPA has records for just over 3 300 children who were in
UPA care over a fifty year period. Record keeping in our early days was a mixed
bag, with some files containing a reasonable amount and some scant information.[586]
The reasons for lack of information are varied.
Sometimes the records were culled or destroyed. In some instances, where there
was no legal requirement, records were not kept. It was noted in For the Record that:
The records kept at many agencies before the 1950s were often
very limited. Until the 1970s there were very few or no legislative requirements
or guidelines for the types of records that should be kept. The most common and
reasonably widespread form of client records is an admissions register.
Punishment books are also reasonably common!...Some institutions have old
photos, even old film, which can be very helpful.[587]
It was also stated that the lack of records may have
been a deliberate policy. Catholic Welfare Australia
For many reasons some institutions did not keep minimal records
or in some cases people have not been able to access their records and this has
been a source of great pain and frustration. There appears to have been a
deliberate choice in some cases not to have too many details of a child's life
recorded so that the child could "start afresh" without the stigma of
illegitimacy, or broken relationships. Of course, that has meant that people
have often felt devastated because the records that they have been able to
access are so scanty and superficial. Also the sheer pressure of the day to day
work must have also contributed to not writing up records not to mention the
issue, of what kind of information should have been kept which was not e.g. medical
and dental records. As stated previously no uniform standards applied until
recent decades.[588]
Mercy Community Services also stated that sometimes
only very limited written records are available. Mercy commented that 'it can
be difficult to accept that several years of a life can be recorded by no more
than some one-line entries in a register'. While other information was kept at
the time, it may have been disposed of soon after the person left care. The
significance of such records was not always appreciated at the time and 'it is
also difficult to explain that there are some years where we have no records at
all (most of the 1950's)'.[589]
Examples of the absolute minimum of information
provided in response to requests were shown to the Committee. The following
information given to one person illustrates that a period of their life
consists of one line!

Other care leavers stated:
On request for information about myself while in St
Brigid's [from 4
to 16 years of age] I was sent one sheet of paper giving me a date of entry. I
think that sums it up correctly, these institutions hold no memory, no photos,
no medical, school reports nothing, and yet somehow we are meant to become
model citizens, HOW? (Sub 314)
I received in the post [from GSS Abbotsford] an A4 sheet of
paper stating my mothers name, dob, place of birth, religion, parents, date of admission & date of discharge. That was it. No explanation of what she was doing
there in the first place or any reports on any medical conditions she may have
had or any outings or basically any information that was telling except her
date of admission & discharge. As you can imagine I was more than just a
little disappointed that my mother's 2 1/2 years at this institution were
worthy of such minor details. (Sub 316)
Difficulties are not only encountered by care leavers with
the agencies which cared for children. Other institutions also may hold records
relating to care leavers. For example, one witness told of trying to access New
South Wales Children's Court records:
Western Sydney Records Centre Kingswood holds the Children’s
court Transcripts 1900-1960. Missing is the 1939-1950. When asking the most
important question is why are the war years missing? One receives all kinds of
answers from being lost to being burnt to being packed away. Under the Archives
Act brought in 1960 all records should have been released. Why were the 1939-1950
withheld? (Sub 24)
The impact of the paucity of information provided can
be devastating.
I find it more difficult to believe that my time at 'Lynwood'
cannot be found, which makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it, as I
feel I grew up a no name nobody.[590]
After 18 years as a 'Ward of the State' and some 32 years later,
I finally get enough nerve to have the audacity to ask the system for whatever
relevant details they may or may not have on me during my childhood...I get two
sheets of paper with about 9 or 12 lines on it, I look at these two sheets and
I am devastated, 18 years of my life on two sheets of paper. I ponder and
wonder this can't be all of my 18 years on two sheets of paper. (Sub 3)
Many care leavers cannot understand why there are no records.
One witness stated:
The most you get is date of entry and date of exit. There are no
records of childhood diseases, siblings or parents. Why did not the government
have inspectors to see that relevant data was recorded, not just notations in
an exercise book. (Sub 364)
Another care leaver noted:
No one can find any records about me...Our lives were changed
forever by this action and I have never been given or it seems now that I will
never have any context for this life changing action. Why is this? Why have I
never been told as an adult why the government came and took us? (Sub 57)
Even after a long and complex search of records, many care
leavers are disappointed with the outcome as they are unable to find answers to
many questions and they feel that they have been abused a second time. One care
leaver stated:
I looked forward with great anticipation to receiving those
records, hoping that they would give me an insight into those four terrible
years that my memory had successfully blocked out. But my hopes were in vain.
My total records consisted of one line - who my parents were and the date of my
admission to the orphanage.
I sat down and cried my heart out. It was as though the
emotional abuse of the orphanage was still continuing. As though Frank
and I never existed. I was told by MacKillop Family Services that there were
ample records for all other boys who were at the orphanage, however, as Frank
and I were private admissions by our father, we only rated one line each. (Sub
Being a "Home child" and not a ward
of the state meant very few records were kept of my formative years by the
people looking after me. At the time, with the rest of our troubles, it didn't
seem to matter. But now, as a 44-year-old woman, I want them desperately, and
not just for sentimental reasons. There is other documentation, medical records
in particular, that I need to understand what actually happened in that lost
childhood and what the consequences might be in later life. Twenty-four years
ago I was diagnosed with a blood disorder, thalassemia. My doctor says I have
suffered with some form of dyslexia and maybe even autism. He wants to know where
I might have got it from. I had to tell him I had no way of knowing. For the
last few years I have been trying to find any record of our childhood, anything
at all. I went to each of the Homes but they no longer exist or have changed
and say they hold no records from that time.
Mim finally discovered that the
records of one of the Homes she and her sisters were in for a long period had
been placed in the State Library of Victoria.
Finally, everything we imagined we needed to
know - medical history, photos, school reports, holiday visits - would be there
to see. I live in Far North Queensland, and it took a while to be able to get
back to Melbourne. When I returned last month, I was highly
excited. I dreamt about the answers I might find: why I could not read or write
properly until high school; what screening process the homes had for the people
who were allowed to take us out on weekends and holidays. More importantly, did
they record and monitor the uncontrollable behaviour problem I'd been afflicted
with, and what was that medication they forced into me on a daily basis? I got
to the State Library early and paced the foyer. The head librarian led me to
the desk where a large book lay all by itself. My heart was thumping as he
opened it. So there was the three-page history of our childhood. Mine was a
whole two lines:
M.S. Born Dec 1957. Sister of H.
"That's it?" I wailed. I burst into
tears. "How can that be?" I thought. After all this time I have
failed again. I have failed my sisters in finding their answers, too. But
really, it is the system, the government, my parents that have failed too.
Failed me, and thousands like me. That 60-year-old book contained hundreds and
hundreds of lost children's names...and nothing else. I felt I was being
ridiculed again. I wanted to create a scene. To yell and scream my years of
frustration and wait for the police to forcibly take me away. Instead, I went
to the nearest pub and got drunk. "How can that be?" I kept repeating
to myself. Our whole depraved and abused childhood. Silenced. Vanished. Gone,
just like that. I cried for myself and my sisters. I cried for all of the thousands
and thousands of dysfunctional adults I have never met, who have experienced
the same trauma as me. If we had been disabled, adopted, or if we had been
imprisoned or sent to a mental asylum, would we not have had more documentation
of our lives? Was that as far as the state's duty of care went?
Submission 22, p.13 (CLAN)
Information and comments contained in records
For those viewing files, the information contained in
them can bring back painful memories and may include comments that are written
in language that would not be acceptable today. People who have received
information from their files have referred to comments which indicated that the
welfare authorities were overly judgmental in relation to a family's social and
economic situation. One care leaver stated:
My parents may not have been the most admirable couple, but it
is evident that the authorities took action on the basis of their own value
judgements and personal preferences, instead of acting in the best interests of
their children. Examples litter the files. (Sub 18)
My file from DoCS contained many judgmental comments about my
mother and it seemed that they had no understanding that she was being
constantly bashed by stepfather. Also in my DoCS file, the district officers
observed that my stepfather was aggressive and smelt of alcohol but they never
looked any deeper. They never seemed to review the file to see that there was a
pattern and that he had a history of assault...It seemed easier for the welfare
to keep moving me from place to place rather than address the real problem
which was the physical abuse from my stepfather. (Sub 318)
Other comments in files can cause pain and distress to
the reader. CLAN gave the example of the use of 'high grade mental defective'
as a not unusual term applied to emotionally disturbed children who appeared
unresponsive to their 'carers'.[591] MacKillop
Family Services also noted that other terms that were common in past
psychological assessments 'cannot be read neutrally today'. MacKillop also
stated that the phrase 'disposal of the child' was one that people accessing
records find very offensive, 'because it reduces their life to that of a
commodity that can be disposed of like something that no longer has any worth'.[592]
Evidence of the lack of regard for the feelings of the
child in care can also bring back traumatic experiences and feelings of
Finding out what went on in my life as a small child and a young
teenage girl was a little bit of a surprise. Also it made me angry, frustrated
and upset...As I read my file everything that was said was from the foster
families, I did not have any say on the way I felt or if I was happy with my
life. No case worker, no counsellor, no support person. Did I matter or did
they care what I was feeling as a child? (Sub 241)
For those who were given very little information about
their lives when in care, accessing files later often comes as quite a shock as
they may reveal family secrets, reasons for events that were previously unknown
or even information about unknown siblings.[593] One care
leaver stated:
I found out a lot from that file - more than I really wanted to
know. That's how I found out that I was classified as being "high grade
mental defective" and sent to "homes" for mentally retarded boys.
I was also able to piece together events into time frames. I had absolutely no
idea about how long I was in certain homes or about time in general. I was not
even able to tell the time in the homes. I also found out that the first time I
was taken from my parents it was at their request. Do you know how painful that
was for me? Everything I had suffered was because they didn’t want me. (Sub 94)
Care leavers are often distressed that many files
contain not only simple errors such as misspelled or incorrect names and incorrect
dates of birth, but also fundamental misinformation. The perpetuation of
incorrect or unreliable information, which appeared to have been accepted at
face value with minimal or no checking of its veracity, provided the basis in
some cases for significant decisions that affected the child's life. Witnesses
Dad signed the forms and left. Our mother’s signature was
neither sought nor required. No one thought it necessary to check Dad’s story...Nevertheless,
without ever being verified, this 'fact' became indelible in the Department's
file to be repeated in future documents. Once on the official file the 'facts'
were re-cycled until they became permanent truth. (Sub 18)
These mistakes were common, the files are something to behold,
they are inaccurate & sloppy, they make me think of the saying: 'Never let
the truth get in the way of a good story' as some of the stuff that is in my
file are just "nice" stories, it never happened. They often confused
you with another child I'm sure of that. (Sub 351)
The only records I have was a slip of paper from the Sisters of
Mercy that gives an incorrect date of birth and a baptism date on it, and a
piece of paper with details copied from a card file. Some of the details there
are incorrect as well. It has no entry after 1953 when my mother died. It
stated that my brother was at college and that I was discharged. I never left
that hellhole until late 1956. (Sub 330)
I received the paper from Major Sanz
and to my absolute disgust and dismay I was told 'we have not found a record of
you being at Goulburn Boys Home [Gill]'. Instead, I received a copy from Bexley
Boys Home stating that I had been there for about 6 years, my birthday
11.2.41, being sent to my mother and my mother being my future guardian. None
of this is correct, I spent about 9 years at Goulburn Boys Home [I was never at
Bexley], my birthdate is 11.3.41 and I was sent to my FATHER, and my FATHER was
my future guardian...How could they get it all so wrong? If they couldn't get
the paperwork right is there any wonder they couldn't get the "care and
training" right. (Sub 336)
Support for those viewing records
As noted earlier, accessing records is often a
traumatic experience for care leavers. Many who pinned their hopes on finding
answers in the files to questions they have had for many years are
disappointed. They may have to face the fact that the only record of their
entire childhood is one or two lines in a dusty register. Others will find
themselves described by language which is both confronting and distressing.
Others will uncover long-buried family secrets. None of these are reasons for
not facilitating access and discovery - the human need for identity should be
There is a strong need for support and counselling for
people before, during and after the file is read. The provision of such
services differs markedly. MacKillop Family Services for example, stated that
its service was 'personal' in recognition of the very emotional nature of
accessing information for the first time:
We try to meet each person where he or she is at, to work with
them at their pace and to explore areas with them as requested. Some people
have a very clear expectation from the outset of the questions they hope to
have answered. Some people are hoping for a lot of information. People who
contact our service are usually trying to recreate their childhood memories, to
search for missing pieces of the puzzle, to see if there are some facts to back
up what they remember and also for some people with no memory at all, it is to
use what records we may hold to create their story. Some people have their
story in their heart and know it, for others, the process is one of recovering
the story.[594]
Other organisations holding records provide services
for those viewing records. Dalmar, for example stated that it offers to fund
counselling for a limited amount of time to help people cope with the reactions
which occur when they see their file for the first time.[595] Mercy
Community Services provides support to past residents at the point of receiving
records and information about themselves. They also offer counselling at this
point if the process creates distress for the applicant.[596]
However, such an approach is not universal. In respect
of State records, the Committee heard evidence as to the variable manner with
which people are assisted from the helpful to a total lack of compassion,
empathy and understanding of the issues faced by people confronting their
I had approached DoCS to access my file, not to access their
files to enable reunions. I had achieved that end ten years earlier, I was
after details of my wardship ie: how was it managed? What happened?...I had
phone conversation with [an officer], who told me that I would not get the
information I was after. What was prophetic was not her message but the tone of
voice she used, she was probably unaware of it, but her voice carried a hard,
sharp and cold tone, probably learnt controlling a large number of wards. This
tone of voice usually proceeded harsh treatment...I'm amazed [the officer's]
rejection had such a paralysing effect on me. I ran like a scolded cat, dropped
the idea of obtaining my file, or going anywhere near DoCS. (Sub 321)
One of the most disturbing things about my life, along with
thousands of others, is the offhanded way we are treated when asking for
records. (Sub 364)
The Committee was particularly concerned about the
different approaches taken by state organisations when providing records. CLAN
The level of support given to people when receiving the file
differs greatly between the states, many people are left to deal with the
harmful and damaging words about their personal history alone and totally
unsupported. Once again, it's a form of abuse.[597]
In Victoria,
Broken Rites related that it had approached the Department of Human Services to
establish an alternative system to sending a person’s records in the post.
Records which contain comments such as 'this person has a mental deficiency', and
'this person’s mother was a drunkard' cause great distress. Broken Rites
related that it had 'had police phone on a weekend, saying that some poor
person is in his car with the exhaust pipe through the back window, because he
received his records on Friday night'.[598]
In another case a care leaver was so disturbed by the
information in their file they were hospitalised:
In 1988 I got my files from the Department for Community
Services. I took those files home and read them. I did not like what I saw. A
week later I woke up and I was in la la land. I could not understand what had
happened. My friend took me to the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital D20
psychiatric ward.
When the doctor called me into the room I explained that the
Department for Community Services gave me my documents without any counselling
Even where there is a policy of having an employee
present to provide support for someone reading their file, this often ends up
as 'if you need me, call me'. One witness recalled the experience of accessing
the DOCS file on her time in care:
I thought it was a similar file to the one I received from
Dalmar but as I sat and read it by myself for three or more hours I soon came
to realise that I was wrong. That file was very hard to read because the
contents were to me very graphic. (Sub 241)
The following cases were provided to the Committee and
provide a picture of the lack of empathy provided to those seeking access to
Ivy was phoned and told that she
could come into the office at Cessnock and read her file. Ivy
was left alone in a room from 2pm to
4.30. She only managed to read through half the file in the time she was
there...She was told [by the DOCS officer] 'if you need me you can call me'.
Ivy was totally unprepared for
the file's contents. Inside were letters, letters that her Father had written to
her and which she had never received, letters also from her siblings which she
never received and letters that she had written to her Father that hadn't been
posted, all those years ago. Can you imagine going to read your file and
discovering this precious correspondence. She was totally unprepared and no one
in DOCS warned her of the contents. This was a very emotionally draining day
for an elderly woman.
At 4.30 pm, Ivy
asked a DOCS employee 'Can I come back tomorrow?' the response was 'We might be
busy tomorrow, there might be a Child Protection Crisis and they may need the
room and you would have to move out'. Ivy said
that's OK, she would do that. They went to the appointment book to make an
appointment for tomorrow, Ivy was told there was no appointments and the staff
made one for the following Tuesday.
How could they make a 71 year old lady wait another 5 days to
read the file?[600]
While resource and other staff pressures may
contribute, this is a totally unsatisfactory situation for often elderly people
who are undertaking an exceptionally emotional experience.
Issues with access
Government records
Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information (FoI) legislation has been
passed in all Australian jurisdictions. The legislation covers personal
information compiled by government agencies. The Committee heard evidence that
some care leavers have experienced difficulty in accessing information under
FoI procedures. There were cases where information was provided only after
persistent efforts to pursue records and instances where large amounts of
information were withheld. Care leavers were particularly angry that the
material on files, even if years old, was still withheld. Witnesses stated:
If we do not get the finances to help people for medical reasons
or psychological reasons, at least give us the complete file. At least let us
read and put the jigsaw puzzle together as to why we went into these
institutions and why our parents were not given permission to come back and
visit us. At least let us have our information about ourselves...Each time I
have applied, I get that little bit more...I am trying again to get more
information. I want to know more about my parents. I have got nothing. My
mother is not of the mind to be able to tell me and my father died...I think
the information is there; they just do not want us to have it. But I want it.[601]
Incidentally, in the freedom of information process that I
started in 1994 -and I still have applications in - although I have been told
on a number of occasions, 'The files have been have all been released to you,'
further files have been found upon pursuing particular matters. The censorship
of the files was something that had disturbed me and I appealed as vigorously
as I could without getting into the legal process. I managed to retrieve whole
paragraphs from my own file. It galls me, having been a child in an orphanage
and never told anything about my parents, that now, when I am in my 60s, I am
being told, 'You can’t see what’s on your file.' It really galls me that some
perfect stranger, a bureaucrat, can see what is on my file but that I cannot.
So I go through this process of getting a letter with a paragraph missing and
having to write another letter and then six months later getting response. That
has taken a long time. It is now 2003; I started in 1994. I still have live
applications before government departments for information which is my
information. That really sticks in my throat.[602]
My endeavours to access my mother's personal records whilst at
Parramatta Girls' Home have been thwarted by bureaucratic red tape [Freedom of Information]. A recent
attempt at the State Archives in Kingswood resulted in
numerous phone calls to various government departments with each department
only too willing to suggest a further two phone numbers that might be helpful.
All to no avail!...I am an adoptee, my birth mother is dead, my grandparents
are dead and so is my natural father. Who may I ask are the bureaucracy
protecting? (Sub 154)
Some care leavers find it hard not to take the view that
organisations are trying to protect themselves when records are withheld or
parts of records are excised. Witnesses stated:
The Department...has numerous files, reports and information but
choose to release only minor non damning propaganda. (Sub 242)
I applied for my files, through freedom of information, through
DOCS. When I got them, they were so small that I thought ‘Wow, are these my
files?’ until I saw some of the other files. I applied for my real files and
got them, but a lot had been taken out. Then I looked again at the first lot of
files I had got and they were not even in them. So they all covered their
tracks. They left us so screwed up, but they covered their tracks.[603]
Bringing them
home commented on the restrictive application of FoI. In some States, there
are specific procedures for indigenous families in general or specifically for
children taken into care. These procedures are less formal than FoI,
discretionary and designed specifically for indigenous searchers. The report
noted that 'while they are often slower than an FoI application, they are
usually free of charge and research assistance may be available'.[604]
Assistance with records searches
During the inquiry, many witnesses commented on the
lack of assistance provided by governments to care leavers seeking their files.
Witnesses noted in most jurisdictions, assistance is provided to those who have
been adopted to trace family, however, the same assistance is not provided to
former wards of the state. One care leaver stated:
I have found out from one to two that have been adopted that they
have found out all the details. They have even found out that they have
brothers and sisters. It is made a lot easier if they were adopted.[605]
CLAN also commented that some State department websites
do not contain any information for former wards attempting to access their
files. On other sites, services for State wards are included with post-adoption
services. As CLAN noted, State wards have not been adopted and would not, in
the first instance, consider looking at adoption services to find out about
former ward services.[606]
CLAN also assists its members to obtain their ward
files or information about the institution they spent time in. In Victoria,
people who have been separated from their family of origin, including state
wards and adoptees, can access the search and support services provided by
Non-government records
Freedom of Information legislation does not apply to
records held by non-government organisations. The non-government organisations
apply their own procedure to accessing records and some agencies are more open
than others.
A few months back we went and opened our files at Dalmar. Up
until recently we were led to believe that they were burnt in a fire. About six
years ago we got access to a few things from a file, where we saw
letters-loving letters-our father had written that we never saw. We got a few
reports and things like that, but it was said that everything else was
destroyed by a fire in the walk-in safe. It would have been hard to ignite a
fire there.[607]
MacKillop Family Services noted that 'we believe very
strongly in a process of openness in terms of releasing our records. When we
first set up our service it would be fair to say that we received some
criticism from other providers for our willingness to be open - to release
MacKillop went on to state that it had been given
records by the founding agencies to look after and for it to provide access
services to those records. Other congregations still hold their own records and
provide the service. When MacKillop Family Services was formed, the board chose
to fund the service. The service is consulted on a regular basis by Protestant
and non-religious organisations and by other Catholic organisations about the
model set up. MacKillop commented, 'it is probably true to say that for some
organisations today there is a fear of engaging with people that have grown up
in care in the past'. However, the board of MacKillop 'was not fearful about
that and saw that to go forward we had to acknowledge the past, which was not
always going to be good but was there'.[609]
Family information
Once people have found their own records, many try to
locate other family members. This search is often prompted by the discovery of
unknown siblings or that they were not in fact orphans as they had been told
and believed all their life.
However, the Committee heard evidence of the
difficulties faced by care leavers in accessing records of other family
members. In some cases, these records may hold information valuable to tracing
family members or the person's history. However, family information is treated
as information about a third party. Third-party information is treated
differently under privacy legislation to the personal information of the searcher.
MacKillop Family Services for example stated that 'we release records according
to the privacy legislation, which would mean that we could not release
information about a person to somebody else unless that person has given
permission for them to receive it or unless that person was deceased.'[610]
Witnesses provided examples of the impact of
restrictions on accessing family information.
Now also to find that I can't gain
access to files relating to my brothers from Family and Childrens Services
without permission from their children who I don't know. I feel that any
information that I get about myself is only half there because they were part
of my life and I have only half the story and am left with a hole in my life -
part of my identity is missing.
When I started the search I thought the ache in the corner of my
heart would be erased only to find that it has got larger. (Sub 184)
The Department decides I cannot have certain information about
MY parents. Why should the Department staff get to read the file about my
parents and then relate it to me? How dare the Department decide that I cannot
read about MY parents.[611]
It is very difficult for care leavers searching for
their history when the privacy requirements mean that a search may only access
information with the permission of next of kin. This is seen as unjust and
cruel. One witness stated:
There are large blanks in my sister's story. I am not able to
get access to her state ward file, because of privacy laws. These records will
help me to understand her life as well as my own. Siblings in 'normal' families
are able to get access to their family history through parents telling of the
family information. However, state wards often only have the state ward file to
go back to for family information.
Now that Pat's dead, I have to
have her husband's permission to get access to her state ward file. I have to
seek his permission for the release of 'our' family information. This is NOT
his family information...When this information was gathered, all those years ago,
he was not in anyway connected to my sister, yet the law states that this man
has the right to release or not release family information which does not
pertain to his history or identity. (Sub 119)
First, I wanted to get hold of his file, and then they put
obstacles up: ‘If he is alive we can’t do it under freedom of information, but
if he is dead and you can show us a death certificate we can provide you with
information,’ and stuff like that. To me it is just bureaucratic bungling all
the time and I just get frustrated about it because, as I say, they put me in
this situation. I am only asking for one thing of them: to say where Ralph
is, if he is still alive. He may well be dead. I do not know.[612]
Another care leaver searching for information about an
adopted brother killed in Vietnam
has been able to find his full name, place where killed in action, platoon and
photograph on the Internet. However, the Adoption Information Service could not
provide the brother's name or burial details until his other adopted brother's
(deceased) wife gives her permission to disclose the information as she is the
next of kin. The care leaver commented:
Blood is not thicker than ink lines on documents. Sure hope she
is not dead and will agree to meet and talk to and with me. As a mature 59 Y.O.
it would be my most treasured wish at this time to go to his grave and spend a
lot of time talking to him as we never met in his short 22 yrs and 2 days life.(Sub
Bringing them
home also noted the problem of accessing strictly third-party information
to assist in building a picture of family history. While some agencies are
flexible and searchers receive information, others 'continue to interpret
third-party privacy restrictively and fail to assist searchers to meet their
requirements for third-party consent. The searcher can be denied the very
information needed to identify family members and re-establish community and
family links'.
The responsibility of government to provide this [family]
information to Indigenous people goes far beyond the standard justifications
for FoI legislation, namely openness and accountability of governments and the
individual's right to privacy.[613]
Delays and cost of accessing records
The Committee received evidence of delays in the
provision of files for access, particularly for people living in country and
regional areas. One witness stated:
It is not always so easy finding out about yourself. DOCS took
three months to pull my file and another two weeks to copy the information I
requested. (Sub 241)
Relationships Australia
commented that some people had to wait years to access their files:
This morning I had a phone call from someone who has asked for
their records in southern New South Wales.
It has taken two months for them to get to the office, and now they have to
wait because there is no-one available to actually go through the records with
them as they are too busy. This is a common story told to us.[614]
Witnesses also considered that having to pay for access
to their personal information was demeaning and insulting.
Even though it may be possible that the early files on us may
have been destroyed, I find it very hard to believe as there are a few words
about me which I acquired from FOI on request for which I was charged $15.[615]
I was sent firstly to Ashfield Babies Home for approximately one
year - I don't know the exact details as I resent paying $50 for my 'records'
to discover that there are no details as to who I was, only that I was there -
and I know that already. (Sub 418)
It is our information. We should not be putting our hands into
our pockets at all. The government should be assisting us in every possible way
for education, for psychological reasons, for medical reasons and for finding
our personal information. That is the least they could do in assisting us.[616]
While many types of government records may be of
interest to care leavers, they are expensive to access. For example, CLAN noted
that many people who grew up in care went into the adult gaol system. Those
wanting to access their prison records must pay $30 (or $15 if they are on a
pension). CLAN also commented that many children became state wards because
their parents failed or could not afford to pay the fees for their children in
the care of the government or churches. As a consequence, many parents were
sent to prison for failure to pay fees. In these cases, state wards are looking
for information on their parents as well: 'if their parents were sent to prison
it helps us to understand why our parents didn't visit us in the Homes for years
and years'.[617]
Overcoming problems of access
The Benevolent Society's Post Adoption Resource Centre
outlined succinctly the needs of those seeking access to records:
Care leavers need to have access, free of charge, to all file
information held by a service provider, that relates to themselves and the
reasons for their admission to care irrespective of their legal status at the
time of their placement. They should also have copies of file material and
original documents. They should have detailed specific information about all
members of their family.
...It is essential that a sympathetic, experienced and suitably
qualified person is available at the time of reading the file. It should also
be ensured that there is a limited delay in the files becoming available. In
the case of non-government past providers, there should be flexibility as to
when and where the file is accessed, taking into consideration the care
leaver’s possible strong feelings about returning to the buildings associated
with their experience in care.[618]
CBERSS commented on the benefits of easy access to
Quick and easy access to records about their own childhood is an
important part of the healing process for CBERSS clients, as it would be for
most people whose family ties were broken or damaged as children.[619]
A number of suggestions were made in evidence to achieve
better access to files and improve services for those searching for families.
CLAN recommended the establishment of dedicated information and search services
in all States specifically targeted to state wards and Home children to help
locate family members and their own history. These services should include:
Assistance with accessing their file(s), i.e.
dealing with government or agency authorities. This is often a very daunting
task for a Care Leaver: it is the first step to acknowledging what happened to
them and there is often also apprehension about what the file will contain.
Mediation with the agency which raised them as many
people are reluctant to approach the agency, where in their opinion it failed
in its duty of care, or allowed abuse to occur.
Support in reading the file from somebody
familiar with the attitudes and practices of the past care system.
Meetings and/or mediation with persons
identified from the file, for example a sibling or ex-carer. Support and
facilitation services may be essential for people who wish to meet with and
challenge ex-carers about issues still affecting them today. This is an option
that should be available for Care Leavers who wish to have some closure with
their past.[620]
CLAN also recommended that research be carried
out to search for and locate records, collate histories of care locations, and
perhaps establish a centralised records service for care leavers. CLAN stated
that this is a fragmented history whose pieces must be pulled together as an
important part of Australia’s
social history. In addition, all States should follow the lead of New
South Wales and publish directories similar to Connecting Kin: A Guide to Records.
This was also supported by other witnesses.[621]
CLAN recommended that funds
should be allocated to advertising nationally for records since in some cases
records have simply ended up in agency basements or in an individual's spare
room. CLAN noted that poor record-keeping combined with the incomplete
retention of records by many organisations means that resources need to be
allocated for proactive record searching to help fill in the gaps. Proactive
searching may well turn up many more 'lost' or forgotten records than those
currently available.[622]
Other organisations also recommended that each State
government appoint officers in the relevant agencies to have the sole
responsibility for the needs of care leavers.[623]
As noted earlier, a major concern for both agencies and
those seeking to access records is the preservation of records as many are old
and in poor condition. Preserving, indexing and ensuring easy access to records
is expensive and time consuming. Mercy Community Services recommended that the
Commonwealth Government provide funding to allow past providers of
institutional care to preserve, index and image their remaining records, as a
service for past residents.[624]
The Committee, in its report on child migrants, found
that access to records was of fundamental importance to those who were
searching for their families. The Committee made recommendations to improve
access to records held by agencies in Australia
and to assist those seeking family reunions. The recommendations included:
the establishment of comprehensive signposting
indexes to assist former child migrants to locate information about receiving
and sending agencies;
the establishment of a national index of former
child migrants;
the publication of directories to assist all
former residents of children's institutions to access records;
the establishment of a national group of all
receiving agencies, other relevant bodies and Commonwealth and State
governments to develop uniform protocols for accessing records and sharing
information relevant to former child migrants, their families and descendants
and to coordinate services for former child migrants;
that all organisations holding records
pertaining to former child migrants held make those records available
immediately and unconditionally;
where any organisation holds primary documents,
including birth certificates, relating to any living former child migrant
without their express permission, former child migrants be entitled to recover
that document from the holding organisation; and
all sending and receiving agencies be required
to extend access to their records to descendants of former child migrants.[625]
The Bringing them
home inquiry also made extensive recommendations for enhancing access to
the records of indigenous children who had been in care. These recommendations
included the establishment and funding of a Records Taskforce by the
Commonwealth and each State and Territory with both representatives of
government and non-government agencies and indigenous user services. The
Taskforce's aims would be to develop common access guidelines and advise government
and churches generally on policy relating to access to and uses of indigenous
personal, family and community information. It was also recommended that all
common access guidelines incorporate the following standards:
the right of every person, upon proof of
identity only, to view all information relating to himself or herself and to
receive a full copy of the same;
no application fee, copying fee or other charge
of any kind to be imposed;
a maximum application processing period to be
agreed by the Records Taskforce and any failure to comply to be amenable to
review and appeal;
a person denied the right of access or having
any other grievance concerning his or her information to be entitled to seek a
review and, if still dissatisfied, to appeal the decision or the matter free of
the right of every person to receive advice,
both orally and in writing, at the time of application about indigenous support
and assistance services available in his or her State or Territory of
the form of advice provided to applicants to be
drafted in consultation with local indigenous family tracing and reunion
services and to contain information about the nature and form of the
information to be disclosed and the possibility of distress;
the right of every person to receive all
personal identifying information about himself or herself including information
which is necessary to establish the identity of family members (for example,
parent's identifying details such as name, community of origin, date of birth);
the right of every person who is subject of a
record, subject to the exception above, to determine to whom and to what extent
that information is divulged to a third person.
It was also recommended that the Commonwealth and each State
and Territory establish an Indigenous Family Information Service as a 'one stop
shop' service and that to support the Service, each government and church
record agency nominate a designated contact officer. [626]
The search for identity is crucial for care leavers.
For many, being in care has meant the loss of family and connection with their place
of origin. Care leavers do not have the mementos of childhood that are taken
for granted by most Australians: school reports; photographs; and happy
memories of birthdays.
The task faced by many care leavers to access records
and recover their lost past is immense. Records may be scattered across a
number of agencies, they may be in a poor state, lack indexes and directories and
agencies do not have the resources to adequately assist care leavers.
Unfortunately, in many instances it is too late: the records have already been
destroyed or lost. While there was no legal or statutory requirement for
non-government agencies to retain records, the Committee was dismayed at the
lack of care taken by many non-government agencies to retain and preserve the
childhood history of those in their care. However, many records in the hands of
government agencies have also been destroyed. The Committee considers that the destruction
of ward records in South Australia
stands out as being a particularly disgraceful event and reflects a lack of
understanding of the importance of identity and the duty of care that
governments have to care leavers.
The Committee considers it imperative that the
remaining records of children who have been in care are found, identified and preserved.
The Committee is concerned that there are many instances where records of great
value to care leavers are still being found in out of the way places, in
cupboards and basements. Some agencies have attempted to centralise records but
others still appear to have a somewhat cavalier attitude to these important
All agencies, both government and non-government, have
a duty to ensure that every effort is made to search for care leavers' records
that have survived. Once records have been located, they need to be accurately
identified, indexed and preserved. The size of this task varies from agency to
agency, with some records being no more than boxes of loose papers and some
being very old and fragile which require specialist preservation. The use of
digital imaging and other new technology is required to allow greater access to
records. There appears to be very few instances of agencies implementing a specific
program to retrieve and preserve records and in some cases major agencies are relying
on volunteer archivists to undertake this work. However, the Committee
considers that the task is too important and care leavers have waited too long
to access records for agencies to rely an ad hoc approach based on volunteer
archivists. All agencies need to make a commitment of time and funds to improve
identification and preservation of records.
The Committee also considers that greater effort is
needed to identify photographs, films and other memorabilia that is of
importance to care leavers in piecing together their childhood histories.
The Committee considers that access to records must
also be improved. A first step taken by some State government and
non-government agencies has been to provide directories to assist care leavers
to locate records and to make contact with those holding the records. While
this is an improvement, it does not go far enough. The task of piecing together
family history can be extremely difficult and a directory is only the first
signpost on a long journey. The Committee was impressed with the work
undertaken by the Western Australian Department for Community Development in
developing the Children in Care database and protocols for sharing information
between government and non-government agencies.
The Committee considers that an adequate response to
those pursuing their history must include the following. First, all records
relating to care leavers need to be indexed and cross-referenced. This would
enable relevant records to be quickly accessed and all material held to be made
available to the care leaver, including any photographs or other memorabilia.
This is an expensive and time-consuming task, but the Committee considers that
there is a moral obligation to ensure that all surviving information is made
available. It is part of the continuing duty of care.
Secondly, there is an urgent need to improve access to
records. The report on child migrants and Bringing
them home examined the problems of access to records of former child
migrants and indigenous people and how this might be improved. The Committee
has found that similar problems exist in accessing the records of non-indigenous
children removed from families.
The Committee has noted the comments and
recommendations contained in Bringing
them home relating to the Records Taskforce for indigenous records. The
Committee considers that there is a need to establish a dedicated service for
care leavers to support the search for their history. Such a service would
ensure that complete and centralised registers of all records held by
government and non-government agencies are established so that care leavers do
not have to consult many agencies to locate records. The service would act as a
vital first port of call for care leavers and provide information on procedures
to access records. More importantly, the service would provide an advocacy and
mediation role for care leavers who have had difficulties in gaining access to
records or for example, have had information withheld under Freedom of
Information legislation. Finally, such a service would ensure that all agencies
holding records identify, preserve and make available all surviving records
relating to care leavers and the institutions that housed them.
The Committee also considers that the principles and
guidelines established by the Taskforce for access to government and
non-government indigenous records should also apply to records of non-indigenous
children. The minimum standards of access recommended in Bringing them home, also provide a valuable guide to what is
required for all those seeking personal information about their time in care.
The Committee is particularly concerned that many government
agencies do not provide dedicated services for state wards. In many instances
state wards must use adoption services if they require assistance. As strongly
emphasised in evidence, state wards were not adopted. To improve access, the
Committee considers that all agencies, both government and non-government,
which hold care leavers' records must provide a dedicated point of contact. In
addition, agencies holding records and those receiving funding to provide
assistance to care leavers, for example Relationships Australia, must ensure
that their websites make specific reference to care leavers and wards to ensure
that services can be accessed easily.
Evidence received by the Committee indicates that Freedom
of Information requests often succeed only as a result of continued persistence
on the part of the care leaver. Difficulties are also faced when third party
information is contained in records. The Committee considers that while privacy
principles are important, some agencies appear to interpret the principles more
strictly than others even if the information is about parents and siblings or
worse, use them as an excuse to deny access to information.
Care leavers should be extended the most flexible
interpretation of both Freedom of Information legislation and privacy
principles in order to access all personal information and to facilitate
reconnection with family. Care leavers should not have to pursue information
time after time with the same agency. In some cases, care leavers have had to
wait years for information. Care leavers are entitled to the fullest amount of
information being made available at the time of initial request. Fees are also attached
to requests which care leavers on low income find difficult to meet. The
Committee considers that no agency should charge fees for the provision of
personal and family information provided to care leavers.
The provision of counselling services varies greatly
amongst record holding agencies. The Committee heard of some agencies which
provide extensive assistance to those viewing their files, while others leave
care leavers to 'fend for themselves' after viewing what can often be very
distressing and disturbing information, or indeed finding that there is no
information at all. The Committee is concerned that generally, support and
counselling services for those accessing records are inadequate, particularly
where care leavers are elderly or have suffered extensive abuse and require
intensive and ongoing support.
Recommendation 12
That government and non-government agencies holding
records relating to care leavers, implement and fund, as a matter of priority,
programs to find, identify and preserve records including photographs and other
Recommendation 13
That all government and non-government agencies immediately
cease the practice of destroying records relating to those who have been in
Recommendation 14
That all State Governments and non-government agencies,
which have not already done so
provide dedicated services and officers to
assist care leavers in locating and accessing records, both government and
non-government; and
compile directories to assist in the locating
and accessing of records relating to care leavers and the institutions into
which they had been placed.
Recommendation 15
That a dedicated information and search service be
established in each State and Territory to:
develop a complete register of all records held
by government and non-government agencies;
provide assistance to care leavers to locate and
access records;
provide advocacy and mediation services to care
leavers accessing records; and
ensure that all agencies holding records
identify, preserve and make available all surviving records relating to care
leavers and the institutions that housed them.
Recommendation 16
That all government and non-government agencies agree
on access guidelines for the records of all care leavers and that the
guidelines incorporate the following:
the right of every care leaver, upon proof of
identity only, to view all information relating to himself or herself and to
receive a full copy of the same;
the right of every care leaver to undertake records
searches, to be provided with records and the copying of records free of
the commitment to a maximum time period, agreed
by the agencies, for the processing of applications for viewing records; and
the commitment to the flexible and compassionate
interpretation of privacy legislation to allow a care leaver to identify their
family and background.
Recommendation 17
That all agencies, both government and non-government, which
provide access to records for care leavers, ensure adequate support and
counselling services are provided at the time of viewing records, and if
required, subsequent to the viewing of records; and that funding for
independent counselling services be provided for those care leavers who do not
wish to access services provided by a former care agency.
Recommendation 18
That the Commonwealth request the Council of Australian
Governments to review all Federal and State and Territory Freedom of
Information regimes to ensure that they do not hinder access by care leavers to
information about their childhoods and families.